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Thread: Welcome GIMmers, Kitcoers, ZeroHedgers, and all new members!

  1. #371
    Government Chee-tos

    Re: Welcome GIMmers, Kitcoers, ZeroHedgers, and all new members!

    Hello everybody,

    I've lurked on here since GIM 1 went down and was a member there for a while before the little change that happened on April 1st. I loved GIM 1 for the wealth of knowledge and love of freedom exhibited there and was a little disillusioned when it changed. I cancelled my membership soon after. Somehow I found this place shortly after and wasn't sure how things were gonna take shape so I didn't actively participate. (Sorry, slightly paranoid.) Seems like many of the old GIM 1 posters that possessed similar thoughts and views made it here and the place is taking on that familiar feeling of camraderie with the occasional troll or schill to keep things interesting.

    Thanks for having me and thanks to everyone who participates here in whatever capacity.

    I look forward to the future whatever it may bring.

    Government Chee-tos

  2. #372
    Great Value Carrots StackerKen's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome GIMmers, Kitcoers, ZeroHedgers, and all new members!

    Welcome Cheetos
    "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." T.J.

    Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. (MJK)

    Silence is Treason!

  3. #373
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    Re: Welcome GIMmers, Kitcoers, ZeroHedgers, and all new members!

    Hi all,

    Been lurking here for awhile, decide to join. Was a original GIMer, and wanted to say hi to all!

  4. #374
    Great Value Carrots 1970 silver art's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome GIMmers, Kitcoers, ZeroHedgers, and all new members!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Roscal
    Hi all,

    Been lurking here for awhile, decide to join. Was a original GIMer, and wanted to say hi to all!
    Welcome to GSUS Tom Roscal.

    DISCLAIMER: My gut feeling on silver is just that................My gut feeling. I have absolutely nothing to back up any gut feeling that I might have on silver.

    DISCLAIMER2: I am not really a '70's silver art bar expert but I try my best to play one on the Internet.

    Pepperoni Pizza + Orange Juice + Netflix + Silver art bars = My life.

    ATTENTION!!! I stood up to the TP king by making a 3-roll tp bet with him and guess what?............I won.

  5. #375
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome GIMmers, Kitcoers, ZeroHedgers, and all new members!

    Is this the oldest thread?

    Congrats on one year.

    And only one person drew blood.
    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
    H.L. Mencken

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
    H. L. Mencken

  6. #376
    Copper TRUTHseekr's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome GIMmers, Kitcoers, ZeroHedgers, and all new members!

    Wow nobody introduces themselves anymore?? I'll admit I wasn't going to either, I've been undecided about returning since I had difficulties posting(for some strange reason JQP couldn't find out why) under my prevs. handle Veni, Vidi..Evigilavi! I was only able to lurk around since March 2011 but had joined after GIM went down April 2010(originally joined GIM in Early 2007). I have mixed feeling about this forum, like many others that have either been kicked out or just left(just above this post are several examples). Usually its only two people that bug me here(unfortunately you also must deal with their cult followers), but as Wildcard had said, you have to have a thick skin, but I think what is most depressing is that we have these petty attitudes to point fingers at each other even in a place were we are supposed to fight a common enemy...ironic no? Divide & Conquer anyone?
    Anyways, this if my official intro, probably won't post much, I said to myself I would post during the manhunt for the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston, but I let time get the best of me. I look forward to contributing to the forum though.
    Man, I sure wish I could have still used my previous handle I was stuck with using only 10 characters(new members to GSUS), thus I used my friend's old handle from GIM=TRUTHseekr

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to TRUTHseekr For This Useful Post:

    ximmy (8th July 2013)

  8. #377
    Great Value Carrots Santa's Avatar
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    Re: Welcome GIMmers, Kitcoers, ZeroHedgers, and all new members!

    Quote Originally Posted by TRUTHseekr View Post
    Wow nobody introduces themselves anymore?? I'll admit I wasn't going to either, I've been undecided about returning since I had difficulties posting(for some strange reason JQP couldn't find out why) under my prevs. handle Veni, Vidi..Evigilavi! I was only able to lurk around since March 2011 but had joined after GIM went down April 2010(originally joined GIM in Early 2007). I have mixed feeling about this forum, like many others that have either been kicked out or just left(just above this post are several examples). Usually its only two people that bug me here(unfortunately you also must deal with their cult followers), but as Wildcard had said, you have to have a thick skin, but I think what is most depressing is that we have these petty attitudes to point fingers at each other even in a place were we are supposed to fight a common enemy...ironic no? Divide & Conquer anyone?
    Anyways, this if my official intro, probably won't post much, I said to myself I would post during the manhunt for the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston, but I let time get the best of me. I look forward to contributing to the forum though.
    Man, I sure wish I could have still used my previous handle I was stuck with using only 10 characters(new members to GSUS), thus I used my friend's old handle from GIM=TRUTHseekr
    I remember you, Veni, Vidi..Evigilavi. Welcome back.
    "Trust those who seek the truth, but doubt those who say they found it."

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Santa For This Useful Post:

    TRUTHseekr (2nd July 2013)

  10. #378
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    Re: Welcome GIMmers, Kitcoers, ZeroHedgers, and all new members!

    Quote Originally Posted by Santa View Post
    I remember you, Veni, Vidi..Evigilavi. Welcome back.

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