Since we have most of the good ole players from GIM... and hopefully more old-timers will show up, for old-time's sake, why not open this topic?
I have been solidly in the DEFLATION camp since studying the ideas of Hypertiger, Carl, and others. The loss of digital money through defaults, realization of hollow bets, and an imploding economy make the deflating money supply an insurmountable problem.
My caveat to this, is that they (US Treasury & federal reserve) have to follow the rules. Since we have seen that in this Obama regime with its higher ownership controlling them, that even the US constitution is meaningless. They don't follow the rules.
Is there a wall of money ready to crash into the marketplace? Will the upcoming defaults act like a black hole to suck up any money that can be borrowed into existence? Will the federal reserve release "unborrowed" money into the system to counter this?
ed: I just saw that Carl already opened a similar topic....