LOL... just let it all simmer for a while. Things are going to get biblically horrifying. If the people ever figure out they have been working for the devil, they will be killing themselves wholesale.... and maybe a lot of others first.
LOL... just let it all simmer for a while. Things are going to get biblically horrifying. If the people ever figure out they have been working for the devil, they will be killing themselves wholesale.... and maybe a lot of others first.
SPECTRISM time countdown2025
The Cabal...........“Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty back together again”.
Tumbleweed (12th November 2013)
Bump to honor our precious leader...
"Have you ever sat and watched your children eat and you eat what was left on their plates when they were done, because there wasn’t enough for you to eat to? I have."
Thanks a Lot, Mr. President: Single Mom’s Letter Goes Viral
Just when you thought it couldn’t be tougher to be a single mom, trying to be both mother and father to her children and struggling to make ends meet, along came Obamacare. -
mamboni (13th November 2013)
Zero's just another brand of scum bullshit as he that he has followed, one layer of shitty icing one on top of the other, over the other, over the other etc... etc... The icing is now so heavy the cake is collapsing and/or is rotting from inside, what hasn't already been devoured.
"Truth is treason in the empire of lies"...Ron Paul
"A government is a bunch of people, usually, notably ungoverned"...Shepherd Book, Firefly
mick silver (14th November 2013)
Why say "God have mercy on your soul"? How about, "may you rot in hell with the demons you house in your fly-loving putrid flesh"?
SPECTRISM time countdown2025
He can't read her letter at this time, he's too busy with his 150th game of golf.
everything we learn changes that which we know to be true