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Thread: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread

  1. #171
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

  2. #172
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread

    Israeli Parents Dress Their Children as Twin Towers for Purim

    Submitted by gretavo on Wed, 2013-02-27 15:22. Kid's Purim Costume Idea: The Burning Twin Towers?

    Seven-year-old twins premiere their homemade costumes in Israel

    By: Ashley Baylen
    Published: February 22nd, 2013 in Culture » Society » News
    Purim has begun, and just like with Halloween, children
    around the world are proudly parading around in their inventive costumes. This
    is one of the best times of year for our youngin’s- dressing up, going to
    parties, playing with friends, and playing make-believe… but what about the
    poor kids that are used as models for their parents distasteful creative

    Enter Ilay and Nehaoray, seven-year-old twins from Israel
    whose parents “playfully” decided to dress their children up in famous twin costumes: the
    Twin Towers. Not only are the kids dressed as the famous New York City
    buildings, they are fashioning the structures while on fire… with the planes sticking
    out of the side right near the children’s eye holes.

    Popular news website Ynet originally posted the image, with
    the headline “Twin Towers and other costumes this Purim.” After several
    commenters remarked about how the title was almost as distasteful as the
    costume itself, the publication chose to remove it.
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    "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

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  4. #173
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread

    Re ^, by KBarrett posted @ PressTV:

    Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday
    Israeli children dress up as the burning Twin Towers complete with impaled exploding airplanes to celebrate the Jewish holiday known as Purim. By Dr. Kevin Barrett
    Saturday Mar 02, 2013

    For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim.

    Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to seduce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people deemed “enemies of the Jews.”

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    "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

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  6. #174
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread

    “Masters of Deception” By Zander C. Fuerza Now Available

    Posted on March 6, 2013 by Zander C. Fuerza

    As a gesture of goodwill to my supporters, I am making my book available for download. It is 212 pages and contains many illustrations. Entitled “Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax,” this book covers all of the stops concerning Israeli/Mossad involvement in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, documenting a Jewish-Zionist conspiracy behind 9/11, the subsequent wars in the Middle East, the “War on Terror” hoax and other Orwellian plots against humanity.
    I do not intend to pursue this subject, or this cause, any further. The reasons for my departure are clear enough to anyone who has read the previous posts on this blog. I am content that I have left a body of work behind that will wake up future generations to the truth, and I therefore feel that my services are no longer needed in this area. Perhaps others who have been inspired by my work can pick up where I left off.
    Thank you and farewell.
    - Zander C. Fuerza
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    "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

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  8. #175
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by PatColo View Post
    Mobbed-up US “justice” system hands down 9/11 injustice
    I went back to find that^ Barrett article and it'd been wiped from that link. Still @ VT:

    also find this from Barrett @ VT, re the SCOTUS' recent rejection of 911 widow Ellen Mariani's case:

    Monday, February 25th, 2013 | Posted by Kevin Barrett
    Supreme Court justice is blind to Ellen Mariani petition

    Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on pinterest_shareMore Sharing Services11
    by Kevin Barrett

    Poet/journalist Jerry Mazza has followed up on my article “US Supreme Court slams door in 9/11 widow’s face” with a more detailed piece, reprinted below. Jerry will be my radio guest today, Tuesday, February 26th, noon to 1 pm Eastern, on; the archive will be posted shortly afterwards here.


    this one's good, 35 secs:
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    "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

  9. #176
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    Re: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread

    Kevin Barrett's Truth Jihad March 19, 2013

    Does the 9/11 truth community now accept Israel's key role in 9/11? Let's ask Ken Jenkins.

    Ken Jenkins thinks the majority of the 9/11 truth movement now accepts that Israel was deeply involved in 9/11. According to Ken, even 911blogger, long considered the last redoubt of "Zionists for 9/11 truth," is finally allowing discussion of this topic!

    We'll also discuss various 9/11-relevant films, including Argo, The Gatekeepers, the new Oliver Stone history series on Showtime, and the Cheney documentary now airing on Showtime.

    ***Listen to show at No Lies Radio***
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    "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

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  11. #177
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    Re: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread

    Saturday, May 18th, 2013 | Posted by Jim Fetzer
    9/11 Widow & Lawyer sanctioned by Corrupt Zionist Judge

    9/11 Widow & lawyer sanctioned for motions which “reflect anti-Semitism in a raw and ugly form.”

    By Martin Hill

    Ellen with Louis prior to 9/11

    A federal court in New York has sanctioned the widow of a 9/11 victim as well as her attorney, for filing “a series of offensive insinuations, unmistakably anti-Semitic.” California Attorney Bruce Leichty and Appellant Ellen Mariani were both chided and fined by the court in an 11-page decision dated May 15th. The case, Ransmeier v. UAL Corporation, et al., was heard in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. “We conclude that Appellant and her attorney’s conduct in prosecuting this appeal was frivolous and offensive,” the court proclaimed, “and therefore warrants the imposition of sanctions.”

    Our October 2012 run-down ‘9/11 Widow Faces Sanctions For Objecting To Judges Israeli Ties‘ was dubbed an “excellent article” by the Ellen Mariani Legal Defense Fund and explains how the 9/11 widow and her lawyer were threatened with sanctions for “deeply troubling personal slurs” against U.S. District Court Judge Alvin Hellerstein. [Editor's note: It is republished below.]

    The court’s decison filed Wednesday chides Leichty for making “personal slurs against Judge Hellerstein and his family” and alleges “In fact, on closer observation, Leichty’s real argument is that Judge Hellerstein cannot be impartial because he is Jewish.”

    FAKE "ELECTIONS" - Why Ron Paul Can't "Win"

    "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

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  13. #178
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread

    This guy at seems to be a careful researcher:

    9-11 was an attack by the Jewish Mob

    September 10, 2013 - 1 Comment 9-11 was an attack by the Jewish Mob It was hostile criminal elements from the Jewish mob which were behind 9-11. Not just behind it, they did it. Then, these wicked ones blamed it on others, specifically 19 Arabs and […]


    Also, RT clip fingering izzy for 911,

    Russia Today News Declares 9/11 An Inside Job False Flag Attack

    FAKE "ELECTIONS" - Why Ron Paul Can't "Win"

    "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

  14. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to PatColo For This Useful Post:

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  15. #179
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread

    Many thanks and heartfelt gratitude to PatColo for keeping this thread alive and vital! PatColo, you are a personal hero of mine, and I am a very picky hero worshipper!
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

  16. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to mamboni For This Useful Post:

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  17. #180
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by PatColo View Post
    Saturday, May 18th, 2013 | Posted by Jim Fetzer
    9/11 Widow & Lawyer sanctioned by Corrupt Zionist Judge

    9/11 Widow & lawyer sanctioned for motions which “reflect anti-Semitism in a raw and ugly form.”

    By Martin Hill

    Ellen with Louis prior to 9/11

    A federal court in New York has sanctioned the widow of a 9/11 victim as well as her attorney, for filing “a series of offensive insinuations, unmistakably anti-Semitic.” California Attorney Bruce Leichty and Appellant Ellen Mariani were both chided and fined by the court in an 11-page decision dated May 15th. The case, Ransmeier v. UAL Corporation, et al., was heard in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. “We conclude that Appellant and her attorney’s conduct in prosecuting this appeal was frivolous and offensive,” the court proclaimed, “and therefore warrants the imposition of sanctions.”

    Our October 2012 run-down ‘9/11 Widow Faces Sanctions For Objecting To Judges Israeli Ties‘ was dubbed an “excellent article” by the Ellen Mariani Legal Defense Fund and explains how the 9/11 widow and her lawyer were threatened with sanctions for “deeply troubling personal slurs” against U.S. District Court Judge Alvin Hellerstein. [Editor's note: It is republished below.]

    The court’s decison filed Wednesday chides Leichty for making “personal slurs against Judge Hellerstein and his family” and alleges “In fact, on closer observation, Leichty’s real argument is that Judge Hellerstein cannot be impartial because he is Jewish.”

    This 'anti-semitism' shibboleth must be debunked and destroyed. I educate everyone I know about the Khazars. Isn't it ironic that Israel and AIPAC psuh for war on Syria when the Syrians are true semites with blood lines going back to biblical days; while Israel is run by turkic Khazars devoid of a drop of semitic blood.
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

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