I have been having a great time playing - but as Doc Mamboni has pointed out - time to start posting serious content.
On April 13, we drop our new book — The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion. We began writing it more than a year ago, but the direct research started even further back. In some ways, the three of us have been working on this book in various permutations since 1996.
That's when Net Gain (Hagel and Davison) was written around a foundational insight: that digital technology was setting in motion a shift in market power from the makers of goods and services to the people that buy them, and to talented employees from the institutions that employ them. We developed that theme even further in a subsequent book, Net Worth (Hagel and Davison).
While we may have had this insight fourteen years ago, what we didn't yet have in clear focus was the mechanism by which this shift in power from institutions to individuals would take place. We now know that mechanism is pull.
Pull allows each of us to find and access people and resources when we need them, while attracting to us the people and resources that are relevant and valuable, even if we were not even aware before that they existed. Finally, in a world of mounting pressure and unforeseen opportunities, pull gives us the ability to draw from within ourselves the insight and performance required to more effectively achieve our potential.
The power of pull puts each of us, individually and together, in a position to collaborate in a complete re-imagination of our biggest private-and public-sector institutions, one that may eventually remake society as a whole. As customers, we have more choices, and more information with which to make those choices, than ever before. As talented employees we have greater power too than before, since we create the lion's share of today's corporate profitability. As each of us votes with our feet and allies ourselves with new generations of institutions, we'll abandon the old ones, leaving them to drift into obsolescence and setting in motion a reshaping of broad arenas of economic and civic life.
Pull means a lot of things, then for different institutions. Employers that fail to provide sufficient professional development opportunities for their employees. These companies will lose their most talented workers to more magnetic organizations that provide better chances for learning and growth.