View Poll Results: Does God exist, and specifically what is His nature

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  • God is the Christian God

    18 40.00%
  • God is other monotheistic God

    0 0%
  • God is of pantheist nature

    7 15.56%
  • I subscribe to deism but unspecific

    9 20.00%
  • I am not sure if God exists

    6 13.33%
  • God does not exist

    5 11.11%
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Thread: In your personal view, does God exist

  1. #121
    Unobtanium Twisted Titan's Avatar
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    Quote Originally Posted by Horn View Post
    We certainly know it isn't luck that a government anointed representative has the entire month of December magically off.

    There are 3 sitting judges in my chancery ( 2 are tribesmen) and i know for a fact the other is irish

    My case could have easily be assigned to that judge and the other side is certainly eager to drop the hammer on me because i am lingering in thier eyes.

    But i guess when your "lucky" you can pull a card like that out again and again.
    Honor The Most High, Keep His Commandments and all will go well with you.

  2. #122
    Great Value Carrots Silver Rocket Bitches!'s Avatar
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    I believe in a higher power but feel that trying to define it is futile. It's like a first grader trying to comprehend calculus. Call it agnostic theism if you want but I just don't subscribe to religious dogma. One day we will know. Today is not that day.
    everything we learn changes that which we know to be true

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  4. #123
    Dangerous Donald Neuro's Avatar
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver Rocket Bitches! View Post
    I believe in a higher power but feel that trying to define it is futile. It's like a first grader trying to comprehend calculus. Call it agnostic theism if you want but I just don't subscribe to religious dogma. One day we will know. Today is not that day.
    Well put!
    Cultural Marxism: -The idea that good, hard working, white people should pay for those who are not, and thus in the name of equality create the conditions for their own genetic annihilation

  5. #124
    Dangerous Donald Neuro's Avatar
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    Quote Originally Posted by Twisted Titan View Post
    There are 3 sitting judges in my chancery ( 2 are tribesmen) and i know for a fact the other is irish

    My case could have easily be assigned to that judge and the other side is certainly eager to drop the hammer on me because i am lingering in thier eyes.

    But i guess when your "lucky" you can pull a card like that out again and again.
    Happy Hanukkah Tvistein!
    Cultural Marxism: -The idea that good, hard working, white people should pay for those who are not, and thus in the name of equality create the conditions for their own genetic annihilation

  6. #125
    Unobtanium Twisted Titan's Avatar
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver Rocket Bitches! View Post
    I believe in a higher power but feel that trying to define it is futile. It's like a first grader trying to comprehend calculus. Call it agnostic theism if you want but I just don't subscribe to religious dogma. One day we will know. Today is not that day.
    I can agree with that.

    If god wanted a particular dogma we wouldnt have any discreation on the matter. Just like we have no diecreation over how we breathe.
    Honor The Most High, Keep His Commandments and all will go well with you.

  7. #126
    Unobtanium singular_me's Avatar
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    well, today it is the day, for those who can stomach it.

    why are there NUMBERS (of God) in all religions...

    why is mathematics the language of God, Oneness of Good irrefutable (a 12 grader can get it)

    ps: the one world religion has always been among us, it just is that every belief system tries to camouflage it in its own words

    Silver Rocket Bitches! View Post
    I believe in a higher power but feel that trying to define it is futile. It's like a first grader trying to comprehend calculus..... One day we will know. Today is not that day.
    All the money that exists cannot buy Earth, and the evidence is that we destroy our habitat as a result, thinking that we can just seize and pillage as we see fit. If crowds endorse the pursuit of wealth at their own level, they cannot prevent multinationals from doing exactly the same. The “dystopian endless growth paradigm” is going to end with a bang but will open the door to a premise endorsing that Earth is the only wealth we truly have while journeying through life.

  8. #127
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    be aware that when watching Marty Leeds that he is a high level freemason and by definition a satanist.

    IIRC During the first few minutes he builds up to his first spell.
    Great minds discuss Ideas, Average minds discuss Events, Small minds discuss People. E.R.

    Anytime I'm in doubt I go outside and give it a little shake.
    Liberty Tree.

  9. #128
    Unobtanium Serpo's Avatar
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    My experience of GOD was never ending for a number of months when I was in India, some decades ago.

    GOD seemed to be beyond ALL religions and the experience is akin to a presence in all things when our minds have shut up their useless chatter and we experience a deeper part of ourselves.

    Just the other day I began reading , the new revelation or the new message at

    For people with deeply held BELIEFS it maybe difficult to get your head around it at first but to me I found it a great experience to begin reading what Marshal Summers who has spent forty years writing.

    This is not a new religion but a direct look into the actual mind of GOD.

    This message is for our times right now, the other messages , aka Buddha, Jesus,Mohammad are a little dated so a new message has been given for these times.

    Many people may not be able to connect to it because of the over lay of beliefs or even anti belief which is another form of belief in a way.

    Reading this message is like walking down a spiral staircase or rabbit hole into our own mind, the deeper levels of our own mind which has been obscured by distraction, belief ect.

    The read seems to take a person on a journey of discovery from the very beginning and anyone wanting to attack this message , please read it first so you do not make an idiot of yourself.

    This is not a world religion as it is not a religion in the first place ( as if we need another one to add to the mix).

    It is in fact very relevant for the times we live in TODAY.

    The Cabal...........“Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty back together again”.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Serpo For This Useful Post:

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  11. #129
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    Here is my story.

    I studied many a philosophy, as well as many a religion system.

    I studied them, first, because I had to, as a requirement for PHD.

    Then, later on, I studied them for fun and as a hobby.

    Then, 15 years ago, I dug down into the King James Bible, 1611.

    The KJV 1611 is the only true and verifiable word of God. I mean true God.

    Everything else is either a B/S or a lie. Period.

  12. #130
    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.

  13. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Jewboo For This Useful Post:

    Joshua01 (19th December 2017),Tumbleweed (10th December 2019)

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