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Thread: Lindsey doubles down: dollar collapse this November!

  1. #11

    Re: Lindsey doubles down: dollar collapse this November!

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnQPublic View Post
    Did you have one (or a few) with Jerry Brown?
    I understand.

  2. #12
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    Re: Lindsey doubles down: dollar collapse this November!

    This fall will be full of doom just like last fall was. I predict however it will be in the form of war, not dollar collapse based off of this post I made. Notice whenever the peaks are over the line there have been wars (gulf war, Afghanistan, Iraq). The 2008 crisis was also predicted, looks like the oil embargo also shows up.

    Quote Originally Posted by vacuum View Post
    A modified Kondratiev Wave predicts heightened increase for war starting in the fall of 2012 (where it passes the horizontal line). This is the theory I'm going by, and why I posted a thread a while back asking what would happen if there was a war (got really grim responses...).

  3. #13

    Re: Lindsey doubles down: dollar collapse this November!

    Quote Originally Posted by vacuum View Post
    This fall will be full of doom just like last fall was. I predict however it will be in the form of war, not dollar collapse based off of this post I made. Notice whenever the peaks are over the line there have been wars (gulf war, Afghanistan, Iraq). The 2008 crisis was also predicted, looks like the oil embargo also shows up.
    According to that chart and your premise some initial shots in the next big war take place around June 2013 with the full monty going off in 2017.

    Interesting because my though has been dollar collapse starts by 2017-2022. The big war is to happen before, during or shortly thereafter (all IMO).

  4. #14

    Re: Lindsey doubles down: dollar collapse this November!

    Just listened to Mockton's "Part II"...the piecing together of the info from Part I and Part II is sloppily done, and continuity is lost. A new set of DVD's is coming out in next week or so, but the "freebie bonus" is the one that is supposed to be listened to first because it is the newest, freshest, most alarming, etc., etc., etc.

    Lindsey is of the opinion that the type derivatives problems currently occurring are in line with the grand entrance of the NWO. Russia preventing NATO to attack Syria this past weekend has thrown a wrench into the Lindsey buddies' plans, creating a 6mo setback.

    So if the original target was "no dollar demise in 2012" then wouldn't it stand to reason that the 6month setback pushes the dollar demise to June 2013?

    Oh, well...I'm sure we'll be alerted by PLW if and when, the clock has stopped and the 4-6 weeks before we're financial toast (the cliff?) is invoked.

    We are now given to believe acc'd to PLW, the 40,000-60,000 PSI blowout Gull Island well being drilled by BP's LIBERTY RIG --which has been pixed and posted heretofore-- and by BP who blew up and fractured the still leaking floor in GOM, due to piercing that 40,000 PSI abiotic oil layer is scaring the S* out of BP. Therefore, on the 26th of July, PLW was informed BP's drilling has stopped, giving more time for the PoI to rise to $150+bbl and make the elites happy and the rest of us knaves screaming for relief and the NWO.

    If BP taps that kind of PSI for which there is no known eqpt on the planet rated for those kinds of PSI's, PLW stated " BP will ruin the entire Artic and they know it."

    That's the sum-total of Part II. Thanks, mamboni for posting Part I. Although it was created on the 28th, I haven't seen the new "DVD's" series release yet...but then I haven't been scouring the net for the "freebie versions" either..... LOL


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  6. #15
    Unobtanium Serpo's Avatar
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    Re: Lindsey doubles down: dollar collapse this November!

    Quote Originally Posted by cpy911 View Post
    Buy his DVD though.
    He did say the PTB where going to invade all the countries they have invaded.

    The Cabal...........“Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty back together again”.

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