Based on a Canadian blonde I'm going to dry hop using 2 hops. Cascade and Amarillo. I was thinking on using 3 of what I've got on hand but I think Montueka is not going to give much when dry hopped. Chinook I haven't tasted yet so not sure.
Seems the can I bought was past the best by. August.
Brewing this one to 20L not the regular 23L.
The recipe:
1 x 1.7kg Coopers Canadian Blonde
1 kg Coopers Brew Enhancer #2
1 x 11gms SafeAle US 04
30gms Cascade pellet hops dry hopped
30gms Amarillo pellet hops dry hopped
Cascade, Amarillo hops. US 04 yeast
OG 1.054
Volume: 20L
Fermenter: Std barrel #1
Brew temp: 21C - ambient
Pitch temp: 24C
Current temp: 17C
Notes: I've had a few canadian blonde extracts look fairly dark from the can compared to the final beer. This one is very dark. It is also more malty than others I've had. It's only a couple months past best by date. Almost like and IPA base. This is also being brewed to 20L so it is more concentrated. I usually add 250 - 500gm ( 9 - 18oz ) more fermentables ( 25% to 50% more ). This time 1Kg of coopers #2.
O.G. is quite high.
Has been sitting a few hours waiting for the temp to come down. seems fairly slow to drop.