God is the Christian God
God is other monotheistic God
God is of pantheist nature
I subscribe to deism but unspecific
I am not sure if God exists
God does not exist
dosnt quite sound like it. instead you are pretending to be good by learning the bible and attempting to emulate Jesus, its called fabricated in my books and by quoting all the stuff from others centuries ago you have become a second hand human, one that listens to others spirituality and taking it on as your own.
why do I need/want that , I dont .
My soul hasnt been stolen by a church , its still mine and intact.
The Cabal...........“Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty back together again”.
Celtic Rogue (19th November 2014)
You have a victim mentality. A persecution complex. What happened to you to bring you to this anti-Christian point? You see "the church" as this foreboding menace, in the same manner as "they" want us to fear ISIS or al-Qaeda. "The church" is your boogieman.
No earthly "church" has "stolen" my soul. Nothing on Earth can steal my soul. I gave it willingly to God. I have no use for state-licensed "churches" any more than you do.
The night has come upon us, and we have but two choices: to fear it, or to face it bravely while looking to the Light that cannot be overcome. John 8:12
This video just about sums up my views of why I am not a christian any longer. I am a rationalist... and faith is a gullibility.Also the fact that many christians are anything but christian in thier quickness to judge and condem others who may believe differently then they do.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
churchianity or christianity?
Great minds discuss Ideas, Average minds discuss Events, Small minds discuss People. E.R.
Anytime I'm in doubt I go outside and give it a little shake.
Liberty Tree.
crimethink (18th November 2014)
You have complete faith in reason.
Human reason is not infallible.
As the Salt of the Earth, we are required to discern good & evil, and explain or expose that which is wrong. Not to persecute, but to guide to righteousness. Unfortunately, most want to persist in malevolent behavior. Of course, those who do evil don't want to be told they're doing wrong, and scream persecution.
The night has come upon us, and we have but two choices: to fear it, or to face it bravely while looking to the Light that cannot be overcome. John 8:12
No I have reasonable expectations based on evidence and trust that has been earned. Nothing is infallible even with believe in a god. By believeing in a god you can pray all you want and things will never get better than they would have without prayer! Believing in a god doesnt make anything less infallible! You can spit in one hand and pray into another... See which one fills up the quickest!You have complete faith in reason.
Human reason is not infallible.
LOL Who made you the salt of the earth? Is this some self appointed title or do you believe its god given? Same old BS ... Some people thinking that they know best how other people should live. This sounds a whole lot like the progressive socialists we have in Washington today! Just as I dont need government to tell me how to live and what is right ... I dont need any religious group or institution to do it either. This also smacks of judgement as you are judging what is righteous or good and evil! My morals do not rely on any beliefs or faith. They have been taught to me by my parents and my life experiences.As the Salt of the Earth, we are required to discern good & evil, and explain or expose that which is wrong. Not to persecute, but to guide to righteousness. Unfortunately, most want to persist in malevolent behavior. Of course, those who do evil don't want to be told they're doing wrong, and scream persecution.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
I think a lot of people don't understand prayer. It is not to bring benefit to oneself. You pray for others. Just like a body fixes itself if allowed, a person can do the same for the their whole. I pray for the ones no longer here that they aren't lost somewhere, or the ones who I'm worried might soon join them. I pray to say thanks that I got another day regardless of how much use I made of it.
You can't point to some thing and say that was Satan who did that. But you can point to some peoples acts and say they were satanic. Do you point to some thing and say that was god who did that or do you point to some people and say that was a godly act. A lot of people say there is not God because God let this or that happen. God doesn't act directly but through others, us. If it happens and it's evil its Satan using others. If there is not enough good being done then who's it down to? I think there are not enough people though which good is being done. I think the number of people doing good is growing quickly now. I'm hopeful.
Great minds discuss Ideas, Average minds discuss Events, Small minds discuss People. E.R.
Anytime I'm in doubt I go outside and give it a little shake.
Liberty Tree.
I have had and still going through an enormous amount of supernatural happenings that cannot be dimissed as random occurences or blind luck.
Very,very specific.
Honor The Most High, Keep His Commandments and all will go well with you.
Hitch (19th November 2014)
Voltaire: "To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
mick silver (19th November 2014),Twisted Titan (20th November 2014)