I think this is so obvious (that the General was born to live in Texas, not the People's Republik Of Kalifornica) that nothing further need be said:
I think this is so obvious (that the General was born to live in Texas, not the People's Republik Of Kalifornica) that nothing further need be said:
Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon
carpathian (28th April 2013),General of Darkness (29th April 2013),JDRock (28th April 2013),Twisted Titan (29th April 2013),zap (30th April 2013)
The Cabal...........“Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty back together again”.
yall belong on northern wyo.....
Chris Duane's rounds and the Mulligant Mint are also featured in this video...
Anywhere in The American Redoubt is good in my view.
JDRock (1st May 2013)
Orthodox Jewish Synagogues and Congregations in The American Redoubt States:
Try to find a truly conservative congregation. The word "conservative" (shamrani) has different meanings to different Jewish people! (Political conservatism is not always synonymous with religious conservatism and a traditional moral code.)
SurvivalBlog reader Yorrie in Pennsyvania mentioned in a recent e-mail that conservative Jewish preppers should seek out congregations that are: "...Torah knowledgeable and observant = Orthodox religiously or similar. Which usually overlaps with conservative politically. The more traditional end of the Conservative Jewish movement did not accept the liberal swing [that began in the 1950s] and is called Traditional, Conservadox (Halfway between Conservative and Orthodox), or sometimes Masorti (Hebrew for Traditional). There are Orthodox and Traditional Jews in Flathead County, Montana, and more formal congregations of the Chabad movement (a Torah Judaism movement with roots over 300 or more appropriately over 3,000 years).
Chabad congregations in the Redoubt area are in Bozeman, Montana [The Shul of Bozeman], Jackson, Wyoming, [Chabad-Lubavitch] and elsewhere in most major cities around the world."
Messianic Jewish Congregations in The American Redoubt States:
Many of these congregations tend to be small "home churches". Make inquiries, locally.
Here is just one example of what you will find, in eastern Washington:
Kehilat HaMashiach
13506 E. Broadway Ave
Spokane Valley , Washington 99216
509-465-9523 (Phone) / 509-465-0451 (FAX)
Rabbi David D'Auria
Jackie did it and you know it!
I'm not going to defend that, since that's a concern with me too. I still think The American Redoubt is a good concept as sort of a "last stand" region for liberty lovers in the United States. It as a region is one of the least Progressive/Statist/NWO infected parts of the country.
I'd love to move to Austin to be able to train my dogs at Triple Crown, but hells bells there's enough fags there to rival San Fran-crisco.
Here's Triple Crown.
Check out this facility.
Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon