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Thread: Chelsea Clinton vs. diarrhea: it takes one to know one

  1. #11
    Great Value Carrots LuckyStrike's Avatar
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    Re: Chelsea Clinton vs. diarrhea: it takes one to know one

    Quote Originally Posted by BrewTech View Post
    Clicking on the pic results in a 404...

    I'm assuming she hasn't gotten any better looking?
    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni View Post
    You're lucky: I'm replacing my monitor as we speak.
    LOL, funny you bring it up. I clicked on the pic thinking "I haven't seen her in years wonder how she looks these days", had to yandex it but.... woof. That jew lover hasn't gotten any better looking.

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  2. #12
    Great Value Carrots joboo's Avatar
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    Re: Chelsea Clinton vs. diarrhea: it takes one to know one

    "Increasing the number of children with access to the therapy to 80 percent by 2015 would help prevent an estimated 220,000 deaths in Nigeria."

    How many spam emails per day does this prevent is what I'm wondering.
    It was time to move on. Too many jello head moonbats with personality issues post on this forum.

  3. #13
    Platinum Carl's Avatar
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    Re: Chelsea Clinton vs. diarrhea: it takes one to know one

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNocturnalEgyptian View Post
    In all seriousness, dehydration from diarrhea kills a lot of people annually worldwide.
    Shit happens....
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  4. #14
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: Chelsea Clinton vs. diarrhea: it takes one to know one

    Well, in her defense, the Clintons are experts in the general subject of excrement.
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  5. #15
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Chelsea Clinton vs. diarrhea: it takes one to know one

    Are her arms just about as big as her neck?
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  6. #16
    Gold cortez's Avatar
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    Re: Chelsea Clinton vs. diarrhea: it takes one to know one

    To the top of the human shit pile!
    where's my Karma?

  7. #17
    Great Value Carrots willie pete's Avatar
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    Re: Chelsea Clinton vs. diarrhea: it takes one to know one

    natural selection
    If you don't think to good, don't think too much

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  9. #18
    Old Herb Lady

    Re: Chelsea Clinton vs. diarrhea: it takes one to know one

    Quote Originally Posted by Shami-Amourae View Post
    If any of these fake philanthropists really wanted to help poor people in shitholes like Africa they'd build public toilets and give them access to clean water. That would reduce most of the disease and suffering in Africa. Most of the issues in these poor places result from these people swimming, bathing in, and drinking their own shit. Poor hygiene is the main cause of all these problems, and it wouldn't cost much to fix this, but people are too fucking stupid to understand it.
    Why do that ? They/TPTB can make more money if Chelsea gets them pharmaceuticals/temporary fix instead of solving the problem.

    "Currently, fewer than 2 percent of children in Nigeria have access to the World Health Organization-recommended treatment."

  10. #19
    Great Value Chinese Military Shovel TheNocturnalEgyptian's Avatar
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    Re: Chelsea Clinton vs. diarrhea: it takes one to know one

    Diarrhea is the second leading cause of infant death worldwide. And it's completely preventable.

    I agree with Shami. Building proper sanitation and toilets would go a lot farther than zinc supplements. Currently, with the poor septic systems they currently use, anytime it rains, the septic overflows and pollutes the water table.

    This should be considered low-hanging fruit for anybody that wants to change the world.
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  11. #20
    Great Value Carrots LuckyStrike's Avatar
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    Re: Chelsea Clinton vs. diarrhea: it takes one to know one

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNocturnalEgyptian View Post
    Diarrhea is the second leading cause of infant death worldwide. And it's completely preventable.

    I agree with Shami. Building proper sanitation and toilets would go a lot farther than zinc supplements. Currently, with the poor septic systems they currently use, anytime it rains, the septic overflows and pollutes the water table.

    This should be considered low-hanging fruit for anybody that wants to change the world.
    Changing the world starts at home, I wouldn't piss on fire to put these people out. We have sent hundred of billions of dollars to that cursed land and what has it benefited either of us?

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