God is the Christian God
God is other monotheistic God
God is of pantheist nature
I subscribe to deism but unspecific
I am not sure if God exists
God does not exist
Voltaire: "To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Does God exist? God IS Existence. To ask if God exists is the same as asking if existence exists.
Do you exist? If you do exist then God exists. There is no alternative.
"Trust those who seek the truth, but doubt those who say they found it."
midnight rambler (17th November 2014),osoab (17th November 2014),Serpo (17th November 2014),singular_me (17th November 2014)
when I see the hate that avowed satan worshippers have toward christians (and basically all caucasians as they are all bundled together in this ideology), I don't worry about those who believe in God. I worry about those who believe in the other side. That is the main threat at the moment. They are the ones currently running the show.
Great minds discuss Ideas, Average minds discuss Events, Small minds discuss People. E.R.
Anytime I'm in doubt I go outside and give it a little shake.
Liberty Tree.
crimethink (17th November 2014),Libertytree (17th November 2014),midnight rambler (17th November 2014)
Cultural Marxism: -The idea that good, hard working, white people should pay for those who are not, and thus in the name of equality create the conditions for their own genetic annihilation
their more then meets the eyes . their got to be something bigger and greater then me an you
“Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.” ~ Outlaw Josey Wales…
crimethink (17th November 2014)
1. Can you tell me of anything in existence that wasn't created by something else?
The point is, everything created has a "creator". What the creator is, is another matter we don't have to agree on.Created is a term with many definitions. Yes I believe things are created... but not by a magic invisible being.
To answer my own question about 'anything that wasn't created'. The answer is 'Energy'. Energy can neither be created, or destroyed.
It is that same energy that is our spark of life and that of God. Maybe we are all part of God?
2. Have you ever seen a miracle, or had a brush with death?
Do you not view the gift of life, a women giving birth, a miracle?No miracles... nothing like walking on water or water to wine type of things. I dont call people surviving an acciedent a miracle!... Brush with death... Yes many... So what? Prove that a god had anything to do with them.
I think at the time life starts and when near death, many people can feel this life force energy around us.
Maybe you never have?
Religious teachings can be extreme, but are they reality?
Q. Why do you think you are 'required' to worship God?
Q. Can you think of anyone that should be punished for eternity?
This is where myself and many will disagree. I believe the bible has been subverted by the Jews.A. Because it is written that if you do not follow gods laws you will suffer eternal suffering and torment. By following gods laws you are tantamount worshiping his being.Praying on your knees is a sign of bowing down to their authority.
I do not think Jesus was a Jew, but isn't it convenient to have written in the bible one must worship a Jew?
Does the evil of truely evil people die with them?A. No not really.... you are asking a very vague question. I believe if we are to put people in jail for a crime. they should not be mistreated... and the punishment should be for a stated time... not eternity! Even when prisoners are given a life sentence... death ends that at some point!
There again, religious teachings can be extreme.
Q. Do you believe anything is/can be infinate, eternal?
This is the ultimate question no one can answer. If God is finite, what is on the other side of God?A. Dont know and dont really care. Probably not. Why cannot god be finite too?
If the universe is finite, what is on the other side of it?
Yes, you will return to the elements that you are made of...one little detail though, where does the energy/life-force go?
I think you have this part somewhat figured out. Religion is a construct by man. Religion is used, belief is not.
I highlighted the part of your statement I totally agree with!I only believe in things I can taste, touch, see, hear or smell! Faith is a very misguided concept. Why would anyone risk their core beliefs to people that they have never known or under what circumstances they wrote what they did. God nor any supernatural being has ever shown themselves to me in any manner! Even though I was at one time on a quest for such knowledge. Until that day I choose the path of rationality and not speculative imaginations about a deity.
Sorry you are not able to see what God has shown to you. That is your ability to think, to love and witness the miracle of life.
My experience from many years ago showed me once that all everything without exception is one energy from one source which is infinite and eternal and sounds a bit like the roar you get with a sea shell put to your ear.
To try and pin this down with words , ideas , even religion is some what a futile task but hey, good luck.
Neither male nor female but one complete energy.
It has NO name.
All things are a part of this without exception .
So if a person gains this understanding then all things become a reflection of this creating (as opposed to the word creator,which is the past tense) including them selves , and so in this way everything could be realized or seen as being from one source.
We can create separation with our minds and create an ego we can call ourselves made up of mind fragments and view the outside world as suspicious if we want to , but this is on the level of the mind.
By seeing from the level of the spirit or soul things appear differently then seeing from the level of the mind , which basically uses ideas ,memories , comparisons , concepts ect.
Seeing from the level of the spirit or soul requires little if any thought/emotion as we have gone one step further and you basically end up living in freedom...........................
This freedom is ................freedom from our own MINDS and EMOTIONS , FREEDOM FROM OURSELVES..................
If a person can /does/becomes truly conscious do you think they will be having self doubts from an over active paranoid mind.......... not likely..........because they will be awake and conscious in the present moment which is all that exists, all that will ever exist and is termed eternity. The eternal now.
Eternity isnt a concept or an idea in our heads , its real and is with us always.
Peace and love brothers and sisters.................
The Cabal...........“Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty back together again”.
Libertytree (17th November 2014),Santa (18th November 2014),singular_me (17th November 2014)
Are you thinking this 'I'* part of you will DIE??I am content to live my life... die and return to the elements
*NOT the vessel but the consciousness which dwells within the vessel
"...there is no such thing as death..." --Bill Hicks
"A man is to be held accountable for the thoughts he chooses to entertain." --Richard Alan Miller
"If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable-what then?" --George Orwell
"It's not a matter of what is true (reality) that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true (reality)." --Henry Kissinger
He exists for sure. I think more in a Jesus just left Chicago style though.
Still has all the omnipotent power, just isn't hung up on it like people make Him out to be.
gunDriller (17th November 2014)