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Thread: Jewish Ritual Murder

  1. #21
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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  2. #22
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    watch this 26 min Jack the Ripper docu. Advance to the last 30 secs, screen text messages, to learn it was a joo/christian ritual murder thing... watch the whole vid to find why Schwartz didn't testify against the ripper dude (something-ski, forgot now)... wouldn't testify against a fellow joo and cause his death.

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  3. #23
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    According to Bertrand Comparate the Mark of Cain was a big hook nose right in the middle of his face so he'd be easy to recognize. I was looking for this painting because it shows the Mark of Cain pretty well on these ritual murderers who are the descendants of Cain.

    The painting is of the descendants of Satan through Cain killing and drinking the blood of one of the descendants of Adam through Seth.

    Thought I'd bump this thread too because it goes well with the thread I posted of the Jews being the children of Satan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tumbleweed View Post
    I came accross this on several other forums but havent been able to find a link for this story. I think it needs to be here in this thread.

    Allegedly this taboo-breaking piece of art was a very secret work of Hungarian painter genius, Munkácsy Mihály, realized between 1882-1887, at the request of Russian tzar, Alexander III, and inspired by the world-famous Tiszaeszlár Affair (Hungary, 1882), which was a blood-libel directed against a group of Jews, who murdered 14 year-old Solymosi Eszter inside a sacrificial ritual. The painting is absolutely monumental in depicting Jewish thirst for "goyim" blood. The young girl can also represent modern Europe as being encircled by demonic Zionists and prepared for being crucified.

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  4. #24
    Great Value Carrots StreetsOfGold's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    (Roman Catholic) Joseph Goebbels approves of this thread

    History has already spoken and shows that events like the inquisition (about 1000 yrs.) was done through the oldest and richest nation on earth (follow the money) Vatican City
    NOTHING has changed except the propaganda to point to "da jews" as the "source" to keep the sheep blind and stupid and looking (as a scapegoat) to anyone (illuminati, CFR, Bilberbeugers, etc. etc. etc.) BUT THEM!
    Murder was the Catholic answer - Pope Francis

  5. #25
    Unobtanium Shami-Amourae's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    Quote Originally Posted by StreetsOfGold View Post
    (Roman Catholic) Joseph Goebbels approves of this thread

    Guys, StreetsOfGold is onto something!

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  7. #26
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    Quote Originally Posted by StreetsOfGold View Post
    (Roman Catholic) Joseph Goebbels approves of this thread

    History has already spoken and shows that events like the inquisition (about 1000 yrs.) was done through the oldest and richest nation on earth (follow the money) Vatican City
    NOTHING has changed except the propaganda to point to "da jews" as the "source" to keep the sheep blind and stupid and looking (as a scapegoat) to anyone (illuminati, CFR, Bilberbeugers, etc. etc. etc.) BUT THEM!

    The Catholic church has been infiltrated through the centuries by Jews with the intent to destroy it. Take a look at the book "Plot Against the Church" by Maurice Pinay and the section on the fifth column.

    I think you're partly right Streets of Gold that there are people in the church who are doing the work of satan but they are probably crypto Jews and not really catholic. I suspect the current Pope is one of them. That doesn't change the fact that Jews are the descendants of Satan and they do the works of their father. Jesus Christ himself told us that in the Bible. It doesn't get any plainer or more clear than that.
    We are all travelers through this world
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    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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  9. #27
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    Quote Originally Posted by StreetsOfGold View Post
    (Roman Catholic) Joseph Goebbels approves of this thread

    ^ heh, leave it to SOGgy to post an image & caption misleading readers into believing that AH advocated "The Big Lie" mass-deception MO; when AH wrote that DESCRIBING THE HISTORIC BEHAVIOR OF THE DINJOOZ, which AH was condemning-- even admits this fact.

    the dinjooz "ironically" employed this Big Lie MO (yet again...) in their inversion of true AH/WW2 history, and their invention & repetition of their holohoax myth.

    and SOGgy falls for it all, lol
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  10. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to PatColo For This Useful Post:

    C.Martel (12th November 2016),Shami-Amourae (7th June 2016),Tumbleweed (1st March 2019)

  11. #28
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    its actually an unholy trinity.
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  12. #29
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    This is a link to a book that can be read free online by Dr. of law Matt Hale titled "Jewish Occult Murders". It's an interesting read and has some photos that I don't recall seeing concerning Jewish ritual murder. There are more links to more information at this link also.

    A depiction of the bestial act - a stone carving shown 0n a church in Italy

    In 1840, one of the most notorious ritual murders in modern times occurred, when a Catholic Priest by the name of Father Thomas was ritually murdered. This was described in depth in Sir Richard Francis Burton's original manuscript but not in the notes that were used for the book The Jew, the Gypsy, and el Islam.

    Fortunately, newspaper clippings and other books now tell this grisly tale in full.

    The New York Herald describes the vicious murder of Father Thomas

    The New York Herald of April 6, 1850, reported the case on its front page under the title Mysteries of the Talmud - Terrible Murder in the East. The article, which is relatively long, describes the vicious murder of Father Thomas:

    "[W]ho would have dreamt of beholding the bloody mysteries of the Talmud exposed in their turn, and of having the trial of one of the most savage and ferocious murders ever yet recorded in the annals of criminality, once more brought before the public? Who would have imagined that certain fanatics use human blood to moisten their holy unleavened bread?

    "Our readers will undoubtedly recollect the universal sensation created throughout the world, by the discovery of Father Tommaso, a Christian missionary from Sardinia, and his servant, Abrahim Amara, had been bled to death, their limbs chopped off joint by joint, their bones pounded in the mortar, and their mutilated remains thrown into a drain in the city of Damascus.

    "The manuscripts of the original trial, as sealed by the French and Austrian consuls of that city, are now in this city, and we can thereby defy the 'Great Nation' to contradict the truth of our statements."

    Description of ritual murder of Father Thomas

    In the book Historic Oddities and Strange Events (London: Methuen & Co., 1891) by Baring Gould, M.A., an actual response from one of the people questioned in the ritual murder of Father Thomas is given. Mussa Abul Afia promulgated:

    "I am commanded to say what I know relative to the murder of Father Thomas, and why I have submitted to become a Mussulman [Muslim]. It is, therefore, my duty to declare the truth [emphasis changed]. Jacob Antibi, Chief Rabbi, about a fortnight before the event, said to me -
    'You know that according to our religion we must have blood. I have already arranged David Arari to obtain it in the house of one of our people, and you must be present and bring me the blood.'

    "I replied that I had not the nerve to see blood flow; whereupon, the Chief Rabbi answered that I could stand in the ante-chamber, and I would find Moses Salonichi and Joseph Laniado there. I then consented. On the 10th of the month, Achach, about an hour and a half before sun-down, as I was on my way to the synagogue, I met David Arari, who said to me: 'Come along to my house; you are wanted there.'
    "I replied that I would come as soon as I had ended my prayers. 'No, no - come immediately!' he said. I obeyed.
    Then he told me that Father Thomas was in his house, and that he was to be sacrificed that evening. We went to his house. There we entered a newly-furnished apartment. Father Thomas lay bound in the midst of all there assembled.

    After sunset, we adjourned to an unfurnished chamber, where David cut the throat of the monk.
    "Aaron and Isaac Arari finished him. The blood was caught in a vat and then poured into a bottle, which was to be taken to the Chief Rabbi Jacob. I took the bottle and went to him. I found him in his court waiting for me. When he saw me enter, he retreated to his cabinet, and I follow him thither, saying, 'Here I bring you what you desired.' He took the bottle and put it behind a book-case.

    "Then I went home. I have forgotten to say that, when I left Arari's house, the body was undisturbed. I heard David and his brother say that they had made a bad choice of a victim, as Father Thomas was a priest, and a well-known individual, and therefore be sought for, high and low.
    "They answered that they had no fear, no one would betray what had taken place. The clothing was now burnt, the body cut to pieces, and conveyed by the servants to the conduit, and what remained would be concealed under some secret stairs.

    "I knew nothing about the servant of Father Thomas.
    "The Wednesday following, I met David, Isaac, and Joseph Arari, near the shop of Bahal. Isaac asked David how all had gone on. David replied that all was done that was necessary, and that there was no cause for fear. As they began to talk together privately, I withdrew, as one I was not one who associated with the wealthiest of Jews, and the Arari were of that class. The blood is required by Jews for the Paschal [Matzah] bread."

    We are all travelers through this world
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    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  13. #30
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    Tagged for later reading.
    Fantastic info.
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