@ MHB; Dr. James Tracy takes aim at AJ, whose show he's been on in the past, and JT even published an article in... I think 2014, defending AJ's "integrity."

August 12, 2016
When Alex Jones Got ‘Pozner’d’ 45

by MHB Administrator Home • Tags: Alex Jones, alternative media, censorship, First Amendment, Infowars, Lenny Pozner, media disinformation, media monopoly, police state and civil rights, public opinion, US Constitution
By James F. Tracy

Probing Alt Media’s Most Prominent Limited Hangout

On February 12 2015 alternative media personality Alex Jones mused how Lenny Pozner might have been behind an elaborate plan to “shut down” his alternative news outlet’s YouTube channels. Jones vigorously advocated for free speech, arguing that Pozner was using copyright as a means to undermine his organization’s (overall tentative) journalistic

inquiries on how the image of Sandy Hook victim Noah Pozner appeared in mass mediated photos of public mournings following the December 2014 mass shooting in Peshawar Pakistan.

This is “a reign of terror on free speech,” Jones fumed.

If they can do this to us they can do it to anybody. This copyright notification, if successful, will take down the [Alex Jones Youtube] channel, and already we’re unable to upload over 15 minute videos and are in what they call probation–guilty until proven innocent right now … And, again, if they can do this to us they can do this to anybody … The H-O-N-R or “honor” Network, Lenny Pozner, who reportedly lost his son there, came in and filed a copyright claim for us showing a BBC news article. You can’t do that. For those who don’t know how copyright works …

Hot n’heavy Jones characteristically proceeded to lecture the audience on the intricacies of copyright law, offering various examples from his alleged experiences fighting against such censorship. Yet as YouTube researcher MattyD4Truth observes in the video below, Jones never revisited the attack in subsequent programs.