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Thread: Kokesh interviews Tarpley about Ron Paul: Get ready for a REALITY check

  1. #11

    Re: Kokesh interviews Tarpley about Ron Paul: Get ready for a REALITY check

    Quote Originally Posted by DMac View Post

    ...I really can't stand listening to Tarpley. You know he is a big time Zionist, right?

    This guy thinks he is a jew-hating

  2. #12
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Kokesh interviews Tarpley about Ron Paul: Get ready for a REALITY check

    Ron Paul is the leader of a movement that does not want to use force to bring us prosperity. He has inspired millions to his message of liberty without force. Liberty through financial freedom.

    End the Fed!!!

    Bill Still is right and what he says makes sense, only if you have a strong central government, to insure no counterfeiting of the nations currency.

    The founders set up a Bimetallic currency system with silver as the primary unit of currency and gold defined in terms of that primary unit. The people were given control of the money supply by opening the mint to all comers bringing their bullion to be turned into coin. They could also melt coins and sell them for the bullion value if the supply of coins became to great.

    Ya bookie I'm still rooting for Ron.

  3. #13
    Hatha Sunahara's Avatar
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    Re: Kokesh interviews Tarpley about Ron Paul: Get ready for a REALITY check

    That was very interesting. Tarpley is an intellectual. He knows history. He's also a 'New Deal' liberal. I'm not sure what Adam Kokesh is. He says he's a libertarian/anarchist. I think he is just jockeying for position as a leader of the Occupy movement.

    I've read a few of Tarpley's books. His big objection to government is not that it is evil, but that it is being run by evil people. The best point he made in this video is that we need strong organizations to counter the evil that has taken over government. Strangely though, he doesn't address the 'dumbing down' issue that our schools are guilty of. I suppose it's hard for an intellectual to deal with a process that is at heart, anti-intellectual. You would think he might try to recruit others to become intellectuals. People who aspire to leadership and do not address the inability of the people to think critically are just trying to exploit that fact.

    Cosmic justice is getting what you deserve.

  4. #14

    Re: Kokesh interviews Tarpley about Ron Paul: Get ready for a REALITY check

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigjon View Post

    Ron Paul is the leader of a movement that does not want to use force to bring us prosperity.
    Ironic that all the Ron Paul cult members here own so many guns.

    which is it?

  5. #15
    Unobtanium gunDriller's Avatar
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    Re: Kokesh interviews Tarpley about Ron Paul: Get ready for a REALITY check

    Tarpley is a good historian AND he's an asshole.

    Tarpley = controlled opposition.

    Tarpley is also affiliated with the "Blame the Queen" guy - Larouche and Larouche's history editor, Chaitkin.

    Chaitkin's father was part of the Holohoax squad - one of the hundreds of Jews who went to Europe in 1945 to do the Nuremberg trials & to create the Holohoax.

    When i say Tarpley is a good historian, for example, his Bush Biography - co-authored with Anton Chaitkin. a complete-appearing biography of Bush - with no mention of Israel.

    Tarpley, LaRouche, & Chaitkin all exist to serve Israel & to promote the Zio criminal agenda.

    You can't say the same about Ron Paul.

  6. #16
    Palladium Osiris's Avatar
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    Re: Kokesh interviews Tarpley about Ron Paul: Get ready for a REALITY check

    Really Book? So one who owns a gun can't be a peaceful person or is planning something evil?

  7. #17
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Kokesh interviews Tarpley about Ron Paul: Get ready for a REALITY check

    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    Ironic that all the Ron Paul cult members here own so many guns.

    which is it?
    Being able to defend yourself doesn't add up to initiating force.

  8. #18
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Kokesh interviews Tarpley about Ron Paul: Get ready for a REALITY check

    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris View Post
    Really Book? So one who owns a gun can't be a peaceful person or is planning something evil?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigjon View Post
    Being able to defend yourself doesn't add up to initiating force.
    You both have stepped into Book's shit stirring arena. Do not get stirred up.
    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
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  9. #19

    Re: Kokesh interviews Tarpley about Ron Paul: Get ready for a REALITY check

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigjon View Post

    Being able to defend yourself doesn't add up to initiating force.
    Our Department of Defense and Israel say the same thing while they carpet-bomb.

  10. #20
    Palladium Osiris's Avatar
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    Re: Kokesh interviews Tarpley about Ron Paul: Get ready for a REALITY check

    Quote Originally Posted by osoab View Post
    You both have stepped into Book's shit stirring arena. Do not get stirred up.

    Lol! I don't get worked up over stupid comments, just trying to get him to explain where he is coming from in an intelligent way. However, I don't believe that is possible.

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