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Thread: The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika

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    Unobtanium Twisted Titan's Avatar
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    The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika

    This article has been contributed by The Common Sense Show.

    Every day a granny is goosed by TSA, a federal swat team raids the wrong house, a citizen acquitted of a crime still has their property confiscated by authorities, even the dumbed down public is aware that their every communication is monitored by the NSA and Obama has set his administration up to violate every constitutional right of every citizen in America under the NDAA and Executive Order 13603.

    Anyone who possess an IQ above room temperature is aware that our federal government is totally out of control and is wreaking tyranny upon the American people. As a people, we have seemingly grown numb to the constitutional violations perpetrated by our government against the citizens of this country. However, the abuse of citizens does not begin and end with the federal government.

    Trickle Down Tyranny

    With ever increasing frequency, the alternative media reports countless numbers of stories of citizen abuse at the hands of their local police and city officials. The local police departments have been federalized by DHS. They are provided millions of federal dollars for equipment and the new breed of police view the people as their enemy as opposed to the old cops walking a beat who previously viewed the majority of the people as their ally against crime. Through the influence of DHS, your local police department is looking to pounce on your every mistake with excessive force and brutality and they do so frequently while ignoring and violating any number of constitutional protections.

    When Is An Arrest Is Not Really An Arrest?

    Portland police officer Dean Halley must have failed his American Government class in high school. A reasonable person would also have to wonder if Portland Deputy City Attorney William Manlove got his law degree from Walmart. what am I referring to? Well, if the Scott Miller jaywalking case is any indication, the Portland legal system is one big fascist entity that is totally out of control.

    Scott Miller was running late to work. In an effort to catch his bus, he diagonally jaywalked in the crosswalk to catch his rid.

    Portland police officer Dean Halley was on patrol and was able to intervene just in the nick of time and arrest this menace to society. Halley approached Miller and told him to produce identification. Miller was subsequently fumbling around on his person looking for his ID when Halley immediately pounced on Miller, knocked him to the ground, informed Miller that he was under arrest and placed him in handcuffs. Halley subsequently confined Miller in the back of his police cruiser and then proceeded to drive the criminal jaywalker a block away. The total ordeal lasted 30 minutes, but while in the police cruiser, Miller experienced a panic attack and paramedics were dispatched to the scene to administer aid. Miller was subsequently convicted in court of failure to obey a traffic signal.

    Miller has obtained an attorney, Leonard Berman, and Miller is attempting to sue the Portland Police Department for an illegal arrest because jaywalking is not an offense that one can be arrested for.

    Halley, a 20 year police veteran, admits he told Miller that he was under arrest. However, Deputy City Attorney William Manlove is arguing that citizens cannot sue under these circumstances because such acts do not constitute an actual arrest. Manlove stated that the encounter between Halley and Miller amounted to no more than a “chat.” Manlove characterized the encounter as being something “between a chat and custody, but not an arrest for purposes of legal action.” Are you kidding me?

    The Real Crime Committed by Officer Halley

    Let’s take Manlove’s twisted version of the encounter between Halley and Miller, and blindly conclude that Halley did not arrest Miller, despite knocking him down, telling him he was under arrest, handcuffing him, placing him in the police car and drove him a block away. For the sake of argument let’s be in agreement with Manlove that this was just a friendly chat. Under these circumstances that both sides agree upon, was there a crime committed by Halley? You bet there was. The first crime committed by Halley is called aggravated assault. Halley was presumably armed and attacked Miller knocking him to the ground. When Halley handcuffed Miller, he committed the offense of unlawful imprisonment just the same when one abusing spouse will not let their partner leave the premises. And the biggest crime committed by Halley is that this officer is guilty of kidnapping which is what it is called when someone forcibly detains a person and removes them to another location. Please keep in mind that jaywalking is an offense for which a person cannot be arrested for committing. In the upside down world of the Portland legal system, Miller gets convicted in court and Halley is not in jail for aggravated assault, unlawful detention and kidnapping.

    What Is Wrong With Portland Is a Microcosm of the US

    Who among has never jaywalked? All of us are risk to be the next victim of this tyranny. Unfortunately, the behavior of officer Halley and City Attorney Manlove is typical of most police departments and their prosecutors. They get off on the rush of lording power over others. Prosecutors think that they will move ahead in their careers with high conviction rates and many of the police think the same by looking to arrest as many people as possible and going so far as to even inventing crimes for which to arrest the public for. This is why the United States contains 25% of the world’s prison population despite only having 5% of the world’s population.The US is number one in the world in people who are incarcerated.

    Portland, like almost every other city is broke and has been under an austerity plan for the past couple of years. This encourages the cops to hide behind the bushes and catch as many speeders as possible. Cops, in short, are mandated to be mobile tax collectors and they are looking for any excuse to make arrests for the most minor of offenses. These behaviors are not compatible with a supposedly free society.

    In preparation for this article, I have been watching some episodes from the TV show, Cops, in order to assess the quality of interactions with the public. In one episode I viewed, a cop pulls over a cyclist for coasting through a stop sign in a quiet residential neighborhood. Just like officer Halley, the Sacramento cop thinks this provides him with the right to violate the man’s Fourth Amendment rights. With no probable cause to search the man’s backpack and person, the cop does just that. The man had a marijuana pipe in his backpack and off to jail he goes in another stunning example of your tax dollars at work.Before you tell me that the man got his just desserts, please read the Fourth Amendment.

    In another episode, the Tampa police were conducting undercover marijuana sales to motorists. As part of the bust, an unmarked cop car speeds out of a hiding place and rams the front end of the drug buyers car. When a couple of the arrested individuals protested the ramming of their cars, a Tampa cop repeatedly states that “this is no longer your car, we own it and you will have to buy it back from us.”

    I don’t use drugs and I have not smoked marijuana, but you have to be kidding me when we asked to believe that the cops have the right seize anyone’s car for a small amount of marijuana. What if the buyers had purchased their marijuana on foot, would their shoes or possibly their clothes been stolen by the Tampa Police Department? These thugs with a badge will also take your house for having small amounts of marijuana in their house. Whose interests are these cops serving?

    The TV show that takes the case is Bait Car. As an aside, I have had my car stolen twice and I wanted the perpetrators arrested and prosecuted. I want gangster drug dealers busted and sent to prison. However, do we really want to send marijuana users to prison? When is it good law enforcement to bait people into committing a crime they might not otherwise commit? This is true of undercover drug sales of personal use quantities of drugs and it is definitely true when the cops bait people into stealing their bait car by making it inviting. Isn’t there enough crime that should occupy law enforcement without entrapping the public? However, one should remember that the prisons are being transitioned into for profit ventures and the cops and prosecutors are all too happy to cooperate with the Bush family et al in this venture. Who really thinks that this represents good law enforcement? Yet, the show Bait Car, is all about entrapping people who might not otherwise commit a crime.

    The Small Town of Deer Trail, CO. Is Leading the Way In the Fight Against Tyranny

    The town board Deer Trail, CO., is considering an ordinance in which residents may soon be allowed to shoot down drones. The ordinance would permit people with hunting licenses to fire bullets at the hated drones. Also, the town would also pay these drone hunters $100 for each “mechanical hide” with federal markings. Is there anyone reading this that is not smiling from ear to ear?

    I do not really think it is a good idea to be shooting bullets up in the air because they can return to earth with devastating consequences. But in this small town, someone is finally showing the intestinal fortitude that is needed in this country in order to fight back against federal and local tyranny. The proposed ordinance is certainly more symbolic than real. However, it is a start and you know that somewhere in the DOD, they just discovered where Deer Trail, CO. is located on a map. We need more Deer Trails.

    What Can Be Done in Cities Like Portland

    Although we don’t want to be shooting bullets in the air at drones, there are things we can do to fight against an out of control government and its increasing level of criminality.

    Portland citizens should consider conducting a mass jaywalking night and do so in front of the police headquarters. Portland should also sponsor a “film the police” night. People armed with their cell phones should video tape every police action that they witness. If the cops know that they are under increased surveillance, then they might behave and the officer Halley’s of the law enforcement world will find their next job at Walmart conducting parking lot security as their transgressions are caught on tape and they rightfully lose their jobs.

    Yes I know, that people have been arrested for filming the police. When that happens the people of that community need to recall their mayor for facilitating state sponsored terrorism against their citizens. This is what should already be happening in Portland. I say that if the police want to put the people under such undue surveillance, we the people need to return the favor. In places like Portland, businesses should not be serving law enforcement personnel and prosecutors. Prosecutors such as Portland Deputy City Attorney, Manlove and officer Halley, should not be able to find a place to do their laundry. Apartment owners should refuse to rent to these “types”.

    Don’t let your children play with their children. After filming cops and their transgressions, show up at city council meetings with still photographs and present them at the public comment period. Start Youtube channels which features public officials and their wrongdoings. Take pictures of the weeds in their yards and send the photos and a request for action to their local HOA’s. Embarrass any government and law enforcement official with public exposure when they break the law and violate the civil liberties of their citizens.

    All Politics Is Not Local

    Local boycotts and protests are certainly easier to implement on a local level. However, the same principles need to be employed against federal officials. Treat them and their families like they have the plague. IRS and NSA officials should be treated like the colonists did the Stamp Tax collectors in pre-Revolutionary War period.

    If you own a mid-size business, go to video conferencing strategies in order to conduct long distance activities. Send the airlines a letter telling them that you are not subjecting your employees to the tyranny of the TSA and your people will not be flying. If enough of us did that, the TSA would fade away instead of expanding to trains, bus depots and highways. The entire country needs to be sending such a letter to the airlines. For when US Airways, Southwest and the other virtual airline monopolies are financially hurting, they will be screaming at the federal government to change their corrupt system.

    To strike back at the criminal IRS, shop at garage sales. Trade and barter as much as you can. Refuse to use one of the five megabanks as a lender to buy a house in response to the MERS robo-signer mortgage fraud. Use your local credit union for all loans. Follow the same advice for buying a car. In fact, you should not buy a car until you can pay cash for it. Take the debt advantage away from the banksters that have hijacked our government. Refuse to shop at a corporate chain store such as Kmart, Walmart or any other slavemart store and shop locally. Unlike the failed LA riots of 1992, we do not have to burn down our own neighborhoods to make a statement. We just need to withdraw our support and our money.

    Educate Your Children Outside the System

    American families need to ban together and educate their children outside the system as much as possible. Someone just brought to my attention that some fully accredited foreign universities are having discussions aboutoffering online classes to American college students at a fraction of the cost in response to the tyrannical post-secondary education system that is running the show in the US. These foreign entrepreneurs are looking to profit from the predatory practices being exhibited our post-secondary institutions. The student loan debacle in this country is highly criminal and is extremely predatory and should be avoided at all costs.

    Homeschooling will soon be outlawed in the US for the same reasons it was outlawed in Germany. The establishment wants people smart enough to do their job, but not so smart that they can question authority. This does not change the responsibility factor of parents who need to redouble their efforts to not let their children believe that the constitutional violations happening in our country are acceptable.

    Parents need to focus on raising their children to respect the rule of law (i.e. the Constitution), not the thuggery that has replaced the rule of law. The globalists need to know that no generation of Americans will ever accept and fully submit to their tyranny and eventually the banksters day of justice will come.
    Explore alternatives. Non-participation is the ultimate blow to any corrupt organization.

    You must attend your Congressman’s next Town Hall Meeting. Show up and tell them that you will work to unelect them unless they subject themselves to the same substandard and dangerous Obamacare system that they have sentenced us to. Unelect all incumbents until they repeal this genocidal, death panel ridden form of health care. And the same standard of political retention needs to be applied to the repeal of the Stasi inspired NDAA.

    I do not have the space to present all of my ideas on striking back at what I dub “Police State Amerika,” but I am sure my point is not lost on those who have a backbone and a pulse.

    Did I mention to store and grow your own food, store water and hide your guns and ammo? Do these three things now in preparation for the possible time that you may need them when the Russian/NATO/UN troops come knocking at your door. Don’t make the mistake of believing that when the Russians show up at your door to seize your guns, that officer Halley will respond to save the day.

    Nonviolence Does Not Imply Compliance

    It is time people for the spirit of civil disobedience to rear its head. Short of not complying with any form of gun confiscation. The type of peaceful revolution that I am proposing can be effective without ever firing a shot. Those that know me, know that I am nonviolent. However, that does not mean that I will not become non compliant against this encroaching tyrannical police state.

    If we are going down as a country, I am not submitting without a fight. Will you join me? The time to fight back is now! What is your idea on how to fight back against this tyranny? Please leave a comment with your suggestion.Writing your suggestions is the first step towards action. If you care about your country and your children’s future, let your voice be heard.

    Dave Hodges is an award winning psychology, statistics and research professor, a college basketball coach, a mental health counselor, a political activist and writer who has published dozens of editorials and articles in several publications such as Freedom Phoenix, News With Views, and The Arizona Republic.

    The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty. You can follow Dave’s work at his web site, on Facebook and Twitter.
    Honor The Most High, Keep His Commandments and all will go well with you.

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    Re: The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika

    When I was in Cuba I was a little skinny little 116 lbs guy that everybody just to pick on...and then I found the secret to being just like the biggest guy in the block....... a police special .30......... the only power that a cop has over you is the one to be able to shot you and get away with it.....................other wise.........they work, eat, sleep and shit just like you, once we start getting to them first before they get to us they will learn.....and that's what they are scare off and why they are becoming more militarise by getting bigger and more powerfull weapons to defende themselves with and to be able to impose the NEW laws.

    What to do? like Churchill said "Walk softly and carry a big stick" and act only when you can act.......the underground tactics of WWII were very good tactics that were use against the German........learn and do, when the time is right, a bigger weapon does not mean a better weapon.

    "If you don't hold it, you don't own it"... Ponce

    "I'll never stop learning because I'll never stop reading"... Ponce

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    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Re: The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika

    Quote Originally Posted by Twisted Titan View Post

    You must attend your Congressman’s next Town Hall Meeting. Show up and tell them that you will work to unelect them unless they subject themselves to the same substandard and dangerous Obamacare system that they have sentenced us to.
    that will work for sure
    I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.

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    Re: The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika

    Countering Police State USA: Launching Battlefield America with John W. Whitehead

    Sibel Edmonds and Spiro Skouras

    Countering Police State USA: Launching Battlefield America

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    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

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    Re: The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika

    Like the Really Need Them? Las Vegas Metro Police Aquire 2 F-16 Fighters From National Guard

    Dated April 1, April Fools? ...


    April 1, 2017

    Today Las Vegas Metro Police announced they had made a deal with the Air National Guard to acquire two F-16 fighter Jets to help patrol the vast area of Clark County and defend against possible terrorist attacks. Sheriff Lombardo said in a statement “We face threats across our 8,000 square miles of territory and need to take appropriate steps to protect the 2.5 million residents of Clark County that we are charged with protecting.”

    As part of the program, the Air National Guard will provide pilot training on the advanced weapons including the air to surface laser guided bombs and air to air missiles. Air National Guard Lt. General Maverick said “We look forward to completing police/fighter pilot training.” According to sources, the Metro Police Fighter Jet air patrols should start April 1, 2018.


    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

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    Re: The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika


    Run for Your Life: The American Police State Is Coming to Get You [SHORT]

    0 0 1
    By John W. Whitehead
    April 17, 2017
    “We’ve reached the point where state actors can penetrate rectums and vaginas, where judges can order forced catheterizations, and where police and medical personnel can perform scans, enemas and colonoscopies without the suspect’s consent.... These tactics are ... about degrading and humiliating a class of people that politicians and law enforcement have deemed the enemy.”—Radley Balko, The Washington Post

    Daily, all across America, individuals who dare to resist—or even question—a police order are being subjected to all sorts of government-sanctioned abuse ranging from forced catheterization, forced blood draws, roadside strip searches and cavity searches, and other foul and debasing acts that degrade their bodily integrity and leave them bloodied and bruised.

    Americans as young as 4 years old are being leg shackled, handcuffed, taseredand held at gun point for not being quiet, not being orderly and just being childlike—i.e., not being compliant enough.

    Government social workers actually subjected a 3-year-old boy to a forced catheterization after he was unable to provide them with a urine sample on demand (the boy still wasn’t potty trained). The boy was held down, screaming in pain, while nurses forcibly inserted a tube into his penis to drain his bladder—all of this done because the boy’s mother’s boyfriend had failed a urine analysis for drugs.

    Americans as old as 95 are being beaten, shot and killed for questioning an order, hesitating in the face of a directive, and mistaking a policeman crashing through their door for a criminal breaking into their home—i.e., not being submissive enough.

    Consider what happened to David Dao, the United Airlines passenger who was accosted by three police, forcibly wrenched from his seat across the armrest, bloodying his face in the process, and dragged down the aisle by the arms merely for refusing to relinquish his paid seat after the airline chose him randomly to be bumped from the flight—after being checked in and allowed to board—so that airline workers could make a connecting flight.

    Those with ADHD, autism, hearing impairments, dementia or some other disability that can hinder communication in the slightest way are in even greater danger of having their actions misconstrued by police. Police shot a 73-year-old-man with dementia seven times after he allegedly failed to respond to orders to stop approaching and remove his hands from his jacket. The man was unarmed and had been holding a crucifix.

    Clearly, it no longer matters where you live.

    Big city or small town: it’s the same scenario being played out over and over again in which government agents, hyped up on their own authority and the power of their uniform, ride roughshod over the citizenry who—in the eyes of the government—are viewed as having no rights.

    Our freedoms—especially the Fourth Amendment—continue to be torn asunder by the prevailing view among government bureaucrats that they have the right to search, seize, strip, scan, spy on, probe, pat down, taser, and arrest any individual at any time and for the slightest provocation.

    Forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, and forced inclusion in biometric databases are just a few ways in which Americans continue to be reminded that we have no control over what happens to our bodies during an encounter with government officials.

    These incidents—sanctioned by the courts and conveniently overlooked by the legislatures—teach Americans of every age and skin color the painful lesson that there are no limits to what the government can do in its so-called “pursuit” of law and order.

    If this is a war, then “we the people” are the enemy.

    As Radley Balko notes in The Washington Post, “When you’re at war, it’s important to dehumanize your enemy. And there’s nothing more dehumanizing than forcibly and painfully invading someone’s body — all the better if you can involve the sex organs.”

    The message being beaten, shot, tasered, probed and slammed into our collective consciousness is simply this: it doesn’t matter if you’re in the right, it doesn’t matter if a cop is in the wrong, it doesn’t matter if you’re being treated with less than the respect you deserve or the law demands.

    The only thing that matters to the American police state is that you comply, submit, respect authority and generally obey without question whatever a government official (anyone who wears a government uniform, be it a police officer, social worker, petty bureaucrat or zoning official) tells you to do.

    This is what happens when you allow the government to call the shots: it becomes a bully.

    Unfortunately, we’ve been marching in lockstep with the police state for so long that we’ve forgotten how to march to the tune of our own revolutionary drummer. In fact, we’ve even forgotten the words to the tune.
    We’ve learned the lessons of compliance too well.

    For too long, “we the people” have allowed the government to ride roughshod over the Constitution, equating patriotism with blind obedience to the government’s dictates, no matter how unconstitutional or immoral those actions might be.

    What can you do?

    It’s simple but as I detail in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the consequences may be deadly.

    Stop being so obedient. Stop being so compliant and herdlike. Stop kowtowing to anyone and everyone in uniform. Stop perpetuating the false notion that those who work for the government—the president, Congress, the courts, the military, the police—are in any way superior to the rest of the citizenry. Stop playing politics with your principles. Stop making excuses for the government’s growing list of human rights abuses and crimes. Stop turning a blind eye to the government’s corruption and wrongdoing and theft and murder. Stop tolerating ineptitude and incompetence by government workers. Stop allowing the government to treat you like a second-class citizen. Stop censoring what you say and do for fear that you might be labeled an extremist or worse, unpatriotic. Stop sitting silently on the sidelines while the police state kills, plunders and maims your fellow citizens.

    Stop being a slave.

    As anti-war activist Rosa Luxemburg concluded, “Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.”

    Get ready to stand your ground or run for your life, because the American police state is coming to get you.

    WC: 1054

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    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

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    Re: The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika

    Conspiracy, the PERSECUTORS' Darling, "originally protected the citizen from malicious prosecution, where the courtroom was used as a tool to indict and punish political enemies of those who were in positions of political power."

    Conspiracy, The Prosecutor’s Darling


    April 21, 2017 Constitution, US


    by Loren Edward Pearce

    In a recent Facebook post, a meme stated, “You better start caring about the trial going on Nevada right now. Your rights depend on the outcome.”

    For many of us, the process of watching the wheels of injustice turn in the courtroom has also turned our stomachs
    as we witness first hand our awful situation. Like draining the swamp, we have left our comfortable easy chairs, our EAR (entertainment, amusement and recreation) lifestyle, to watch as federal judges and prosecutors expose their corruption, their twisted logic and most of all, their departure from the original intent of the framers of the constitution. Like the ignorant homeowner distracted by other pursuits in life, we worked and played while the termites quietly destroyed the foundation of our home. Little did we know how bad things were until we observed the trials going on in Oregon and in Nevada.

    Among the many injustices and unconstitutional shenanigans that have been exposed by our newfound interest in the so called justice system, is the subject of criminal conspiracy.

    Conspiracy, coined the prosecutor’s “darling,”, is one of the most commonly charged federal crimes. The charge of conspiracy is a prosecutor’s darling because of the great advantage it gives to prosecutors, and the government, and the great disadvantage it gives to the accused, the defendant. Keep in mind that, one of the intents of the founders was for prosecutors to be neutral, unbiased pursuers of truth and justice, not convictions. Prosecutors, paid for by the people, were to represent both the government and the defendant equally, in the quest for the truth. Today, nothing could be further from the truth as the government prosecutors are interested only in convictions and protection of their employer, the government.

    The offense of conspiracy has great breadth, and prosecutors have applied it to a variety of situations. Commentators have noted that “it is clear that a conspiracy charge gives the prosecution certain unique advantages and that one who must defend against such a charge bears a particularly heavy burden.”

    The Supreme Court has described the gravity of the conspiracy offense: “For two or more to confederate and combine together to commit or cause to be committed a breach of the criminal laws, is an offense of the gravest character, sometimes quite outweighing, in injury to the public, the mere commission of the contemplated crime. It involves deliberate plotting to subvert the laws, educating and preparing the conspirators for further and habitual criminal practices. And it is characterized by secrecy, rendering it difficult of detection, requiring more time for its discovery, and adding to the importance of punishing it when discovered.”

    Conspiracy, a crime special to common law jurisdictions and largely unknown, except in modest forms, in continental European countries, is one of the most controversial of all substantive crimes. It affords great advantages to law enforcement, since it avoids multiple trials, permits prosecution of preparatory activity at an early stage, facilitates prosecution against organized criminality, and extends a number of evidentiary and procedural advantages to the prosecution.

    At the same time, it constitutes what Justice Jackson in Krulewitch termed an “elastic, sprawling and pervasive offense” that departs from traditional requirements of liability: (1) the crime of conspiracy is vaguely defined and its contours are often unpredictable; (2) it permits conviction on acts largely mental in character; (3) its essential feature, an agreement, is often diluted to something approaching suspicion of agreement; and (4) it affords a highly tenuous basis for holding the defendant for substantive crimes committed by others. Moreover, the procedural advantages to the prosecution impose corresponding disadvantages on the defendant, disadvantages thought inappropriate and unfair when other crimes are charged.

    According to Edward Coke, conspiracy was originally a statutory remedy against false accusation and prosecution by “a consultation and agreement between two or more to appeal or indict an innocent man falsely and maliciously of felony, whom they cause to be indicted and appealed; and afterward the party is lawfully acquitted”.Conspiracy, 1 Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice 241-2 (2d ed. 2002); James Burke, Sandord Kadish,Dan M. Kahan]

    Conspiracy laws originally protected the citizen from malicious prosecution, where the courtroom was used as a tool to indict and punish political enemies of those who were in positions of political power. The conspirators and co-conspirators were the government who wrongly used the grand jury system to indict, harass and punish those who would dare oppose them.

    Like a home invader who has been confronted by a homeowner with a gun in self defense, the government has seized the gun from the homeowner’s hand and turned that gun against the gun owner. The term “conspiracy” has been hijacked from its original purpose in protecting the citizen from government and prosecutorial abuses to one where the prosecution uses it against citizens who seek to assert their constitutional rights.

    The real conspiracy exists in the vast undertaking by unscrupulous and corrupt individuals who have built an empire out of government. Vast bureaucracies and federal agencies which have a life of their own, and like any organism, a bottomless desire for self preservation and self engrandizement. Conspiring to write and enact laws that give them leverage over any citizen who would challenge them, they conspire within their common interest, to defend and uphold their employer, the federal government, by declaring any individual who opposes them as “co-conspirators” immediately shutting down dissent and civil disobedience as the final recourse.

    Ryan Bundy recently called our attention to how one-sided the Bill of Rights were. One sided and exclusively in favor of the citizen and the accused. The framers of the Bill of Rights knew from their own experience how dangerous centralized, federal government was and therefore made the Bill of Rights one sided because to do otherwise, would give the centralized government and empire builders, a toe hold to abuse their centralized, government power.

    For example, the federal courts, to justify trying co-conspirators together rather than severing into separate trials, referred to “judicial economy” as the excuse. Judicial economy meaning that they didn’t want to bother with the time and expense of separate trials, therefore, they would be tried together. However, the right to a separate trial assures fairness and justice so that the the guilt of one conspirator is not automatically transferred to another defendant. Likewise, hearsay evidence from unknown co-conspirators is admittable by the court under the guise of judicial economy.

    Judicial economy is not mentioned in the Bill of Rights. Nor is complex case nor is there anything to do with the convenience of the plaintiff, the government. The Bill of Rights are a reminder to the government that it is a one-sided system, the protection of the accused, the protection of the citizen.

    As we have noted in other articles, the federal courts have a high conviction rate, over 95%. Is that due the overwhelming guilt of every defendant? Is it due to the extreme competence of the prosecutors? Or is it due to the tools that the federal team (judge, prosecutors, marshals) have given themselves, such as the tool of conspiracy charges?

    Yes, we better pay attention to what is happening in the Nevada courtroom and then work to change it, lest the conspiring termites continue to eat away at the Bill of Rights and our constitutional foundations, and we, the average citizen, be prosecuted as co-conspirators with the system rigged against us.

    For an in depth analysis of Federal Criminal Conspiracy and how it has evolved to be the prosecutor’s darling, please see:
    Federal Criminal Conspiracy by Todd R. Russell and O. Carter Snead

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    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  11. #8
    Unobtanium crimethink's Avatar
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    Re: The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika

    Americans lost their rights because they allowed black-robed prostitutes claiming to be "judges" to determine what their rights are.
    The night has come upon us, and we have but two choices: to fear it, or to face it bravely while looking to the Light that cannot be overcome. John 8:12

  12. #9
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    Re: The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika

    Quote Originally Posted by crimethink View Post
    Americans lost their rights because they allowed black-robed prostitutes claiming to be "judges" to determine what their rights are.
    I think what we are up against is an organized gang, actually a number of them, that are loosely and not so loosely affiliated. They are all operating under the auspices of the banking cartel that must have war as a necessessity of it's existence. I think we all know this, I am just trying to package it with words. These various criminal entities are all the children of the Banking Cartel. This is the most apt way to view it in my opinion.

    So this family of criminal organizations must have war as a means of survival. Nothing else will work for them. It is a sick confidence game where they instill a fear, hatred, anxiety, call it what you will, some type of negative feeling into enough of the populace to convince society as a whole to go along with their war machine. Call it a war on drugs, a war on extremism, terrorism, call it what you will. In any case, with a mandate to fight a war from the voters, this machine can then run roughshod under the disguise of virtue. It does not matter that they are actually thugs who are murdering, maiming, enslaving, stealing. No. Because they are operating under the auspices of protecting the innocent when in reality they are doing the exact opposite but people at large cannot make this connection.

    It has always been this way from the most primitive societies on up into modern society. There have always been those who learned to profit by whispering lies into the ears of those who they knew they could manipulate. Gullibility plays a large part in this confidence game. Populations of humans are indeed like herd animals and there can be no doubt that we are being farmed just like any livestock.

    Democracy is as good a vehicle as any for these organizations to run their games on the populace. They convince the voters that there is a war to be fought and with this war comes the predations that we see. They have their judges in black robes, like some type of priesthood who are managing the sacred task of liberating us from our liberty. The Justice System is a system of injustice. Everything in this War World is topsy turvy. Up is down and black is white. Everything, even those things you thought were beyond being perverted has been perverted in the name of profit. Giving the women the vote was an integral part of the plan for the slave masters, the elite criminals who are taking more of our freedoms every day. Who can deny that giving women a political voice, the right to vote, has created more of a monster than what we had before. The twentieth century proved to be the most brutal, bloodiest, cruelest that has ever been seen. The twenty first will surely prove worse. I am not picking on women here. I am just pointing out how they and we have been manipulated. The instinct of women to act out in order to achieve justice, out of their caring and nurturing side, has been twisted into a force of great monstrosity.

    I guess what I am getting toward here is that what we see is a consequence of the public voting to protect either themselves or those they feel they need to protect who maybe aren't able to protect themselves. It gets twisted by the War Machine into the exact opposite of what is intended. This is why I believe voting is an act of violence. You are enabling a system that is beyond any decency, you are giving it a mandate to do what it does. What it does is live off of human misery.

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    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika

    I am not connected to or have no financial interest in Hillsdale College. They offer a free online course, Constitution 101.

    I am not soliciting funds for Hillsdale College. I posted this statement to iiustrate their indepndence from government intrusion.
    Hillsdale College accepts no state or federal funds. They do not support the federal narrative

    Support Hillsdale’s Independence

    For more than 170 years, Hillsdale College has promoted “the diffusion of sound learning” as the best means of preserving “the blessings of civil and religious liberty and intellectual piety.” Your support is essential to the College. To maintain our independence in every regard, Hillsdale does not accept one penny of state or federal taxpayer funding—even indirectly in the form of student grants and loans.
    Dr. Larry P. Arnn.
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

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