View Poll Results: Does God exist, and specifically what is His nature

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  • God is the Christian God

    18 40.00%
  • God is other monotheistic God

    0 0%
  • God is of pantheist nature

    7 15.56%
  • I subscribe to deism but unspecific

    9 20.00%
  • I am not sure if God exists

    6 13.33%
  • God does not exist

    5 11.11%
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Thread: In your personal view, does God exist

  1. #131
    Join Date
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    It's dum to have a "Christian God" option because in Christian doctrines there are many gods, and if you want to know about the Most High God you are supposed to read the book that He gave for that purpose. So your poll only applies to non-Christians.

    The Most High God claims to be the God of rightness. That's why there is no visible likeness. People have a list of rules they use to determine rightness. That list is invisible, but everybody believes in it, even to the point of dying for what it says. The problem is when you make up your own list. The usual approach is to take a list that you have been given and make it more emphatic. That is what Eve did in the garden.

    Bottom line: It doesn't matter whether you believe in the God of rightness. He is still the God of rightness.

    BTW did you know the garden of Eden has been found? It's here:


  2. #132
    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Re: In your personal view, does God exist

    Quote Originally Posted by mick silver View Post

    I no longer go to a church because the church is all around me

    I miss Mick.

    I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Jewboo For This Useful Post:

    Neuro (24th January 2020),Tumbleweed (23rd January 2020)

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