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Thread: Larouche "syrian war must be stopped, its likely an extinction event"

  1. #1
    Large Sarge

    Larouche "syrian war must be stopped, its likely an extinction event"

  2. #2
    Unobtanium Twisted Titan's Avatar
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    Re: Larouche "syrian war must be stopped, its likely an extinction event"

    Ahhhhh shut this old sociolist FDR loving windbag the hell up.

    There WONT be Thermo nuclear war.



    Mutually assured destruction.
    Honor The Most High, Keep His Commandments and all will go well with you.

  3. #3
    Great Value Carrots Silver Rocket Bitches!'s Avatar
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    Re: Larouche "syrian war must be stopped, its likely an extinction event"

    1. Any U.S. attack on Syria has the potential to trigger a larger war, which could lead to a thermonuclear war and extinction. This threat is so serious that any other considerations in favor of U.S. military action against Syria must be rejected due to this overwhelming danger.
    Lyndon LaRouche on Syria and the threat of thermonuclear war.

    Claims that the Administration has “understandings” with Russia and Iran to prevent such an escalation must be dismissed as unreliable, particularly when weighed against the threat of military action leading to world war and the likelihood of the use of thermonuclear weapons.

    2. The Syrian events must be seen from the standpoint that the world system today is dominated by an imperial system with historical roots in Europe dating back to the sacking of Troy and the emergence of the Roman Empire. The sickness of Europe which prevails to this day in the form of the modern Anglo-Dutch global monetarist system dominates the habits of the world. The British Crown is on record promoting a policy of mass population reduction from the current level of 7 billion people down to 1-2 billion. President Obama is a tool of this international group, represented in the United States by the Wall Street combination. Thermonuclear war must be prevented absolutely, and a military strike against Syria, no matter how limited in scope, brings the world substantially closer to such a war.

    3. The present Anglo-Dutch global financial system is headed ultimately towards a general bankruptcy. It is coming soon, and this is driving a desperate faction among the Anglo-Dutch to contemplate an escalation to global war. The fact that there is serious movement in the United States and in other parts of the world towards a Glass Steagall solution to the global bankruptcy collapse is further driving Wall Street into a panic.

    4. The threatened consequences of a Syria strike add to the fact that there is no basis in international law or U.S. Constitutional law for President Obama to launch strikes against Syria. Defeat Obama on Syria and he will go ape. He must be removed from office for cause and the fact that he is contemplating an attack on Syria, knowing the potential consequences, is in itself sufficient cause.

    5. The U.S. military has been decimated through more than a decade of long wars. The logic of the U.S. buildup against Russia and China is moving the world towards a Pacific thermonuclear war. Once the fuse is lit with even a limited military strike against Syria, the situation immediately moves out of control.

    6. Prevent this Syria attack at all costs, implement Glass Steagall immediately and new prospects for global stability are immediately available. The United States has the opportunity to partner with China. The world is a mess and we need a factor of stability. The Chinese know that a further collapse of Europe and the United States assures the collapse of China. Combine Glass Steagall with a cooperative global crash effort to achieve fusion power and the conditions driving the world to a war of extinction can be eliminated altogether.

    7. In principle, this looming war can be stopped by a relatively small number of people who understand how to carry out an effective flanking operation. The logic of the current Obama policy trajectory is that, if you let it run its course, we are in danger of thermonuclear war. Russia has been put in a corner and any further actions can provoke an unrestrained response. So far, Putin, although he is in a touchy situation, is acting with restraint.
    everything we learn changes that which we know to be true

  4. #4
    Unobtanium Twisted Titan's Avatar
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    Re: Larouche "syrian war must be stopped, its likely an extinction event"

    Not a single world about the Zionist bloody firnger prints all over this operation.

    But he was able to astutely identify the culprits: The Anglo Dutch.

    Gotta remember that.
    Honor The Most High, Keep His Commandments and all will go well with you.

  5. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Twisted Titan For This Useful Post:

    gunDriller (30th August 2013),Libertarian_Guard (30th August 2013),Shami-Amourae (30th August 2013)

  6. #5
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    Re: Larouche "syrian war must be stopped, its likely an extinction event"

    wow.. another zio tool.. who would have thunk it...

    3. The present Anglo-Dutch global financial system is headed ultimately towards a general bankruptcy. It is coming soon, and this is driving a desperate faction among the Anglo-Dutch to contemplate an escalation to global war. The fact that there is serious movement in the United States and in other parts of the world towards a Glass Steagall solution to the global bankruptcy collapse is further driving Wall Street into a panic.

  7. #6
    Large Sarge

    Re: Larouche "syrian war must be stopped, its likely an extinction event"

    Quote Originally Posted by ximmy View Post
    wow.. another zio tool.. who would have thunk it...

    3. The present Anglo-Dutch global financial system is headed ultimately towards a general bankruptcy. It is coming soon, and this is driving a desperate faction among the Anglo-Dutch to contemplate an escalation to global war. The fact that there is serious movement in the United States and in other parts of the world towards a Glass Steagall solution to the global bankruptcy collapse is further driving Wall Street into a panic.
    the term "anglo", is "British Anglo", which is like a code for the Israeli/Zionist movement

    its not used often,

  8. #7
    Unobtanium gunDriller's Avatar
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    Re: Larouche "syrian war must be stopped, its likely an extinction event"

    Quote Originally Posted by ximmy View Post
    wow.. another zio tool.. who would have thunk it...
    check out the editorial board for "Exec. Intelligence Review"

    Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg, Michele
    Economics: John Hoefle, Marcia Merry Baker,
    Paul Gallagher
    History: Anton Chaitkin
    Ibero-America: Dennis Small
    Law: Edward Spannaus
    Russia and Eastern Europe: Rachel Douglas
    United States: Debra Freeman

    Anton Chaitkin = big time Jewish Israel supporter.

    claims father sat on the Nuremberg tribunal etc., also a major Holohoax pusher.
    Retired Director Morris Waxler says the FDA did not do their job for 15 years - and is not now.

  9. #8
    .999 Unobtanium Horn's Avatar
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    Re: Larouche "syrian war must be stopped, its likely an extinction event"

    Quote Originally Posted by ximmy View Post
    wow.. another zio tool.. who would have thunk it...

    3. The present Anglo-Dutch global financial system is headed ultimately towards a general bankruptcy. It is coming soon, and this is driving a desperate faction among the Anglo-Dutch to contemplate an escalation to global war. The fact that there is serious movement in the United States and in other parts of the world towards a Glass Steagall solution to the global bankruptcy collapse is further driving Wall Street into a panic.
    Could be the jewish/zionist faction... among the Anglo-Dutch.

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