Hi back. I'm not posting much more on this forum. I'll just pop in every once in a while as more of a guest poster. I'm extremely active on the Chans and Twitter/Gab. You reach more people that way I'm finding, and I'm building a following.
A new forum on 4Chan was started called /bant/. It's like /b/ in that you can post almost anything, but it's a spin-off of /pol/, but for non-politics specific stuff. This is good for more organized trolling/meme campaigns.
Yes this is true.
I want to eventually pull a Sarah Andersen.
I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.
Jewboo (10th May 2017)
Hell like Furie, hath Alt-Right scorned...
He Hath Risen
I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.
Joshua01 (10th May 2017)
If you're offended by any of my posts tough shit!
"Politicians Are Like Diapers, They Should Be Changed Often, And For The Same Reason"
If you're not prepared for what's coming it's already too late!
Niggers will never be satisfied!!
This bullshit against Sarah Andersen is more evidence of the Jewish nature of the so-called (((alt-right))).
There is no moral justification for co-opting her work in profane, even obscene ways. She is not some major player in interracism, which would justify retaliatory strikes. She's just some millennial "liberal," no different than most. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."
It's pretty clear the (((alt-right))) is Jew controlled "opposition," manned by Jews and mental and moral defectives like race-mixer Andrew Anglin. The claim that the (((alt-right))) is "grassroots" is untenable. Purpose: be as outrageous as possible, to bring scorn, ridicule, disgust, and hatred upon "right-wing extremists" (most of who are sincere).
When the "hate speech" statutes come down soon in America, you stupid fucks (or Sayanim) can thank yourselves for playing a large part in bring it about, by willfully giving the Enemy abundant ammunition "proving" the lack of humanity of online "right-wing extremists."
The night has come upon us, and we have but two choices: to fear it, or to face it bravely while looking to the Light that cannot be overcome. John 8:12
sham, i hope that following you are developing is getting some school-aged white males. they are taking the brunt of the skype agenda and need something to prop them up.
you have a link to your twitter thing?