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Thread: AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie)

  1. #21
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie)

    I am about 1/3 of the way through this.

    I did a search we had two other threads on this propaganda film.

    From mid September this year.
    The Agenda....Grinding Down America.

    From March of last year.
    The AGENDA.... Liberal-Progressive-Socialist-Communist

    Anyone notice that neo-cons are the one's they use as experts? Ed Meese? Seriously? He was AG during Iran-Contra.
    Then you have Trevor Louden. We covered this asshat here recently. Still trying to find this thread.

    dys had the some good comments in the March thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by dys View Post
    I did watch the some of the video Spectism, but to be honest I didn't love it. I am not fond of blaming this or that group for our problems. Have you ever heard the term Hegelian dialectic? It's a method that the bad guys use in order to circumscribe thinking and promote scapegoating. For example, 'liberal vs. conservative' is an example. The aim to is to have these concepts change slowly over a long time (think mission creep, incremental change, et al) in a way that benefits them...they call this synthesis.
    The other thing I didn't like about the vid was all the labelling. My experience is that labelling is a common disinformation tactic, think Glenn Beck.

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  2. #22
    Unobtanium singular_me's Avatar
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    Re: AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie)

    although the first minutes were promising, I didnt watch the 2nd half, too much "Christianity". In the beginning it didnt matter to me because I know that the Bible holds so many truths but pushing it down my throat like this isnt working.

    ps: I also agree with dys' feedback, completely hegelian. Blaming a specific group too much for our ills is not willing taking responsibility for what it is. yeah lets expose them but then lets take action upon it as best as we can... this self-victimized mentality has to stop we really want to change the world.
    All the money that exists cannot buy Earth, and the evidence is that we destroy our habitat as a result, thinking that we can just seize and pillage as we see fit. If crowds endorse the pursuit of wealth at their own level, they cannot prevent multinationals from doing exactly the same. The “dystopian endless growth paradigm” is going to end with a bang but will open the door to a premise endorsing that Earth is the only wealth we truly have while journeying through life.

  3. #23
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    Re: AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie)

    When you realise that the Zionist Jews were the founders of the communist party and what they said in 58 and 92 was what their plans were all this time then you can see that all that the communist did was to move from Russia to the US in order to continused their plans of world conquest.......they are right under your noses and cannot smell them.
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