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Thread: Possible treatments for CANCER

  1. #11
    Unobtanium Serpo's Avatar
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    Re: Possible treatments for CANCER

    FREE E BOOK HERE ON Tian Xian Liquid

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  2. #12
    Unobtanium Serpo's Avatar
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    Re: Possible treatments for CANCER

    This Cancer Tutor website is a pro-alternative cancer treatment website which has more than 150 articles or chapters on alternative cancer treatments. This website is generally considered to be one of the most important websites on the Internet on the subject of alternative cancer treatments (aka "natural cancer treatments"). Many alternative cancer treatment researchers have made significant contributions to the importance of this website!!

    Since you probably already know about orthodox cancer treatments, let me tell you a short story to highlight the difference between orthodox cancer treatments and alternative cancer treatments:

    A Story

    Suppose you own an antique dining room table which is worth many tens of thousands of dollars. Suppose your butler tells you that there are dozens of cockroaches crawling around on your priceless table and you will be having dinner guests in one hour.

    Your butler informs you that his job description does not include killing cockroaches and as he is leaving your house he offers you four options for getting rid of the cockroaches:
    1) He offers you a chainsaw to "slash" the little critters to pieces,
    2) He offers you a large and powerful flamethrower to "burn" the critters to pieces,
    3) He offers you 2 gallons of a highly, highly toxic liquid chemical to "poison" the critters, and
    4) He offers you an old $1 flyswatter.

    Which of the four options would you use to get rid of the cockroaches? Would you choose one of the first three options (slash, burn and poison) because they are highly potent at killing cockroaches or would you choose the cheap, wimpy flyswatter?

    Think about why you would make your choice.

    Most likely you would pick the flyswatter because the other three items (which are far more powerful than a flyswatter at killing cockroaches) are also massively powerful at destroying your priceless table!!

    Chemotherapy (the toxic chemical above), surgery (the chainsaw above) and radiation (the flamethrower above) do kill cancer cells, but they also kill healthy cells (the priceless antique table), damage the immune system, damage the ability of your digestive tract to process nutrients, etc. because they do not target cancer cells. Thus, these treatments cannot cure cancer (which has spread) without killing the patient first.

    By comparison, alternative cancer treatments (the flyswatter), while not as powerful as the other items, are far more effective at treating cancer because these treatments either target cancer cells or do not damage your healthy cells, Thus they can be given in much higher doses than any of the "orthodox" cancer treatments. Plus the many alternative cancer treatments can generally be combined.

    A person can drink a quart of carrot juice but they cannot drink a quart of chemotherapy!!

    End of Story

    As this short article will explain, the vast superiority of alternative cancer treatments goes far, far beyond the issue of toxicity!!

    The purpose of this website is to do three things:
    1) Teach people about their many alternative cancer treatment options,
    2) Be a practical guide on how to maximize the chances of survival of advanced cancer patients,
    3) Teach people the many tactical issues which can affect the survival of a cancer patient, which means teach people about many potentially dangerous issues they likely don't fully understand.

    The articles on this website deal with everything from: which alternative cancer treatments are free or at least very inexpensive, to: which treatments are the most potent for a given type of cancer. There are also many discussions which apply to every type of cancer and every situation (e.g. the importance of the "cancer diet").

    Alternative cancer treatments include four main categories of natural products. First, treatments which use natural foods (e.g. carrot juice and Aloe Arborescens), supplements which contain many natural substances (e.g. Cellect and LifeOne), treatments which use natural molecules (e.g. cesium chloride and calcium) and electromedicine treatments (e.g. the Rife Machine and Bob Beck Protocol).

    There are, in fact, hundreds of alternative cancer treatments. These treatments usually can be combined with each other to increase their effectiveness.

    There is also the "cancer diet," meaning the things a cancer patient should and should not eat. Some "cancer diets" are so potent they are highly effective cancer treatments by themselves. Every cancer patient needs to be aware that many foods feed cancer cells and other foods virtually destroy the energy of almost all cells.

    Because most people know far more about orthodox cancer treatments than they know about alternative cancer treatments, and based on numerous conversations I have had with many people regarding cancer, it is obvious to me that almost every person on Earth believes that pharmaceutical drugs are the only effective cancer treatments and that God has not put any cures for cancer in Mother Nature.

    The Cabal...........Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldnt put Humpty back together again.

  3. #13
    Unobtanium Serpo's Avatar
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    Re: Possible treatments for CANCER

    B17 - Laetrile

    Unbeknownst to a great many people, all Cancers can be cured with vitamin B17, also known as laetrile, and no, this is not a joke or some wild claim folks, it is a bona fide fact. This cure is quite real but doctors have gag orders placed on them. Any Doctor who uses laetrile to treat Cancer can be fined, lose his practicioners licence or even be jailed, as has already been the case on at least one occasion.

    However, I am not a doctor and I dont have a practicioners licence to be revoked so I will tell you right now in very simple terms how cancer may be cured.

    If you have cancer right now you need to go and buy some apricots and get the seeds from them. Break open the seeds to get to the kernel inside. Crush 3 apricot kernels with a mortar and pessle then make a tossed salad using the crushed kernels and a handful of mung bean sprouts. All you need is the kernels and the mung beans, but the kernels are a little bitter to the taste so its more palatable in a small salad. With the salad take one vitamin A capsule, this must be done at the same time. So what you end up doing is making a salad with sprouts and crushed apricot seeds and having a Vitimim A cap with it. And thats it! Do this every day for 6 weeks then go on to 1 apricot seed crushed, same method, at least once a week for 3 weeks and you should be fine.

    The active ingredients are the laetrile and the mung beans which act as the catalyst, The vitamin A capsule is to dispel any stomach cramps that may occur.

    Why the cramps?

    Apricot seeds, similar to apple seeds, also contain trace amounts of cyanide which the Vitamin A nutralises. Trace amounts of cyanide is no big deal, as stated, its in apple seeds and the body washes it from the system very rapidly. Trace amounts of cyanide and a slight stomach discomfort for a short period is certainly preferrable to terminal cancer.

    Thats it folks. And as I said before, this is not some wild claim. Its a genuine cure that works. I have a friend who has cured herself of cervical cancer and another friend who has cured himself of stomach cancer using this method. Both were diagnosed as terminal. I have also recently cured myself of throat cancer.

    And if u dont believe me, Google B17, laetrile or Apricot Seeds. The results will astound you..

    As amazing and as real as this cure is, the disturbing part about it is that it is quite known by the medical profession, but gag orders keep the properties and public knowledge of B17 hidden. Medical companies make literally billions from cancer every year and they very much wish to keep doing so. You will find that apricot seeds are also banned in most countries.

    Ask yourself why that is so?

    The Cabal...........Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldnt put Humpty back together again.

  4. #14
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    Re: Possible treatments for CANCER

    Hydrazine Sulfate

    The story of the development, and subsequent quashing, of hydrazine sulfate has all the drama and intrigue of an HBO movie. It is just one of the many drugs and formulas the National Cancer Institute buried for years. They also killed 50% of those involved in the experimental group of their phony study.

    Subsequent patient studies show that Hydrazine Sulfate works (saves lives) greater than fifty percent of the time. Russia uses it freely today in many cancer programs.

    Dr Joseph Gold, the developer of hydrazine sulfate, sent us a ton of information, for which we are forever grateful. Here is a short synopsis of the story.

    Dr Joseph Gold is an MD. He was also a research scientist for NASA, a US Air Force officer. When he left the military with a Presidential Citation from Eisenhower for his work in the space program, he had one goal, to answer the question: Is there a chemical way to stop cachexia?

    Cachexia: in a chronic infection/chronic disease, the patient's temperature rises, the CD4 count drops below the CD8 count, and the appetite wanes until the patient develops pathological anorexia. The body still needs nourishment, so it begins breaking down its fat stores, the process of glycogenesis, and also begins to break down proteins to deliver these sugar precursors, the ones produced by glycogenesis, to the body. The metabolism of tumor/cancer cells is much less efficient than those of normal cells: normal cells metabolize aerobically, using oxygen, which is 15 times more efficient than cancer cells that metabolize anaerobically, through a process of fermentation. Fermentation, being less efficient, requires much more sugar than aerobically metabolizing cells. Additionally, the metabolism rate of a tumor is much higher than that of normal cells, so the amount of sugar needed is still greater. Eventually the patient dies trying to feed the tumor. Starvation is the major cause of death in cancer and AIDS patients.

    Dr Joseph Gold looked at the chemical process of glycogenesis and determined that, if he inhibited the PEP CK enzyme (much too large a word for anyone to try to pronounce), he could stop the process.

    Voila, he came up with hydrazine sulfate, a substance that is made cheaply, simple to use, fuels military rockets and shrinks tumors. In his early animal studies, Dr Gold showed that, in greater than fifty percent of cancerous animals, he was able to stop the process of glycogenesis, end the cachexia, and the animals began gaining weight. With sugars cut off to the tumor, the tumors began shrinking.

    Gold had a highly publicized meeting with the NCI. They all shook hands and he turned over his papers, listing those things that should not be used during therapy—alcohol, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, etc.—and the recommended dosages. The NCI tested it, did not follow his orders, purposely sabotaged the study, killed off all the patients, and successfully buried hydrazine sulfate for twenty years by issuing a paper stating that it was, according to their study, worthless.

    Trials in Russia show hydrazine sulfate to be extremely effective in more than 50% of patients with AIDS and cancer. It is because of these studies and others, conducted recently here in the US, that the NCI is under investigation. However, white collar murder is never prosecuted the way your ordinary street murders are.

    The Hydrazine Sulfate Protocol—direct from the office of Dr Joseph Gold—is this:

    The Cabal...........Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldnt put Humpty back together again.

  5. #15
    Unobtanium Serpo's Avatar
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    Re: Possible treatments for CANCER

    These people don’t get Cancer

    The best way to prove or disprove the vitamin B17 theory of cancer, would be to take several thousands of people, over a period of many years, expose them to a consistent diet of B17 rich nitriloside foods and then check the results. Fortunately this has already occurred by the study of the following cultures; The Hunza, aboriginal Eskimos, Hopi and Navajo Indians, Abkhazians and members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

    In the remote recesses of the Himalayan Mountains, between West Pakistan, India and China there is a tiny Kingdom called Hunza. These people are known world over for their amazing longevity and health. They live well beyond 100 years and have commonly been known to still father children at the age of 110. One of the first medical teams to study the Hunza was headed by world-renown British surgeon Dr Robert McCarrison. Writing in the AMA Journal Jan 7, 1922 he reported:

    "The Hunza has no known incidence of cancer. They have an abundant crop of apricots. These they dry in the sun and use largely in their food".

    It is interesting to note that the traditional Hunza Diet contains over 200 times more nitriloside (B17 Rich food) than the average American or Australian Diet. There is no such thing as money in Hunza. A mans wealth is measured by the number of apricot trees he owns. And the most prized of all foods was considered to be the apricot seed. It is very common for the Hunza to eat between 30 - 50 (ie. about 30mg of B17) apricot seeds as an after lunch snack. The thousands of seeds they do not eat they store or grind them very finely and then squeezed under pressure to produce a very rich oil used in cooking and to apply to the skin. The apricot is staple food in Hunza. They use the apricot, its seed and the oil for practically everything. In addition to the ever present apricot, the hunzahuts eat mainly grain and fresh vegetables. These include buckwheat, millet, alfalfa, peas, broad beans, turnips, lettuce, sprouting pulse and berries of various sorts. All of these with the exception of lettuce and turnips contain vitamin B17.

    It is important to know when the Hunza leave their secluded land and adopt the menus of other countries, they soon succumb to the same diseases and infirmities including cancer as the rest of man kind.

    The Eskimos are another people that have been observed by medical teams for many decades and found to be totally free of cancer. The traditional Eskimo diet is amazingly rich in B17 nitrilosides that come from the residue of of the meat of caribou and other grazing animals, and also from the salmon berry. Another Eskimo delicacy is green salad made out of the stomach contents of caribou and reindeer which are full of fresh tundra grass. Tundra grasses such as Arrow are have shown to be contain the highest content of B17 than other grasses.

    Alaska's most famous doctor Dr Weston A Price claims that, "In his 36 years of contact with these people he had never seen a single case of malignant disease among the truly primitive Eskimos, although it frequently occurred when they were modernized.

    An interesting point to note is that when an Eskimo leaves his traditional way of life and begins to rely on a western/modern diet he becomes even more cancer prone than the average American.

    The Indians of North America are another people who are remarkably free from cancer. The AMA went as far as conducting a special study in an effort to discover why there was little to no cancer amongst the Hopi and Navajo Indians. The February 5, 1949 issue of the journal of the American Medical Association declared that they found 36 cases cases of malignant cancer from a population of 30,000. In the same population of white persons there would have been about 1800. Dr Krebs research later found that the typical diet for the Navajo and Hopi Indian consisted of nitriloside-rich foods such as Cassava. He calculated that some of the tribes would ingest the equivalent of 8000mg of Vitamin B17 per day from their diet !!!

    The Abkhazians are found deep in the Caucasus Mountains on the Northwest side of the Black Sea. They are a people with almost the exact same health record and longevity as the Hunzakuts.Their food and lifestyle having to live in a harsh rugged terrain are almost identical. They follow a diet which is low in carbohydrates, high in vegetable proteins and rich in minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin B17.

    Many argue that the above races and cultures are the result of primitive groups not being exposed to the same carcinogens that modern man is exposed to. Many argue let them breathe the same polluted air we breathe, smoke the same cigarettes, swallow the same chemicals added to their food and water or use the same soaps and deodorants and then see "how they fare"?

    This is a valid argument. Fortunately thanks to the Seventh Day Adventist Church the above question about "how would they fare....." has been resolved. Seventh Day Adventists live in our every day general population and in all parts of the world. Studies on the members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church have found that Seventh Day Adventists have more than 50% less chance of the incidence of cancer. This is a well known fact today. Just do a search in an internet search engine such as "yahoo" and search under Adventists less cancer and see all the hits you'll get from various sources supporting this. SDA's have the same sex, age, socioeconomic, educational, occupational, ethnic and cultural profile as the rest of the modern man, yet they have greater than 50% less chance of cancer because they follow the Bible Health Principles for an Abundant Life by ingesting a vegetarian diet and living a happy wholesome lifestyle - Click here for advantages of a vegetarian diet. As a result on average they also live 12 years longer than the average modern man today Click here to find out more (FYI - I am also a SDA - but don't take my word for it research it for yourself)

    The reason why SDA's are not 100% cancer free like the Hunza is because of the following reasons: 1) Many members join the church from living a modern lifestyle eating modern western foods even after they become SDA's and choose to continue eating these foods 2) The vegetables and fruits eaten are not specifically chosen for vitamin B17 content, 3) not all SDA's adhere to a vegetarian diet.

    The Cabal...........Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldnt put Humpty back together again.

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  7. #16
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    Re: Possible treatments for CANCER

    Intravenous Vitamin C

    Cancer has an affinity to vitamin C because a vitamin C molecule is very close to a glucose molecule, and we all should know that cancer has an affinity to glucose, or Cancer Loves Sugar. If you haven't read this, you really should.

    Linus Pauling, two time Nobel Lauriat, theorized that if we could get enough vitamin C into the blood, that the peroxidization (vitamin C is metabolized into Hydrogen Peroxide) would be great enough to kill cancer cells.

    The problem with any theory is it must be tested. All the early tests failed and that was that. However, all the early tests administered vitamin C orally. The problem with orally administered vitamin C is the kidneys easily get rid of the excess as fast as you can absorb it. To get the highest amounts of vitamin C into your blood stream, it must be administered intravenously.

    Recent studies published in Canada [Canadian Medical Association Journal March 28, 2006] have shown IV C to be a very powerful alternative to chemotherapy. Interestingly enough, unlike many medical journals that publish articles about people whose tumors have shrunk during the treatment but succumbed to their cancer, the patient studies in the Canadian journal followed the patients long after their cancer had cleared up.

    · A 49 year old man with terminal bladder cancer refused chemotherapy, got IV C, cured his cancer and is still alive and cancer free 9 years later.

    · A 66 year old woman with aggressive lymphoma was treated, cured, and still cancer free ten years later.

    · A 51 year old woman with kidney cancer that spread to her lungs wasn’t given long to live. However the IV C showed just two years later no cancer in her lungs.

    Dr Mark Levine of the National Institutes of Health, in the news lately (Jan 08) for showing how an increase in vitamin C can decrease your chances of a stroke, has also tested IV C on cancer.

    In studies published in September, 2005 and March, 2006, Dr. Mark Levine and his colleagues at the NIH published key papers requesting that the role of high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy in cancer patients be reassessed. They found that when administered intravenously, blood levels of vitamin C could be 50 to 70 times higher than the maximum concentrations achieved with the oral dosage alone. Furthermore, they concluded that the intravenous administration could selectively kill cancer cells (or infectious agents) without harming normal cells. []

    Dr Robert Jay Rowen, MD, [Second Opinion Health Alerts] tells us about Dr Chuck Mary ( who has had great success with some highly advanced cancers administering 300 grams of vitamin C daily.

    Vitamin C does not kill cancer directly. It’s a very intricate and interesting process which I will try to explain. First we must discuss apoptosis.

    The Cabal...........Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldnt put Humpty back together again.

  8. #17

    Re: Possible treatments for CANCER

    I used to spend a lot of time reading the forums at curezone and Andreas Moritz wrote a lot about the liver and his thoughts are that if your liver is clean you will not ever get cancer or other major health problems because a a congested liver causes most major health problems. I think he could be right. He has his own site now with articles he has written.

  9. #18
    Unobtanium Shami-Amourae's Avatar
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    Re: Possible treatments for CANCER

    Documentary on the Gerson Therapy, "The Beautiful Truth".

    The Gerson Therapy deals with nutritional diet and liver cleansing techniques (rather you see than I explain), to help prevent/rid the body of cancer. This isn't a Silver bullet, but could be useful knowledge.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Part 3:

    Part 4:

    Part 5:

    Part 6:

    Part 7:

    Part 8:

    Part 9:

    Part 10:

    Part 11:

    Part 12:

    Part 13:

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Shami-Amourae For This Useful Post:

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  11. #19
    J in AZ

    Re: Possible treatments for CANCER

  12. #20
    Unobtanium Serpo's Avatar
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    Re: Possible treatments for CANCER

    Summing things up and doing what we can with what is available it would seem that one basic treatment or prevention or both concerning cancer is.........


    Take selenium supplements or from food source.

    Cayenne pepper in capsule

    apricot kernals for B17

    There are many other things we can do but by doing these 3 things early isnt hard and can set the foundation for further treatment.

    The Cabal...........Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldnt put Humpty back together again.

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