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Thread: your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship"

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    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship"

    Anna von Reitz

    13 hrs ·

    The Long and the Short of It -- Part 2
    All you currently active duty and reserve and retired United States Marines out there-- what was it you were shouting every day of your Marine training?
    Was it, "I am an American!" --- or was it, "I am a United States Citizen!"?
    All you United States Army guys --- which one are you?
    This same question applies to the Air Force, the Navy, even the Coast Guard.

    The answer determines whether you are an American and an honorable member of the American Armed Forces or you are acting in the capacity of a filthy commercial mercenary -- albeit, not getting the big bucks of merc wages.

    Did anyone ever tell you that when you signed up to enter military service you were enrolled as a mercenary in the employment of commercial corporations
    and given a share in the profits via a stock portfolio? No?
    No doubt this is coming as Big News, but yes, the rats set you up with a stock portfolio they were supposed to give to you when you left military service. The catch is that so far as their records show, you never left their jurisdiction.

    This is another example of the criminality infesting every aspect of the "government" corporations --- your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship". So you are still snagged.

    You have to go back to the head of your branch of service and serve Notice that you have returned to your birthright political status as an American State Citizen. Otherwise, they just presume that you are a "Lifer" and still obligated to bow, scrape, and salute. And they just keep your stock portfolio and manage it "for" you until you die, at which point they claim it as "abandoned property".

    And you thought you were serving your country all the while you were serving the "US CORP". Nobody told you any different, either. Until now.

    So fire up your writing instruments and re-convey your Trade Names to the land and soil of the state where you were born (, Article #928, Editable pdfs) and give Notice that you left "US Citizenship" behind effective the date of "Discharge" noted on your DD214 and you are owed a stock portfolio and/or income therefrom earned while unwittingly employed as a commercial mercenary.

    Direct the Service Branch Office to update your political status records and forward your claim to the Office of Military Settlements. That should put a bulwark in the retirement resources of a lot of American veterans. And when you get a chance, say, thank you, to the True God. The rats didn't intend for it to be any actual benefit to you. They just wanted to stand around and say, "Gee, look at all these accounts nobody ever collected. What a bunch of patriotic guys!"

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    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship"

    By Anna Von Reitz
    Here is the basic package of editable forms I have been working on.

    Please tweak or forever hold your peace.

    These or very similar progenitors of these forms have been used to set free many thousands of Americans and put them and their assets beyond the reach of the fraudsters. We want to make the number zoom into the many millions who need and will want to come home.

    ( Webmaster's note: These are word documents. They will not display in your browser. You need to down load them to your computer, then use Microsoft Word or Open Office to edit, then print them. When you click the link for each document it will download to your downloads folder. From there you can save them to any folder you want.)

    (the most F'd up editor can't handle urls)
    (so I am forced to put in "LINK"

    1. Diagram of the Fraud

    2. Example Recording Cover Sheet

    3. Example of Acknowledgment, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance

    4. Example of Certificate of Assumed Name

    5.Example of Act of Expatriation for JOHN MARK DOE

    6. Example of Act of Expatriation for JOHN M. DOE

    7. Example of Act of Expatriation for JOHN DOE

    8. Example Baby Land Deed

    This is the basic package everyone needs to fill out and record with the local land recording office to reclaim their birthright political status and reclaim their Good Names and Estates. Please note: do not register anything. Only record.If your local land recording district or county land recording office won't record your paperwork, look for a county that will. Often it is only a matter of traveling a few miles or sending it through the mail.

    Worst comes to worst, do the paperwork, make a black and white copy for your files, and send theoriginals to yourself via a Registered Mail Letter. When the letter comes back, DON'T OPEN IT. Put itin your folder with your file copy. The Post Office and the Registered Mail Number serve the recording function.

    Let's begins with the Diagram of the Fraud --

    people need to see how it starts with the "missing"Trade Name. This process brings forward the Trade Name and "finds" it again, and then allows us to reclaim our "reversionary trust interest" in all the derivative NAMES free and clear.Virtually all land recording offices now require a Recording Cover Sheet.

    This gives an example of the first Recording Cover Sheet needed to file the Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of ReConveyance.

    All subsequent filings need to be done with a Recording Cover Sheet as "Extensions" of the original Deed Document Number that will be issued once the Deed of Re-Conveyance is recorded.For example, the next Recording Cover Sheet would be identical, except the document title would be: Certificate of Assumed Name - Extension 891039-1 (this number will be whatever number was assigned to your Deed of Re-Conveyance and will associate the Certificate of Assumed Name with the Deed in the recording system.)

    The Deed seizes upon the Trade Name and brings it back to the land and soil jurisdiction.

    The Certificate of Assumed Name seizes upon the derivative NAMES and returns them to control of the living man.

    The Act of Expatriation explicitly renounces Territorial and Municipal "citizenship" and returns the derivative NAMES and ACCOUNTS to the land and soil.

    The Baby Deed of Land Recording is to help new parents and put an end to the "salvaging" of American babies by these corporate vermin.

    Simply have a Third Party -- grandparent, uncle, familyfriend---

    do the notarization and record the Baby Deed as another Extension of the Father's Deed of Re-Conveyance. If the Father refuses to claim his Trade Name and Estate, or is dead or disabled,the Baby Deed can be attached to the Mother's Deed of Re-Conveyance.


    See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

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    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship"

    Boy! that edit button disappears fast.

    The above text is from Here:

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    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship"

    Anna von Reitz

    Follow-Up on Affidavits

    Yesterday, I reported on exactly how these cretins endeavored to render us helpless and voiceless --- first by unlawfully converting our life estate into public estate trusts -- and then, as no incorporated entity can make an affidavit, disabling us in the realm of commercial law.

    Overnight there has been a flurry of inquiries --- help, help, how can we deal with this?

    Re-convert your estates. Do what I have been thumping on everyone to do. Re-Convey your Trade Name to the land and soil of your native state.

    Here is a SHORT list of advantages.

    1.You step outside the box they've put you in and reappear as their Employer, owed good faith service, and all the guarantees of the Constitution(s).

    2.The "United States" you are owed can no longer be "presumed" to be the Territorial United States and must be interpreted as the actual United States.

    3. You can no longer be presumed to be subject to statutory law.

    4. So long as you object, you can no longer be presumed to be subject to licensing, property taxes, federal income taxes, etc.

    5. Instead of being "interpreted" as a bankrupt debtor, you have to be interpreted as the Priority Creditor.

    6. Your Good Name and assets have to be held out of the "general bankruptcy" and pushed to the head of the receiving line of creditors.

    7. You become eligible to receive back your estate free and clear of debt or encumbrance, including your land set free of mortgages.

    8. You have control of your affairs, including your bank accounts, the pensions you are owed, and all the other assets public and private that you are owed.

    9. Instead of being able to pillage and plunder your ESTATE, the vermin are obligated to protect you and come to your aid.

    10. You become eligible to receive back income from public lease of state property and escrows set up in your NAME(S).

    11. You have to be interpreted by the commercial courts as the operator of a VESSEL engaged in private international trade --- and as such, you are enabled to give an affidavit and it must be heard.

    12. You are enabled to sue in your own interest absent any middleman acting as public administrator of your ESTATE.

    13. You will not be considered chattel owned by foreign creditors of the Territorial United States.

    There are still mountains to climb and irritations to be borne. You will have to re-educate your Public Servants. You will have to kick many Shipping Clerks out of the way. Most importantly, you will need to join your State Jural Assembly and consider serving --- as I already am --- in one of the many vacated public offices.

    You will have to re-educate yourself, because those who benefited from this Evil System failed to do the job for you. Most of what you have been taught about your history and your government and how things work in general is pure poppycock. Much of what you assume to be true is not as it seems and in many instances, diametrically the opposite of what you suppose to be true.

    The Three Branches of the Federal Government are National, Territorial, and Municipal --- not Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.

    And that's just a start.

  5. #5
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship"

    Anna von Reitz

    Domicile -- The Governing Issue

    We have been held -- incorrectly -- under "municipal law". And what is "municipal law"? It is otherwise described as "private international law".

    Of course, we discovered this and other fun facts some time ago on the road --- as Cat Stevens put it -- "to find out", but beyond the names and labels, what does that imply?

    A state is governed by public international law --- or is supposed to be; a commercial corporation, however, is governed under private international law.

    I make a distinction here between commercial corporations which are chartered by states, and international trade organizations which are not chartered and truly privately held unincorporated entities.

    Prior to this I have observed that "unincorporated" indicates "sovereign" entities and political status, and that it is entirely possible to be "corporate" without being "incorporated".

    So, in a nutshell, what the vermin have done is to grant us all a franchise -- like a Dairy Queen franchise -- to operate under our NAMES for their benefit. This franchise is kept in a perpetual state of subjugation to their private municipal law by their presumption of guardianship over it, and periodically, these franchises are bankrupted for the convenience and profit of the parent organizations.

    Our lawful Trade Names, also known as our "Good Names" and "Christian Names" have thus been infringed upon and have been abused via legal chicanery and transported into the jurisdiction of municipal (private international law) by fraudulent actions undertaken by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration and more recently by actions undertaken by the Obama Administration.

    Whereas FDR mischaracterized us as Cestui Que Vie Estate Trusts, Obama has mischaracterized us as Public Transmitting Utilities. And in both cases nothing is deserved but a firm and resounding, "No way in Hell." from the American Public.

    How to put an end to this pernicious deceit and fraud and victimization? There are many issues to address, but by far, the most potent (and for them, unanswerable) issue is the issue of domicile. Where do you choose to live? And therefore, under what form of law do you live?

    You do have a choice. You have to have a choice guaranteed to you, for any of this to be legal in any sense of the word.

    That is why the Expatriation Act was passed by the Rump Congress back in July of 1868 the day before they published their deceitfully disguised Articles of Incorporation as "The United States of America, Inc." --- a Scottish Commercial Corporation --- as "The Constitution of the United States of America".

    The main pillar of their deceit has been the presumption that you "voluntarily" chose to live and function as a British Citizen, merely "residing" here for the purpose of providing "essential government services".

    If they and their presumptions were to be believed, nearly all of the American population voluntarily went to work for the Queen and the UK --- sans a paycheck or any actual work assignments, of course.

    All of this concerns only them and their deceits and their internal issues and workings and multiple bankruptcies. We are, in fact and in truth, not part of their baileywick at all --- they are in fact, part our our baileywick when they come ashore on American soil.

    So how have they contrived to rob generations of Americans of the value of their material and intellectual and labor assets?

    By making a false claim of domicile. They signed you up as "citizens" of their version of "United States" when you were a baby in your cradle. And they have used this falsified public record against you all the days of your lives to make you subject to both municipal and territorial law, instead of the Public Law of your actual state and country.

    Thanks to their fraud, deceit, and Gross Breach of Trust, you now have to make a choice --- will you be recognized as an American, free men and women owed all the rights, benefits, and property assets of your heritage, or will you continue to let these Euro-trash con artists continue to feed off of you and your country like leeches?

    Obviously, you need to change the falsified public records by returning the Birth Certificates to their Sources and by making the declaration of domicile (or as they spelled it back then, "domicil") and expatriating from their foreign jurisdiction back to the jurisdiction of your birthright.

    We have made this Declaration of Domicile part of the Certificate of Assumed Name process, but you must all become aware of the importance of this issue of declaring your domicile as "land and soil" of Georgia, Maine, Texas, etc. -- and enabled to bring it forward properly in court.

    What advantage does a proper declaration of domicile provide you?

    It means you have to be tried under the Public Law, not private international commercial law. It means that there is no such thing as a "thought crime" or a "victimless crime" or a "statutory infringement". It means that you retain the full roster of trial options set forth in Blackstone's Commentaries, including "Trial by Record"--- which, if you have done your homework, will more than adequately prove that you are an American and that you are properly domiciled on the land and soil of your birth state.

    That cuts you free of their municipal law, and it also demands that instead of being treated under their territorial law, you are owed The Law of Peace from their military courts, as a Third Party Civilian Non-Combatant having nothing to do with their internecine power struggles and con games.

    If you have not actually and factually harmed someone who is bringing complaint or stolen or damaged someone else's property by your direct actions for which a complaining party appears --- there is no case, no prevailing law, and no presumable jurisdiction for THEM to operate it.

    You, therefore, have the option of declaring yourself free of their enslavement and their false claims, and merely have to become aware enough of the issues to do so and defend yourself and your assets accordingly.

    Here, courtesy a friend to the cause, is the controlling British law summation from

    Foreign and Domestic Law -- a Concise Treatise on Private International Jurisprudence, by John Alderson Foote:

    "The 'right of expatriation' is not, perhaps, the happiest of phrases, but it is manifest that the feudal theory of indissoluble allegiance had become an anachronism, and a Royal Commission was appointed in May 1868 to inquire into the English laws of naturalisation and allegiance generally."

    "As to domicil for testamentary purposes, or with relation to succession to personal property on intestacy, the law has been considerably modified …”

    "British subjects dying in a foreign country shall be deemed for all purposes of testate or intestate succession as to movables to retain the domicil they possessed at the time of going to reside in such foreign country, unless they have resided in such foreign country for a year at least, and shall have made a formal and public written declaration of an intention to become domiciled there.”

    "Domicil being a question of fact, it is not competent for individual States to enact restrictions upon, or facilities for, its acquisition ; and such enactments should not, in the tribunals of other States, obtain recognition."

    "The principle that laws are commands addressed to persons, which has been referred to above,(«) renders it important to consider what entities come within that term."

    "With regard to any particular municipal law, a foreign State must be regarded as occupying a position closely analogous to that of a foreign corporation ; the personality of the latter being conferred upon it by its own municipal law, while that of the former is created by the public law of nations.”

    "Foreign States, or bodies politic created by international law, occupy a position analogous to that of foreign corporations. In the case of monarchical governments, the Sovereign may be regarded as a corporation sole, representing the State; in the case of democratic or republican governments, the State itself, under its international name or style, as a body politic, may be regarded as a corporation aggregate."

    "Neither a personal Sovereign nor a body politic (or State) may be sued in an English Court, unless the privilege of sovereignty has been waived, expressly or impliedly, by voluntary submission to the jurisdiction or otherwise."

    Bring their BIRTH CERTIFICATE to court and lay it down on a copy of The Holy Bible and on top of that, lay down your Expatriation of your identical NAME from their domicile and back to the land and soil of your birth state. Add the Certificate of Assumed Name on top of that---- and stare the Judge in the eye.

    You, as an American, are owed the full faith and credit provided by every municipal and territorial corporation on Earth. You, as a British Territorial or Municipal "Citizen" are a slave and are owed nothing at all, not even common decency.

    You make the choice.

  6. #6
    Militant Wing of the Salvation Army midnight rambler's Avatar
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    Re: your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship"

    Anna loves to hear herself talk. In fact at the recent RoT get-together she droned on and on for 3.5 hours before they told her enough and to relinquish the mic.

    Jump to 3:35:44 in the video at this link -
    "A man is to be held accountable for the thoughts he chooses to entertain." --Richard Alan Miller

    "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable-what then?" --George Orwell

    "It's not a matter of what is true (reality) that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true (reality)." --Henry Kissinger

  7. #7
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship"

    Are 'ya really sure 'ya wanna take a poke at 'da tar baby?

    Your world is constructed within your mind. When you let in foreign thoughts you open yourself up to serving foreign demons.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to ziero0 For This Useful Post:

    midnight rambler (25th June 2018)

  9. #8
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship"

    Quote Originally Posted by ziero0 View Post

    Are 'ya really sure 'ya wanna take a poke at 'da tar baby?

    Your world is constructed within your mind. When you let in foreign thoughts you open yourself up to serving foreign demons.
    Problem is the constructors were liars of the nth degree... Tell me you know what is in your head has any basis in truth?

  10. #9
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship"

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigjon View Post
    Tell me you know what is in your head has any basis in truth?
    The mind receives sensory input from: eyes, nose, taste buds, ears and nerve endings. Illusion is false information received from any of these sources. Delusion is actions made based upon illusion.

    I have no sensors to detect truth. I use logic for that. The scientific method is composed of tests (experiments) to test the validity or falsehood of hypothesis. A hypothesis is any theory that has not been tested. A fact is an evil deed. When I cease striving to understand then what I know is without understanding.

    Hope this help but 'ya know there are at least 50 ways to leave your lover. Even more to leave your country.

  11. #10
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: your DD214 is not a discharge from "US citizenship"

    Quote Originally Posted by midnight rambler View Post
    Anna loves to hear herself talk. In fact at the recent RoT get-together she droned on and on for 3.5 hours before they told her enough and to relinquish the mic.

    Jump to 3:35:44 in the video at this link -
    Shorter easier link:

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