These people think they own us and they want to inspect us naked to check on their belongings every now and then.
They rule by force .
Serpo, I agree with your assertion but....the pic you used appears to be of the prison variety but I'm not sure. Do you have any details about it?
"Truth is treason in the empire of lies"...Ron Paul
"A government is a bunch of people, usually, notably ungoverned"...Shepherd Book, Firefly
Your BEHAVIOR is what is rewarded or punished. What BEHAVIOR have you engaged in that got you where you are today? What situation has your panties wadded up and how did you get in that situation? If you have a right that means you have a remedy. Put another way, if you are so dense you cannot figure out a remedy then maybe you shouldn't be crying about a trespass on a right. Figure it out first and THEN assert the right. Until then you are just another victim looking for a situation to complain about.
Learn how to give due process and maybe you can expect to receive some due process in exchange.
Make me one with everything.
-- Zen Master to the hot dog vendor
Police issued arrest warrant for wrong man
Fullerton police review video, admit to arresting wrong man
Fiesta Island Rape Accuser Says Police Arrested Wrong Man
Police may have arrested wrong person in Glen Ridge robbery
Crime: Police Arrest Wrong Man in Buffalo, NY
Friends say wrong man arrested in Durham
Police Charge Arrest Wrong Person Drunk Driving
the hazard police arrest wrong guy
Lawsuit: Kansas City police arrested wrong man
Wrong man arrested in armed hold-up
Police reviewing case that resulted in arrest of the wrong man
Police Arrest Wrong Person in Mall Of Louisiana Shooting
Police arrest wrong man for Norton Street murder
Police apologize after man hurt in mistaken arrest
"Truth is treason in the empire of lies"...Ron Paul
"A government is a bunch of people, usually, notably ungoverned"...Shepherd Book, Firefly
Consensus tollit errorem. Consent removes or obviates a mistake.
MISTAKE, contracts. An error committed in relation to some matter of fact affecting the rights of one of the parties to a contract.
2. Mistakes in making a contract are distinguished ordinarily into, first, mistakes as to the motive; secondly, mistakes as to the person, with whom the contract is made; thirdly, as to the subject matter of the contract; and, lastly, mistakes of fact and of law. See Story, Eq. Jur. 110; Bouv. Inst. Index, h. t.; Ignorance; Motive.
3. In general, courts of equity will correct and rectify all mistakes in deeds and contracts founded on good consideration. 1 Ves. 317; 2 Atk. 203; Mitf. Pl. 116; 4 Vin. Ab. 277; 13 Vin. Ab. 41; 18 E. Com. Law Reps. 14; 8 Com. Digest, 75; Madd. Ch. Prac. Index, h. t.; 1 Story on Eq. ch. 5, p. 121; Jeremy's Eq. Jurisd. B. 3, part 2, p. 358. See article Surprise.
4. As to mistakes in the names of legatees, see 1 Rop. Leg. 131; Domat, l. 4, t. 2, s. 1, n. 22. As to mistakes made in practice, and as to the propriety or impropriety of taking advantage of them, see Chitt. Pr. Index, h. t. As to mistakes of law in relation to contracts, see 23 Am. Jur. 146 to 166.A "wrong" person or a "wrong" man is just plain bad English. Did he/she start out wrong? When did he/she become wrong?WRONG. An injury; (q. v.) a tort (q. v.) a violation of right. In its most usual sense, wrong signifies an injury committed to the person or property of another, or to his relative rights, unconnected with contract; and these wrongs are committed with or without force. But in a more extended signification, wrong includes the violation of a contract; a failure by a man to perform his undertaking or promise is a wrong or injury to him to whom it was made. 3 Bl. Com. 158.
2. Wrongs are divided into public and private. 1. A public wrong is an act which is injurious to the public generally, commonly known by the name of crime, misdemeanor, or offence, and it is punishable in various ways, such as indictments, summary proceedings, and upon conviction by death, imprisonment, fine, &c. 2. Private wrongs, which are injuries to individuals, unaffecting the public: these are redressed by actions for damages, &c.
Make me one with everything.
-- Zen Master to the hot dog vendor
Aha, Palani, I must be dense, but I got it finally. You're not offering to do the dance of the seven veils for me in exchange for $5000.
That is an illustration of what counteroffer I should make to the cop. That might make the poor beast feel more like he's human, and establish some rapport with him so he might just go easy on me. The theory is that a little civility (good behavior) begets the like. All of us do really enjoy having our ass kissed occasionally.
You're clever Palani. Ass kissing for leniency might have some great short term rewards. Very pragmatic. Doesn't even require me to abandon thinking of them as anything but pigs. I'd just temporarily have to tolerate the odour.
Cosmic justice is getting what you deserve.