Neuro (3rd December 2016)
Neuro (3rd December 2016)
That's pretty much a load of shit about tattoos. They are generally indifferent to fag marriage (neither flamingly in support nor opposing it), and soft drugs (e.g., marijuana) are quite popular. Some "conservative" ideas are embraced, especially opposition to the typical whining of the classic Millennial - though "Millennial" and "Generation Z" are not formally defined.
"Most conservative" since WWII? LOL
The night has come upon us, and we have but two choices: to fear it, or to face it bravely while looking to the Light that cannot be overcome. John 8:12
Hillbilly (3rd December 2016)
Gen Z will save this country.
You can only post in this thread if you are apart of Gen Z
Babyboomer BTFO, Gen X BTFO, Millennial BTFO!
Neuro (3rd December 2016)
I agree with Shami I have two kids born 2000 and 2003, and they certainly seem to come out on the conservative side. Until a year or so ago I was worried about my daughter (2000), she was talking about her CIS-gendered dad (apparently that was me), being vegetarian/vegan, having gender fluid friends, but she turned around 180°, and is very alt-right nowadays...
The thing is to be able to go more left wing than the millenials, there is only white mass suicide remaining, sure you have a few teenagers who would go down that route, but most would hesitate, so to rebel you have to go right, and certainly you have to go more right than your grand parents.
White pride!
Shami-Amourae (3rd December 2016),steyr_m (18th December 2018)
The night has come upon us, and we have but two choices: to fear it, or to face it bravely while looking to the Light that cannot be overcome. John 8:12
Hillbilly (4th December 2016)
cheka. (31st July 2017)
Insulting someone like that, is never right. You don't treat people that way.
life is good.
cheka. (1st August 2017),crimethink (1st August 2017),Jewboo (31st July 2017),Tumbleweed (1st August 2017)