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Thread: The absolute PINNACLE of Propaganda

  1. #21
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: The absolute PINNACLE of Propaganda

    Prof James Tracy:

    February 28, 2014
    Propaganda Assets Old and New 159

    Home • Tags: 9/11, academe, news media, propaganda, Public Opinion, war on terror

    By James F. Tracy

    Progressive-left icon and public intellectual Noam Chomsky has derided the 9/11 Truth movement and been similarly dismissive of “conspiracy theories” for many years. The famous activist-academic recently remarked how “a lot of people … spend an hour on the internet and think they know a lot of physics” when attempting to fathom the bizarre collapses of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001. “It doesn’t work like that.”
    FAKE "ELECTIONS" - Why Ron Paul Can't "Win"

    "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

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  3. #22
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: The absolute PINNACLE of Propaganda

    Quote Originally Posted by Spectrism View Post
    Comments are screened by the Obummer campaign. I tried to enter one.
    Fucking socialists! They are liars and thieves everyone of them. They wouldn't know the trruth if it fell on them.
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

  4. #23
    Unobtanium mick silver's Avatar
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    Re: The absolute PINNACLE of Propaganda

    “Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.” ~ Outlaw Josey Wales…


  5. #24
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    Re: The absolute PINNACLE of Propaganda

    All the posts on Internet are propaganda including this one.

    Antisocialism = Taking more power than is given...The same as chopping down trees faster than they grow to sustain inflation...Polarization

    Socialism = Sharing power as equally as possible...The same as chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow to sustain inflation...Union

    The path of least effort...The path that recorded history shows people have been following for all of the logical conclusion of the take more power than is given equation...absolute 0...same path to the center of a black hole.

    The path of most effort...the path that people think they are on while on the above path...until they arrival at the logical conclusion of the reasonable assumption and reach absolute 0.

    The people that claim to be socialists...are not socialists at all...they are absolute capitalists claiming to be responsible capitalists.

    There is gradual absolute capitalism or liberal.

    There is violent absolute capitalism or conservative.

    The conservative taxes and saves by chopping down trees faster than they regrow to pile up firewood

    The liberal taxes and spends by taking the firewood to supply the demand of the fire for power...or inflation.

    Of course the liberal is hot and the conservative cold.

    The master is hot and the servant or slave is cold and wants to become hot and sticks close to the master.

    Unless there is a problem.

    Like the trees run out or the conservative slave does not supply the demand of the liberal master with what is wanted.

    Then the Liberal master will tax or whip the conservative slave until they supply the demand.

    Basically Liberals mind control Conservatives into doing the dirty work.

    The key problem?

    The power of positive thinking.

    There is the gradual absolute capitalist expansion to absolute 1 followed by the violent absolute capitalist collapse to absolute 0.

    I said the conservative crackdown began last year.

    The logical conclusion is certain to me.

    You all are worried that the liberals are going to win.

    They never do.

    "The modern conservative (absolute capitalist) is engaged in one of man's (People's) oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."--John Kenneth Galbraith

    When a liberal begins starving for power they have two options.

    Turn into a skeleton

    Or turn into a conservative.

    You saw Obama a gradual absolute capitalist turn into the sun and radiate power as the absolute 1...During the tax and spend phase...Until the power ran out and the tax an save phase has him turning into a black hole to absolute 0....because he can not tax and spend.

    The power plant is the supply...the light bulb is the demand for power.

    You can try to mind control a tree into firewood

    But it is far easier to mind control a conservative into chopping a tree down and turning it into firewood.

    Bretton woods is the global system and ultimately you all with in it supply the power to it to lie to you...the best lies...are the ones that are supplied with the required power to make them believable.

    The worst lies are the ones that run out of power...and die out.

    Like Obamacare...that is a torpedo shot into a sinking ship.

    The reality in the USA is grim...unless you compare it to the reality somewhere else in the global system which is comparing one fantasy with another fantasy to see which is the winner and which is the loser.

    Making the positive fantasy...Good.

    Or ignorance being equal to bliss.

    The responsible creation absolute destruction cycle.

    From 1900 to 2000...There were 9 solar cycles of 11 years each.


    From the top or absolute 1 point in 1981 to 2001 or the neutral point...Where late summer turns into early fall...was 20 years...9 + 11 = 911.

    but early fall is Indian summer....there is an overlap.

    radiation of heat...running from the cold...until the cold shows up to eat you all.

    in the winter.

    2020 is were the late fall point hits the early winter point.

    on the way to the end in 2031.

    1941 to 1971 was the spring up...that would be the 3 position...Making 1 30 years 1911.

    With the first solar cycle of the 20th century...from 1900 to 1911.

    climate change is happening from the global warming of summer into the fall to absolute 0 or winter.

    Yiled rates have been imploding down since 1981...That is where the zero interest rate policy showed up.

    In Germany when that showed up.

    and rates collapsed...they hyperdeflated...and the entire credit system imploded....sending out the shockwave that lead to the great depression...the 1933 to 1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the global trade system.

    Since 1981 the hyperdeflation of rates were exploited to slow the collapse supply the demand for credit...but in 2008...the support vanished.

    visibly to the world...but the collapse that lead to that began back further.

    from there in 2005-6 to 2008...Was all basically invisible but the closer 2008 became the more obvious the top became...until the top was gradually reached...or the absolute 1 point and everything then began violently collapsing to the absolute 0 point.

    in 2009 following the G20 where all the so called leaders were told to tax and spend like mad in 2008.

    That is where the top covered...March 5-6

    and then the DOW made a new all time high in 2013 on March 5-6

    This March looks less positive than those marches to doom with glee....To the absolute 1 point of this inflation.

    Spring and summer to stock up on rations...of super foods.

    Winter is where there is investment...into no yield...because crops do not grow in the winter and you run out of trees to chop down when the Forrest of Bretton woods is all chopped down to absolute 0.

    That is a certainty according to all the lies believed to be Truth that depend upon the one lie believed to be Truth to rule them all.

    Or that ignorance is bliss.

    unfortunately that is no a is an equation to find a variable powered by a constant.

    A duality powered by a singularity.

    The demand for power from the supply of power.

    like chopping down trees faster than they regrow to see how far you get until you are forced to realize something you are ignorant of.

    You see the end or find the end...or arrive at the logical conclusion of the reasonable assumption.

    With relativity and quantum mechanics...They both end up at dead ends.

    That are constantly being powered by something that has no end.

    That is where all the dead ends lead...but behind them are what you can not see...the invisible order behind the visible chaos.

    Truth is the supply of power to the demand of the paradox of the lie that wants to become Truth and never die.

    That is what the Sun is trying to do...and there is massive radiation of light from the SUN trying to escape the cold.

    That is what a Black hole is trying to do...and there is no radiation of light from the Black hole trying to escape the cold

    Of absolute 0 knowledge.

    people on the other hand know about this...and share power equally and stop taking more power than they give from all and everything and not reach absolute 0 ever.

    but not reach absolute 1 either.

    where positive and negative meet...or the Union in the middle...there is no end to the power...the trees never run out.

    But according to recorded history.

    Trying to calculate all that is required to get from where you are now...or where you want to where you need to be...has been virtually impossible.

    That is what recorded history is...visible chaos...lies believed to be or promoted as Truth...Powered by Truth or the invisible order behind the visible chaos.

    A wave ridden opposed to a straight line...or being the cause of the wave...

    The source or supply of power people are the demand for...If you can maintain your connection with never run out of power.

    But it is childishly simple to take more power than you all have to eat...Just like the SUN and Black holes.

    When your cells in your body reach the end of their plunder of all and everything trying to sustain their existence forever...They stop exploding and implode back to where they exploded from.

    The same equation is at the core of the banking algorithm...Lehman's exploded out of thin air to absolute 1 gradually then violently imploded back into thin air.

    Your body requires more or deposits than withdrawals to sustain your continued inflation....and radiation of heat...heat being ripped from you by the cold...trying to become hot and reach absolute 1.

    So does a bank...Or it stops exploding and starts imploding.

    Absolute or negative capitalism...has the take more power than is given equation as it's core.

    Responsible capitalism does too...but you have to figure out how to balance the equation.

    and it is at the core of all and everything.

    Time magazine promoted quantum mechanics in late Feburary.

    National geographic promoted relativity in March

    Gravity won the most Oscars.

    That is currently the problem which I do not have.

    Since all that has ever happened without end forever and all that will happen without end forever occurs at the same point.

    you can know about this point.

    It is instantaneous.

    Maybe eventually becomes a certainty.

    Where uncertainty eventually becomes a certainty.

    It does not take much of an education to know with certainty that an end point is negative compared to a start point.

    On the front covers are two clues to make heads and tails out of.,00.html

    March is the 3 month...June is the 6th and September is the 9th.

    The march to doom with glee...

    December is both beginning and end...absolute 1 and absolute 0.

    Tesla was caught up with 3 6 and 9.

    spring 1941 plus 30 years is 1971...the positive zero line 1971 to 2001 was summer with 1981 the peak of absolute 1 and then the collapse from there to 2001 to cross the positive zero line down to the absolute 0 of winter in 2031

    spring is 3

    summer is 6

    fall is 9

    The beginning 30 years prior to 1941 was 1911

    The end of the that count from 1911 was on Sept 11 2001...911....along the zero 1971 the Nasdaq was turned on at the zero point and the world trade centers went up....2000 the nasdaq hit the zero point again at the singularit or absolute one and collapsed down into 2001 along with the World trade centers...and the Nasdaq was shut off for a tad right there.

    From 1971 to 2001...Was the new economy...nice positive beginning to summer and it gradually rose up to 2000...then violently collapsed into the fall down to absolute 0.

    Below to above was from deflation to inflation and above to below is from inflation to deflation.

    That is the wave being followed...Bretton woods along with all that has been done to the USA all along makes this all possible.

    The FED is a part of the global system that supplies the demand by the population for credit to supply the demand of constant inflation...which is tied right back to you all in the system.

    you all supply real power to the system and are supplied with fake power back.

    money is fake power or radiation from the light bulb that all of you that are the supply of real power to the light bulbs accept in return.

    You supply real power to the system and demand fake power back.

    when you all become exhausted and fail to supply enough real power to the light get less fake power back.

    You become yield starved...and the more the light the bulb demands to illuminate you with lies promoted as Truth...the more you are annihilated by consumed by the starvation.

    This has been the case from 2009 till now.

    The inflationary phase from 1941 or spring to late fall or Indian summer in 2008...Was 66.6 years long.

    Indian summer is where global warming or summer turned into the climate change of the fall into global cooling or winter.

    Obama was installed in 2008 to sing the masses back to sleep following the 2008 collapse...and to take the fall...

    From 1941 to 2008...the Presidents were white...and then the leaves turned brown in the fall.

    That is my two sense of propaganda.

  6. #25
    Unobtanium mick silver's Avatar
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    Re: The absolute PINNACLE of Propaganda

    “Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.” ~ Outlaw Josey Wales…


  7. #26
    Unobtanium Serpo's Avatar
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    Re: The absolute PINNACLE of Propaganda

    one part of the video was true,when they said.....................we are not there yet.......................

    The Cabal...........“Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty back together again”.

  8. #27
    Moderator madfranks's Avatar
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    Re: The absolute PINNACLE of Propaganda

    Quote Originally Posted by hypertiger View Post
    "Liberty is so creative, and the government is so stupid, that I’m very optimistic about the future"
    - Lew Rockwell

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