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Thread: Woodpile Report...keeps getting better and better

  1. #21
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: Woodpile Report...keeps getting better and better

    I think of "big blocks of text" as, no paragraph breaks with a blank line between. When I open many of mick silver's threads for example, where in his OP he doesn't restore the paragraph breaks which the original article website has but the breaks get lost in the copy/paste for some reason, so we see a long paragraph-break-less tome, I don't read those articles here at GSUS but rather go to the source to read, if at all. Usually I just skip past his OP coz the headline already gives the gist, and I skim over GSUS replies.
    FAKE "ELECTIONS" - Why Ron Paul Can't "Win"

    "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

  2. #22
    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Re: Woodpile Report...keeps getting better and better


    Remus's notebook for 29 December 2015
    Intended as the quickest of quick reads but
    with a link for those who want to follow up

    Taki's Magazine - Outrage supposedly felt on behalf of others is extremely gratifying for more than one reason. It has the appearance of selflessness, and everyone likes to feel that he is selfless. It confers moral respectability on the desire to hate or despise something or somebody, a desire never far from the human heart.

    American Thinker - You can now be charged with discrimination under New York City law if you refer to a female transgender as "him" or "Mr." The idiocy of these new guidelines guarantees a swarm of lawsuits filed by transgenders for every perceived slight.

    College Fix - Campus hate crime hoaxes: A best-of list, 2015 Edition

    Brooklyn Eagle - The legislation would place a strict limit on the number of bullets a gun owner could purchase over a 90-day time period. The measure would cap the amount of ammunition to no more than twice the amount of the capacity of the weapon every 90 days.

    Center for American Progress - 28 Ideas for State Executive Action to Prevent Gun Violence and Fight Gun Crime

    SHTF plan - New Ban Bill Hits Congress: directly targets every semi-automatic firearm in the United States including handguns, shotguns and rifles. Because the law is Federal it would blanket the country with new restrictions, including making it illegal to own any magazine that exceeds a capacity of ten rounds.

    Vault-Co - The population is the primary objective, not "another" target. Nuclear War is Klausewitzian. Choosing to live without civil defense is choosing oblivion for a nation.

    PJ Media - The National Basketball Association has teamed up with Everytown for Gun Safety and will lend its name and its athletes for a PR campaign against the Second Amendment. NBA/Everytown video. 0m 32s.

    Breitbart - One of the fathers traveling with the Muslim family banned from entering the U.S. this week [the "Disneyland family"] has denied any alleged links to Islamist extremism after a Facebook page set up at his home address was discovered, praising al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

    Science Magazine - A new filter material may be better at straining contaminants from water than the activated carbon in your faucet filter—and may be cheaper and easier to clean, to boot.

    Fox News - A powerful report by the U.K. government accuses the Muslim Brotherhood of being sympathetic to terrorists and a risk to British national security, striking a contrast with the Obama administration's more conciliatory approach.

    New Republic - For the vast majority of European paintings before the eighteenth century, the absence of a title testified not to a deliberate refusal of prevailing custom but to the default condition of artistic practice. With rare exceptions, the work of baptizing them has been the province of middlemen.

    Daily Mail - A blaze that damaged Bill Clinton's birthplace early Christmas morning is suspected to be arson, authorities say. The fire at the William J Clinton Birthplace, a National Historic Site, in Hope, Arkansas, began at about 3.20am.

    Reason - President Woodrow Wilson borrowed $30 billion to pay for World War I. The federal government still owes the $30 billion that Wilson borrowed, but it owes it— obviously—to different lenders from those who originally financed the Great War. It has paid more than $15 billion in interest payments on that $30 billion.

    I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Jewboo For This Useful Post:

    mick silver (30th December 2015)

  4. #23
    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Re: Woodpile Report...keeps getting better and better

    Presenting an essay I wrote for Francis Porretto's indispensable Liberty's Torch in June of last year . This is its first appearance in Woodpile Report.

    Frankly My Dear

    With all the recent troubles we're again being invited to an honest and open conversation about race, or said differently, the browbeatings will be resumed. Try this for honest and open: many of us, probably most of us, are tired of your whining, your so-called grievances, your violence and crime, your insults and threats, your witless blather and pornographic demeanor—all of it. You're not quite 13% of the population yet everything has to be about you, all day, every day. With you, facts aren't facts, everything's a kozmik krisis, and abusive confrontations are your go-to.

    Here's the thing: some of us despise you, although fewer than you believe, but most of us plain don't care about you or your doings. There was a time when we did care, but you betrayed our good will and played us for fools. We laugh about it now, but we actually believed you wanted equal opportunity and mutual respect and to live in harmony—all that stuff. Ain't it a hoot? Imagine our embarrassment.

    We talk among ourselves just like you do. It's true, we have "frank and open discussions" when you're not around. Why? Partly because it's exhausting to tippy-toe around you. Partly because you think it's your celestial right to tell us what we can say. And partly because you're alarmingly aggressive or painfully dim-witted by turns. We never know which "you" will pop out of the box, or when. But mainly because you've revealed yourself as grasping opportunists without honor or principle. There's your deal-breaker. There's more.

    During the recent riots you expected us to believe heisting snack food then torching the place was "standing up for justice". When we didn't buy it, you told us the looting and arson wasn't done by the rioters after all, no, all the bad stuff was done by rioters from out of town. Apparently you think it makes a difference to us. And if we don't fall for that one, you tell us you're the real victims, you're the ones "hit hardest" because the neighborhoods you looted and burned are, um, looted and burned.

    We've never stood in your way but we don't really care if you have good neighborhoods or not. The evidence says you don't care either, unless we build and maintain them for you, what your enablers call "investments in urban communities." They don't mention the return on our past "investments". Our former neighborhoods weren't improved by your arrival. Your contempt for ordinary civility tells us no level of "investment" would make a difference. Listen up. It's simple. Just like our neighborhoods are our responsibility, so are your neighborhoods your responsibility, not ours. Your clownish leaders will tell you otherwise but they've always been your responsibility and they always will be your responsibility. Accept it or don't, you're the ones who live in them. There's more.

    Your air conditioned, smart phone equipped, EBT-financed "poverty" doesn't wash to begin with, yet you'd have us believe poverty causes crime. There's no payday for assault and rape and random killing. Police say 20% of your criminal violence is related to dope-dealing, okay, business disputes of a sort, but it says the rest of it is largely pro bono. We also notice you have a working knowledge of jury nullification and take pride in not "snitching", typical gang behavior.

    We say "what you think, you do. What you do, you are." We know what you think—we hear it every waking minute. We know what you do. How could we not know what you are? Just so it gets said, crime causes poverty. It drives away productive people, their businesses and the opportunities you said you wanted. More bad news: you're free to accuse them of anything you wish but they're not coming back.

    Schools haven't been educating our kids for a long time. They're too busy conjuring up new ways to teach yours, in fact, we're beginning to think yours are the only ones who matter. There's always some new scheme claiming dazzling success which, in the end, amounts to handing out the answers with the tests, or taking the annoying hard stuff out of the coursework, or entering unearned grades by hand. Whatever they're doing they're doing it wrong. Your kids are telling us, in every way they know how, they have neither the interest nor the inclination for academics. Perhaps we should listen. If what they want is "out" it's worth considering and probably worth encouraging.

    You tell us the schools have "failed to meet their needs." And what are their needs, pray tell? Higher standards and tougher tests? Stricter rules and a dress code? Or some alternate universe where credit is earned for putting teachers in the ER, or for a string of abortions before the tenth grade? If you'd tell us what their needs are we'd at least know what needs we're failing to meet. Until then we'll mark it down for what it is, another lame excuse. They're supposed to be schools, not day care or orphanages or theme parks.

    You pester us with the "civil rights movement" of fifty years ago as though it happened last week, with tedious 1960s footage and cloying voice-overs, in an endless loop, like Groundhog Day, decade after decade. It's understandable, you haven't met any real resistance since those days. Breaking news: none of it matters any more, it all devolved into just another swindle, an extortion racket, "pay up or we'll make a stink—and the bad optics are on you".

    Schools now teach something called White Privilege, which claims no overt act is necessary for us to be racist, in fact, absence of such acts is said to be direct evidence. It's the "original sin" concept in a different wrapper, meaning our putative racism is bone deep and can't be discharged by good works. Even so, they say we must atone in perpetuity for being white. They suggest we devote our lives in selfless service to you. No. Sorry. Whatever white privilege there may be, it isn't enough. In fact, being subjected to White Privilege prattle is worth a couple of privileges.

    Speaking of privilege, 60% of your college grads—and 20% of all of you—are employed by government. The intent is to create an artificial middle class of course, hence the trivial positions with imaginative titles and weighty salaries. In the lower reaches it's the quota hires, typically unqualified. It's a great offer. You pretend you're doing something useful and we pretend to believe you. The rest of your grads are largely diversity directors, window dressing, teachers of dubious "studies" and improbable "histories", and similar warehousing schemes for the otherwise unemployable. It's as good as it's ever going to get, except for those on the skinny end of the bell curve—for whom we have genuine, i.e., earned respect. You'd be a fool to leave it on the table, for as long as it lasts.

    So here's the deal. If you want to know what we really think of you, the answer is we don't, unless you're making yourself unavoidable or we're cleaning up your latest mess. We can safely rely on you to make astonishingly irresponsible choices and blame us for the consequences. And you'll demand we make good on them for you. We won't take a chance on your sincerity ever again. Take it somewhere else, you have no credibility left with us. You're a net liability, predictable to the point of surety. So we attend to our own lives and our own problems. It's as it should be. We recommend it. As for you, frankly my dear, we don't give a damn.
    I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Jewboo For This Useful Post:

    Joshua01 (24th May 2016),Neuro (23rd March 2016)

  6. #24
    Dangerous Donald Neuro's Avatar
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    Re: Woodpile Report...keeps getting better and better

    ^Wow, bump!

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Neuro For This Useful Post:

    Jewboo (23rd March 2016)

  8. #25
    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Re: Woodpile Report...keeps getting better and better

    It's encouraging to see the collapse of the collaborator class, namely, the Republican Party, where honest opinion was not merely unacceptable but a sure sign of some deeper defect. Integrity, perhaps. They warned us if we didn't support them the other party would win. We did, but whether they won or didn't, it was the same track, different pace. Odd, that. In time we came to understand them as just another DC club, just as obedient, just as annoyed by the peasants and just as dismissive. Just in the nicest possible way.

    The liberals have a rule, "no enemies to the left", meaning when they can't speak well of the hard left they won't speak of it at all. The Republican "conservative movement" has fallen all over itself to disown its equivalent, largely with acerbic purges by the likes of those at the National Review, sometimes career-ending, always about fringe issues or outright trivia. Over these many years that's a lot of bath water and a lot of babies.

    The Republican Party has conducted itself as a reliable franchise of its alleged opposition, betraying the trust and support of a generation. Events have confirmed those they expelled for being "too right" had the better claim to legitimacy, and in doing so, it has unwittingly run a bulletproof selection process for their own replacement. It's gotten to where credibility and rejection by the Republican Party are pretty much the same thing. Cuckservatism is what some call it, in a fit of politeness. Next item please.

    Let's look at White Privilege, the activist plague ship now on sea trials, sailing as yet untroubled through the placid remains of analytical rigor. Stripped of its cloying, nasty-sweet marketing jargon, the particulars of White Privilege track the otherwise inchoate whines of their pet client, the overfed, limitlessly entitled and perpetually offended Struggling Single Parent Woman of Colour in the 'Hood.

    You've seen 'em. When they stand it's like watching creation itself. From a formless puddley heap, lumps of varying heft and shapes emerge and align toward verticality. When up and walking they tip rhythmically from side to side, their flipper-arms rowing in cadence as if pantomiming penguins. It's not an affliction, nor is it forced on them in any way, or a consequence of limited options, or carelessness, no, it's a high-value, even erotic 'look' in their universe, intentionally acquired, maintained and displayed to full effect.

    They're easily as offensive in demeanor as their presentment forewarns; unvaryingly aggressive, crude, shrill, self-obsessed and incurious, with all the class and grace their costumes announce from the farthest limit of visibility. When encountered in public it's like being stalked by construction equipment with a grudge. This is the role model of White Privilege, the shining apex to which all humanity most rightly aspires. Just ask 'em.

    They'll proudly tell you, with more than ample cursing and posing, they're full time consumers, it's what they do, they need to be fed, housed and otherwise provided for by unwilling but captive strangers, as simple justice demands. It's a Human Right you see.

    No other people resist being judged by the content of their character quite so belligerently. And it's just here the symbiosis came into being. Dazzled by their combative inanity, savvy activists saw opportunity in blaming their doltish sloth on those compelled to all but adopt them and their feral broods. But even this wasn't enough.

    White Privilege is an all-purpose magic force field. It says ordinary decency and work ethics, and any degree of personal success are disgustingly offensive. Because white. Instead, we're expected to fervently and publicly reject our former selves, take our life's lessons from their fever rants, demonstrate our everlasting devotion with perpetual servitude and self-laceration on demand, and by way of repentance for existing contemporaneously, service their insatiable cravings until they agree it's "fully funded". Or until fleeing to Mogadishu becomes more attractive.
    For White Privilege careerists—expect brassy women who'd be more comfortable in leather, and vinegary men who in former times would have been rainmakers or sellers of potions—it's a sweet setup: professional talkers who despise the industrious and conscientious, shilling for in-your-face hostile grifters, the tabs for both parties picked up by the object of their scorn by way of federal money-plumbing. As Bogart said about Wilmer: the cheaper the crook the gaudier the patter, and it don't come no gaudier than White Privilege.

    But why this and why now? A while back there was a serious uprising against professional voters and their enablers, so widespread and so well founded it was embarrassingly indefensible even by DC. Yes, it all came thisclose to hitting the fan.

    They panicked. It was blindingly clear they'd lost control of their own narrative. The groundwork they'd laid in the '30s had become boring and irrelevant, worse, the '60s attempt at renewal was spectacularly discredited by the violence and insanity of its practitioners. Backtracking was too painful to even contemplate.

    It was time to put down a new root system, one which would support the larger effort to come, which they did. Out with the clunky, antique economic blather of their Marxist grandparents, in with exhuming old grudges and inventing new ones, in with mobilizing their freeloader thugs on campus, in with mandatory perversion and the outrage of the week, in with nonstop demographic slander which, as White Privilege, criminalizes the middle America they hate so deeply.

    Much more at:
    I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Jewboo For This Useful Post:

    Neuro (27th April 2016)

  10. #26
    Unobtanium Dogman's Avatar
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    Re: Woodpile Report...keeps getting better and better

    Quote Originally Posted by Jewboo View Post
    It's encouraging to see the collapse of the collaborator class, namely, the Republican Party, where honest opinion was not merely unacceptable but a sure sign of some deeper defect. Integrity, perhaps. They warned us if we didn't support them the other party would win. We did, but whether they won or didn't, it was the same track, different pace. Odd, that. In time we came to understand them as just another DC club, just as obedient, just as annoyed by the peasants and just as dismissive. Just in the nicest possible way.

    The liberals have a rule, "no enemies to the left", meaning when they can't speak well of the hard left they won't speak of it at all. The Republican "conservative movement" has fallen all over itself to disown its equivalent, largely with acerbic purges by the likes of those at the National Review, sometimes career-ending, always about fringe issues or outright trivia. Over these many years that's a lot of bath water and a lot of babies.

    The Republican Party has conducted itself as a reliable franchise of its alleged opposition, betraying the trust and support of a generation. Events have confirmed those they expelled for being "too right" had the better claim to legitimacy, and in doing so, it has unwittingly run a bulletproof selection process for their own replacement. It's gotten to where credibility and rejection by the Republican Party are pretty much the same thing. Cuckservatism is what some call it, in a fit of politeness. Next item please.

    Let's look at White Privilege, the activist plague ship now on sea trials, sailing as yet untroubled through the placid remains of analytical rigor. Stripped of its cloying, nasty-sweet marketing jargon, the particulars of White Privilege track the otherwise inchoate whines of their pet client, the overfed, limitlessly entitled and perpetually offended Struggling Single Parent Woman of Colour in the 'Hood.

    You've seen 'em. When they stand it's like watching creation itself. From a formless puddley heap, lumps of varying heft and shapes emerge and align toward verticality. When up and walking they tip rhythmically from side to side, their flipper-arms rowing in cadence as if pantomiming penguins. It's not an affliction, nor is it forced on them in any way, or a consequence of limited options, or carelessness, no, it's a high-value, even erotic 'look' in their universe, intentionally acquired, maintained and displayed to full effect.

    They're easily as offensive in demeanor as their presentment forewarns; unvaryingly aggressive, crude, shrill, self-obsessed and incurious, with all the class and grace their costumes announce from the farthest limit of visibility. When encountered in public it's like being stalked by construction equipment with a grudge. This is the role model of White Privilege, the shining apex to which all humanity most rightly aspires. Just ask 'em.

    They'll proudly tell you, with more than ample cursing and posing, they're full time consumers, it's what they do, they need to be fed, housed and otherwise provided for by unwilling but captive strangers, as simple justice demands. It's a Human Right you see.

    No other people resist being judged by the content of their character quite so belligerently. And it's just here the symbiosis came into being. Dazzled by their combative inanity, savvy activists saw opportunity in blaming their doltish sloth on those compelled to all but adopt them and their feral broods. But even this wasn't enough.

    White Privilege is an all-purpose magic force field. It says ordinary decency and work ethics, and any degree of personal success are disgustingly offensive. Because white. Instead, we're expected to fervently and publicly reject our former selves, take our life's lessons from their fever rants, demonstrate our everlasting devotion with perpetual servitude and self-laceration on demand, and by way of repentance for existing contemporaneously, service their insatiable cravings until they agree it's "fully funded". Or until fleeing to Mogadishu becomes more attractive.
    For White Privilege careerists—expect brassy women who'd be more comfortable in leather, and vinegary men who in former times would have been rainmakers or sellers of potions—it's a sweet setup: professional talkers who despise the industrious and conscientious, shilling for in-your-face hostile grifters, the tabs for both parties picked up by the object of their scorn by way of federal money-plumbing. As Bogart said about Wilmer: the cheaper the crook the gaudier the patter, and it don't come no gaudier than White Privilege.

    But why this and why now? A while back there was a serious uprising against professional voters and their enablers, so widespread and so well founded it was embarrassingly indefensible even by DC. Yes, it all came thisclose to hitting the fan.

    They panicked. It was blindingly clear they'd lost control of their own narrative. The groundwork they'd laid in the '30s had become boring and irrelevant, worse, the '60s attempt at renewal was spectacularly discredited by the violence and insanity of its practitioners. Backtracking was too painful to even contemplate.

    It was time to put down a new root system, one which would support the larger effort to come, which they did. Out with the clunky, antique economic blather of their Marxist grandparents, in with exhuming old grudges and inventing new ones, in with mobilizing their freeloader thugs on campus, in with mandatory perversion and the outrage of the week, in with nonstop demographic slander which, as White Privilege, criminalizes the middle America they hate so deeply.

    Much more at:

    Book I admit we in general do not like each other, tho in some ways I do respect you despite your muck rucking..

    In your mind what if you could create an ideal world or society? That does or does include a mass kill off of people that do not carry, hold nor believe your thoughts of paradise.

    Are you singular or do you care for the greater good when it comes to humanity?

    My question comes from my studying of history and man kind, plus cause and effects and the results of those at the times through written history.

    Myself I have studied old Europe and the early religions and then the number of people killed because of in the name of Christianity and the name of their god, and the grasping of power and riches.

    Tho now I am not a christian because of that, tho I also have looked into other world religions and have concluded there IS a higher being that can be called god, but the lessons taught has been twisted by man and are now the results are two major religions that have bloody history in the name of a common god. Which I do believe there is a god that All religions on earth are in general based on, none are right, tho none are wrong ether but most are corrupted by the hand of man.

    You are a intelligent person that believe it or not I do respect, but not so much when you play games for cheap shots that you normally fall back into and do.

    The world you or the wish you post fore , has been tried and mostly been destroyed, and i think will never be allowed to be tried again for several lifetimes.

    One major thing history has taught me is that as humans we Will repeat the mistakes of forefathers wash and repeat, and so on ans such.

    Sorry this question to you has been in the back of my mind, but for my own reasons I felt the need to ask, before I can not ask again.

    I do not care or like what this shit storm of political crap and the directions we are heading, tho I am a nationalist (American that still believes in the system that america comes first, then maybe other countrys) but includes all despite their color or creed as long as they support and love this country. This country was built by many peoples. tho I suspect you and yours deny it. So my form of nationalism encluded all that want to work for the bette good of this nation and not exclusivly for one piece of it or peoples. I do love that the politicls system is being revieled to the public, so more fodder to push for reform.

    So maybe in time Gov = People and not corporations, which by the way in many ways from the beginning of time Corprations down to local business have in many ways had their ways and gov reflected that local or national intrest and aggendas, mostly for recorces and proffets.

    Now I really expect one of your snide remarks, but I am genuinely curious.

    Tho in general the way you have treated people from your lofty perch shitting on everyone that may disagree with you or have other visions , I expect no less..

    I am very real, are you ?

    I really do not expect any good answers from you, tho, now that I asked maybe other members here and readers of this forum would like to hear any intelligent answers from you..


    One liners and or picturs will not do....

    Peace and you and yours may have an interesting life!

    Just a few high points of my line of thinking, tho probably cross threaded with your agenda, which I have no doubt you do along with most still here, which is ok tho maybe wrong in the long run, but who is to say. The world is changing, ether adapt or become in a few generations irrelevant, which in many ways your line of thinking has already has become.

    I would love to hash things out with you real time..

    In a chat room with ether , text only, voice or full video and voice, but being adults and not acting like school yard bullys that most here in the past and now like to fall back on..

    Hell we might even respect each other, but still disagree..

    For dam sure I am not a cockroach that hides from the light..

    Chat? Voice? and the ultiment vidio and voice with the world being a witness?

    Your call..
    "My reading no matter how transient is a dagger in the heart of ignorance."

  11. #27
    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Re: Woodpile Report...keeps getting better and better

    Quote Originally Posted by Jewboo View Post
    It's encouraging to see the collapse of the collaborator class, namely, the Republican Party, where honest opinion was not merely unacceptable but a sure sign of some deeper defect. Integrity, perhaps. They warned us if we didn't support them the other party would win. We did, but whether they won or didn't, it was the same track, different pace. Odd, that. In time we came to understand them as just another DC club, just as obedient, just as annoyed by the peasants and just as dismissive. Just in the nicest possible way.

    The liberals have a rule, "no enemies to the left", meaning when they can't speak well of the hard left they won't speak of it at all. The Republican "conservative movement" has fallen all over itself to disown its equivalent, largely with acerbic purges by the likes of those at the National Review, sometimes career-ending, always about fringe issues or outright trivia. Over these many years that's a lot of bath water and a lot of babies.

    The Republican Party has conducted itself as a reliable franchise of its alleged opposition, betraying the trust and support of a generation. Events have confirmed those they expelled for being "too right" had the better claim to legitimacy, and in doing so, it has unwittingly run a bulletproof selection process for their own replacement. It's gotten to where credibility and rejection by the Republican Party are pretty much the same thing. Cuckservatism is what some call it, in a fit of politeness. Next item please.

    Let's look at White Privilege, the activist plague ship now on sea trials, sailing as yet untroubled through the placid remains of analytical rigor. Stripped of its cloying, nasty-sweet marketing jargon, the particulars of White Privilege track the otherwise inchoate whines of their pet client, the overfed, limitlessly entitled and perpetually offended Struggling Single Parent Woman of Colour in the 'Hood.

    You've seen 'em. When they stand it's like watching creation itself. From a formless puddley heap, lumps of varying heft and shapes emerge and align toward verticality. When up and walking they tip rhythmically from side to side, their flipper-arms rowing in cadence as if pantomiming penguins. It's not an affliction, nor is it forced on them in any way, or a consequence of limited options, or carelessness, no, it's a high-value, even erotic 'look' in their universe, intentionally acquired, maintained and displayed to full effect.

    They're easily as offensive in demeanor as their presentment forewarns; unvaryingly aggressive, crude, shrill, self-obsessed and incurious, with all the class and grace their costumes announce from the farthest limit of visibility. When encountered in public it's like being stalked by construction equipment with a grudge. This is the role model of White Privilege, the shining apex to which all humanity most rightly aspires. Just ask 'em.

    They'll proudly tell you, with more than ample cursing and posing, they're full time consumers, it's what they do, they need to be fed, housed and otherwise provided for by unwilling but captive strangers, as simple justice demands. It's a Human Right you see.

    No other people resist being judged by the content of their character quite so belligerently. And it's just here the symbiosis came into being. Dazzled by their combative inanity, savvy activists saw opportunity in blaming their doltish sloth on those compelled to all but adopt them and their feral broods. But even this wasn't enough.

    White Privilege is an all-purpose magic force field. It says ordinary decency and work ethics, and any degree of personal success are disgustingly offensive. Because white. Instead, we're expected to fervently and publicly reject our former selves, take our life's lessons from their fever rants, demonstrate our everlasting devotion with perpetual servitude and self-laceration on demand, and by way of repentance for existing contemporaneously, service their insatiable cravings until they agree it's "fully funded". Or until fleeing to Mogadishu becomes more attractive.
    For White Privilege careerists—expect brassy women who'd be more comfortable in leather, and vinegary men who in former times would have been rainmakers or sellers of potions—it's a sweet setup: professional talkers who despise the industrious and conscientious, shilling for in-your-face hostile grifters, the tabs for both parties picked up by the object of their scorn by way of federal money-plumbing. As Bogart said about Wilmer: the cheaper the crook the gaudier the patter, and it don't come no gaudier than White Privilege.

    But why this and why now? A while back there was a serious uprising against professional voters and their enablers, so widespread and so well founded it was embarrassingly indefensible even by DC. Yes, it all came thisclose to hitting the fan.

    They panicked. It was blindingly clear they'd lost control of their own narrative. The groundwork they'd laid in the '30s had become boring and irrelevant, worse, the '60s attempt at renewal was spectacularly discredited by the violence and insanity of its practitioners. Backtracking was too painful to even contemplate.

    It was time to put down a new root system, one which would support the larger effort to come, which they did. Out with the clunky, antique economic blather of their Marxist grandparents, in with exhuming old grudges and inventing new ones, in with mobilizing their freeloader thugs on campus, in with mandatory perversion and the outrage of the week, in with nonstop demographic slander which, as White Privilege, criminalizes the middle America they hate so deeply.

    Much more at:
    I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.

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    Re: Woodpile Report...keeps getting better and better

    Quote Originally Posted by Jewboo View Post
    Best bump I have seen!

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    Re: Woodpile Report...keeps getting better and better


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    I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.

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