I've posted about this fundamental "fake elections" issue in several disparate threads now, at the risk of derailing or being "off topic" in said threads, and it's worthwhile to collect these marginal posts into one dedicated, aptly titled thread...
Ron Paul's message is naturally appealing at a messageboard like GSUS, where there is "uncommon awareness" that our fraudulent/uber-usurious monetary system is the root of so many political/economic/social ills we endure; and we're similarly aware of the Orwellian/Huxley-esque NWO "technocratic police state" future, already halfway here, which the zio-banksters have planned for us and our progeny. Are we not already the targets of willful economic, social, psychological, environmental, chemical & biological warfare, with the ultimate perpetrators hiding behind a synthetic wall of secrecy & deception?
We're rightfully pissed off. So when a "reformer" like Ron Paul comes along, we're naturally inclined to support him and do whatever we can to help him "win the election". Hell, recall how "no ads, no spam GIM1" became a virtual cheerleading squad for RP leading up to the '08 "election"? And here ~14 months before the Nov '12 "election", GSUS is already shaping up with the same pattern, with threads discussing each of RP's latest campaign ads, blinks, burps, & farts; and our righteous indignation over the ZioStream Media's [ZSM] reaction/distortion/omission.
In the interest of not reinventing the wheel, following is that collection of posts I made across disparate threads, related to why Ron Paul is leading his parade of true-believing fans, down a dead-end alley. I added the bold/red here to allow for a quick scan "executive summary". To open the original posts to see them in the context of their respective threads, click the little blue "http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/b...post-right.png" buttons inside the quote boxes:
"Sobering question" for those readers tempted to "expend your activist energies" following RP's every (fraudulent election omitting) word/ad/speech/debate; getting out the vote for RP; convincing your acquaintances of the virtues of RP, donating your MONEY to RP's campaign, etc:
Isn't that a tragic misallocation of your finite activist energies/resources, given that the very mechanics of the electoral voting/counting process which would allow RP to actually WIN & become president, are hopelessly non-transparent, demonstrably rigged/fraudulent, and therefore a completely illegitimate sham?
RP talks about many exciting reforms, and attracting strong supporters of his message accordingly; but he's not talking about how he CAN'T WIN DUE TO THE SHAM MECHANICS OF OUR "ELECTIONS".
Instead, by "running for president", campaigning, debating, running ads on the ZSM etc-- all the while OMITTING discussion of the sham election process; he's enshrining the zio-establishment myth our "elections" have any sort of integrity such that he can actually win.
So it's "bitter medicine" to realize that by getting caught up in the virtues of RP's (spoken...) message; and by expending your activist energies/resources accordingly... all full of HOPE and VISIONS that he can actually "win", YOU TOO are playing a (diversionary) "audience clapping for Tinkerbell" role in the tragic deception which is our "democratic republic"... successfully distracted & deceived into thinking we're somehow governed "Of, By, And For The People"...
Wouldn't the highest & best expenditure of your activist energies/resources, be directed towards restoring transparency/auditability/integrity to our elections, such that the populace's "voice at the polls" could actually bring about real reform/change?
I only "pick on Ron Paul" in this thread because his campaign will inevitably be the focus of many bits & bytes exchanged at this messageboard. Realize of course, our sham "election" process, de facto [SPAWN OF THE] ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM that it is-- affects EVERY candidate, initiative, referendum, etc which appears on "the ballot".
If you're unconvinced that our "elections" are "...hopelessly non-transparent, demonstrably rigged/fraudulent, and therefore a completely illegitimate sham" (a reality which is NO ACCIDENT, BTW...), I'll reserve for later posts in this thread evidence demonstrating that that is exactly the situation... and I invite others to do the same. Here's a start for now:
google: blackbox election fraud