A chilling revelation:
I had a chilling revelation while listening to a Bob Chapman audio interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMu5S2UxbVg&feature=player_embedded
Immediately after Chapman mentioned that the uber rich and power elite are busy building underground shelters (his words: subterranean cities) his phone connection was jammed (start listening at about the 41:00 mark – at 41:40 jamming starts after mentioning how the elite will seek shelter underground and the Bush family retreat in Paraguay). I was struck by this and immediately thought of the situation in Iran and the imminent threat of nuclear war. Then I thought of the dream of certain elite of a world population reduced to 500,000,000 and a new sustainable world order. The Georgia Guidestones (http://www.radioliberty.com/stones.htm) come to mind. Then I thought of H.G. Wells, a prominent founding member of the Fabian Society, a cadre of intellectual Marxists who are the founding fathers of the New World Order. H.G. Wells wrote a book, the Time Machine, which contained startlingly accurate predictions of the future, including two world wars with dates eerily close to the actual events. After these, he predicts a nuclear holocaust, a long period where the earth heals, and a dividing of the human race into the underground survivors called morlocks who would become masters of the world, and the descendents of the few human survivors above ground called Eloi, who would live and be bred by the Morlocks as literal cattle. Then it all crystallized in my mind. Why would the elite invest such vast sums into the construction of underground shelters? Why would the elite instigate a nuclear holocaust and literally bring the temple down onto their own heads? The answer is obvious to me in its simplicity and directness: slaughter billions and solve the overpopulation problem and reclaim the earth for use by the elite masters. Allow sufficient human slaves to survive to furnish labor and food for the masters. Why would H.G. Wells write a book such as The Time Machine, a literal chronicle of future history, if not to send a message, to furnish an allegorical tale of things to come?