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Thread: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

  1. #1161
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    21 mins ·

    The Final Explanation of Chemtrails

    First, I want to point out to you that the "governmental services corporations" have a long history of using industrial wastes as weapons and as a means of making money for their cronies.

    They have added Fluoride, a dangerous by-product of Aluminum manufacturing to our drinking water for decades, using the excuse that it helps prevent tooth decay; however, while killing oral bacteria, it also kills our adrenal glands.

    We need hardly mention that the addition of Fluoride to drinking water was stopped in Europe two decades ago, while Aluminum Manufacturers in this country continue to celebrate escaping the cost of properly disposing of a noxious by-product by foisting it off as a beneficial by-product that earns them significant extra income every year.

    Similar Nogoodniks (think Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton and Sick Dick) dumped "spent" nuclear waste from Nevada and Utah salt mines over most of the Middle East, exposing our own service members to radiation sickness, genetic anomalies, tooth and hair loss, cancer, and early death in the process ---- and exposing untold numbers of innocent civilians to the same. You see how they made a profit for themselves off a noxious waste product that they would otherwise have to clean up responsibly?

    And, so it is no surprise that the chemtrails are largely a slurry of noxious compounds and chemical elements collected from coal ash, aluminum manufacturing, oil refining, and metal smelting--- all being sprayed on us and the Earth we depend on as our home and food source.

    You are now prepared to hear the single common denominator linking all those noxious compounds and chemical elements found in chemtrail residues: they are all flammable:
    Strontium -- emits flammable gases on contact with water;
    Barium -- a flammable solid that produces hydrogen gas;
    Aluminum dust -- reacts with water, acids and alkalis, gives off hydrogen gas;
    Magnesium -- highly flammable especially when powdered;
    Aluminum Oxide -- dust forms explosive mixtures in the air;
    Thorium -- pyrophoric, ignites spontaneously;
    Lithium -- flammable and potentially explosive when exposed to air and water.

    These are the makings of a form of chemical fire known as a "metals fire" which only gets worse when you dump water on it. And these are the industrial waste products they have been spraying all over creation for the past decade.

    Observe what is happening in Australia and what happened in Alaska this past summer. Fires. Absolutely massive fires destroying everything in their path.

    And please observe that this all fits right in with the religious nutcase's narrative: the Earth will be destroyed by fire (2 Peter 3:10) and a third of mankind destroyed by fire, smoke, and sulfur (Rev. 9:18).

    However, this is not being done by the True God who loves and created the Earth, no --- by the False God and his minions mucking around with things they are too ignorant to touch, laying traps for the innocent, filling their purses, and not being held accountable for it. Self-evidently, that is what they have planned for us and our planet, and prepared for with these noxious Chemtrails.

    But what does the True God say? "I shall bring to ruin those ruining the Earth." (Rev. 11:18)
    I digress. I just wanted to point out how these vermin pursue a quasi-Biblical narrative, and propose to use Biblical prophecy fulfillment as an excuse to hide their own vile actions and avoid accountability.

    So now you finally know the agenda pursued by the Chemtrails.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  2. #1162
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    7 hrs ·

    Climate Change, Uh-Huh

    Oh, it's about change, all right. The kind you carry in your pocket.

    Let's begin with the fact that I do not believe in human-caused climate change, unless you are talking about the kind that military contractors cause when they fool around with manipulating the jet streams and dumping noxious chemical compounds on us and setting up resonance weapons to destabilize earthquake faults and stimulate volcanic eruptions and air pollution and well, the list goes on.

    THAT kind of "human-caused" climate change has been going on since the 1960's and is the reason that we have United Nations Environmental Modification, Geoengineering, and Weather Warfare Treaties. I believe in that kind of "climate change" and no doubt about it.

    However, some people reading this were too young to remember that weather warfare manipulation of the Monsoons was a major hot topic during the "conflict" in Vietnam. It turned out that our boys in green were not only theoretically able to interfere with the Monsoons and the jet streams, but were actually doing so.

    That's what provoked the whole cockroach-like swarm and then scatter activity associated with these treaties. Not only were they rapidly proposed and rapidly adopted --- it all happened very quietly, so that the mainstream news sources could continue to pretend that weather modification was just another "conspiracy theory".

    Think about it. It's a theory about a conspiracy that is actual, factual, and proven. A conspiracy that is ancient and venal, having first taken its modern form during the reign of the Roman Emperor Justinian.

    And it's okay to be a theory in scientific terms, for while nothing is ever proven, the vast preponderance and weight of the evidence and the test results do strongly suggest that our climate "change" is being rigged and orchestrated and that the motive is profit and oppressive political control.

    Having once achieved the ability and technical know-how to dabble in adjusting the weather, the crackpots weaponized it, and now you can see what you've got going---environmental disasters by the busloads delivered by what appears to be our own governments.

    Their gig with the IRS and the "income tax" has been exposed as fraud, and their illegal, immoral, and unlawful system of pledging and bonding and securitizing living people has been exposed --- so now they just have to come up with something, some way, to tax and control people again.

    Using weather warfare and geoengineering technology that they have been developing ever since the 1960's they've been planning all sorts of death and destruction and "demonstrations" of their technology --- all without telling their "domestic populations" a word about it.

    Sound familiar? Just like they "pledged" you behind your back to do everything short of wiping their butts for them, they have been carrying out "tests" of their weather warfare and geoengineering technology on "subject" domestic populations without a word to the victims, then using the horrible results of these tests as an excuse to ramp up their Carbon Tax Scheme, which is really what all this is about.

    Regulations giving rise to taxes, fees, fines, and confiscations, otherwise known as "illegal takings".
    Just a new excuse for the same old schtick.

    Money and control gained by: (1) causing a big problem, and (2) offering a solution to the problem they caused, and (3) implementing their solution which always predictably involves more money and more coercive power for them.

    Standard Hegelian/Machiavellian/Orwellian BS -- the kind that attempts to prove that some pigs really ARE more equal than others.

    Diapers on cows anyone? Earthquakes on both sides of the North American continent at once? Panicked, stupid, wild-eyed teenagers and sobbing housewives?

    Climate "change" symptoms that they control are not the topics of their discussions --- why should they be?

    Carbon Taxes and Carbon Emission Regulations giving rise to the new taxes are the goal.
    They want a new excuse to tax you and regulate your activities, since the old excuses are going down to dust. Pure and simple. And you can't afford to let them get away with it. Literally.

    We have to expose and prosecute these monsters, or they will use ginned up "climate change" and engineered "natural" disasters to enforce a whole new regimen of taxation, regulation, and terror onto ourselves and our children's children.

    This whole ugly system of diabolical lies and information manipulations being used as the means to profit and control has to end, and all those involved need to go get honest jobs instead.

    Not only is my disbelief in Climate Change rooted in a good understanding of how current weather warfare and geoengineering technology can be used to secretively fake and exacerbate the appearance of climate change, and then used as an excuse to promote oppressive regulations and "Carbon Taxes" --- I also happen to be familiar with the Calcium-Carbon Cycle.

    Above any beyond all other reasons why you and I can be absolutely sure that our innocent activities like breathing and cows farting has no ill-effect upon the Earth or its climate, stands the Calcium-Carbon Cycle, the process by which extra carbon dioxide is captured and turned into calcium carbonate.

    It's a completely natural cycle built into the chemistry and biology of the Earth, that cashiers away extra carbon dioxide as soft rock minerals that are difficult to degrade by any natural process. Thus, unlike greenbelt carbon capture, which only "stores" the excess carbon as long as the trees are alive and growing, the Calcium Carbonate Cycle is a relatively permanent storehouse for extra carbon dioxide.

    Best of all it costs nothing, is universally at work and available, efficient, and more than sufficient to sop up any extra carbon dioxide that we or our activities create. For free.

    So these Blackguard already know that they are telling you all a Great Big Fat One and that all the hysteria they are causing --- deliberately --- is nothing but another theatrical production and Sting operation with which they hope to secure another long run as the comptrollers and beneficiaries of this planet.

    You have a direct benefit of your own to realize by turning on your Shinola Sensor, leaving it on "High", and despite all their tricks, bells, and whistles, staying on track and investigating them and prosecuting them as the criminals and con artists they are.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  3. #1163
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    6 hrs ·

    Person or One of the People?

    In America you may commonly encounter two kinds of "Legal Persons", rarely encounter one kind of "Lawful Person", and American State Nationals who are people who owe no public service obligations beyond keeping the peace and harming nobody.

    Unfortunately, mis-administration of our affairs by two Foreign Subcontractors acting in Breach of Trust has led to millions of Americans being "impersonated" --- that is, unlawfully converted into "persons" instead of being recognized as part of our American populace and as "people".

    In 1860, one-third of our intended Federal Government, the American Subcontractor hired to provide services to our States, became inoperable.

    From our perspective this situation was and is similar to what would happen if the young man we hired to mow our lawn broke his leg.
    We can simply hire someone else or do the job ourselves ---- if we know what happened and are enabled to take appropriate action.

    But our two remaining European Subcontractors acted in Breach of Trust, did not provide assistance or disclosure, and instead usurped upon the actual people and government of this country.

    They pretended that because we did not Reconstruct the missing third of the Federal Government, that our entire government was "absent" --- and used this as an excuse for fraud and usurpation.

    The British Territorial United States seized upon our good names and assets as "presumed salvage" to be claimed and accidentally-on-purpose misidentified millions of American babies as British Territorial United States Citizens--- all of whom are Legal Persons.

    The Roman Municipal Government similarly sought to enrich itself and made counterclaim that, no, we were "citizens of the United States" instead -- and they moved to probate our estates.

    All this bunko, all this theft and abuse of their employers --- has been made possible because we didn't hire someone new to mow our lawn.

    There is a quote I hear quite often that was uttered by Karen Hudes and Karen doesn't know our history. She says that in 1933 "this country went bankrupt." This is not true.

    This country is a sovereign entity. It's not eligible for bankruptcy, nor in need of it, because it is not an incorporated entity.

    No, what happened is that a Delaware Corporation owned and operated by the Roman Catholic Church and doing business as "the" United States of America, Incorporated, went bankrupt.

    That was no more this country than I am my own shoe.

    She went on to try to explain away the criminal securitization of the American People and their assets as part of paying back the debts of this foreign corporation, but that isn't true, either.

    What happened is that FDR "pledged" the Federal Civil Service Municipal Employees as assets backing this bankruptcy during his First Inaugural Address, and the Conference of [British Territorial State of State] Governors similarly pledged U.S. Military personnel and their Dependents via a similar action, March 6, 1933.

    None of that had anything to do with us, and the only way that FDR and the "Governors" were able to get away with it was as a condition of employment and private contract.
    This abuse of our Federal Employees encouraged those benefiting by it to secretively extend these outrageous claims against rank and file Americans who are not functioning as Legal Persons and not subject to any such demands.

    So bear in mind that if many of us still don't know the actual history of our country, we can't rely on people from Canada and France to know it, either.

    If you are someone born in these fifty States of the Union, I hope you will make haste and go to: and begin the process of declaring your birthright political status. We need as many Americans as possible to "come home" and help correct 160 years of virulent fraud.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  4. #1164
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    5 hrs ·

    From Lt. General (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn

    This came across my desk early this morning as part of an email with the subject line "Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT" and it contained a brief note from General Flynn. I have never seen a more succinct or accurate description of the situation and the nature of the conflict that he, and we, find ourselves in.

    From General Flynn addressed to Scott, apparently a member of the organization supporting General Flynn:

    "Thank you for the note. Receiving it, especially today means more than you can imagine. I am very thankful for having you and the many other prayer warriors in my family’s life.
    It is vital that we keep God in front of everything we do. I could never imagine myself ever being in the situation that I find myself, but it is a clear sign that evil does exist in our lives.

    We are fighting a spiritual war that will only be won by prayers and the wisdom of the Lord has given us through his kindness and generosity of spirit and compassion. We must resolve that it is He who places us on the path of life and it is through Him that we will succeed in winning this war. We must.

    God Bless America and God Bless our legions of Digital Soldiers!"

    This brilliant summation deserves our attention and this good man deserves our utmost support in the face of the continuing onslaught of lies and injustice pouring out of the "Department of Justice".

    This is a spiritual and mental war, a conflict between what we have been indoctrinated to believe and what is true, between illusion and fact, between assumption and logic.
    In this fight, our minds and hearts are the battleground. We must all do our best to engage our logic circuits and discernment.

    The "Department of Justice" was created in 1870 during the endlessly corrupt administration of Ulysses S. Grant as one of the first "federal executive departments".
    Please note that the "Department of Justice" is not an actual government department -- it's an "executive" department, meaning that it was created within the structure of the interloping Scottish Corporation merely doing business as "The United States of America, Inc." at that time, for the use of the Executive Branch of their corporation as a legal department.

    Under King Rat FDR, the proliferation of such "executive departments" and "government agencies" --- basically more unauthorized subcontractors doing the work of our Subcontractors --- sky rocketed. Last time I looked, the Democrats padded the "federal government" with at least 350 such "departments" and "agencies".

    This arrangement allows the Perpetrators to do none of their own work, pass the work and accountability off to their subcontractors, and then pass the expense of all this on to us ---so long as we don't object.

    Do I hear any objection? Now that you have been told the facts?
    The existence of the "DOJ" isn't authorized anywhere in our agreements with either of the Territorial or Municipal Government entities, so it is entirely an "in-house" organization set up by the interloping European corporate managers as a convenience for them.

    We, the actual government, by contrast, have a Judicial Branch that provides our services and the only members of the "U.S. Government" that also belong to our Judicial Branch are the Justices of The United States Supreme Court.

    The actual job of The United States Supreme Court is to interpret the meaning of, and enforce the limitations imposed by, our Constitutional Agreements with the Federal Subcontractors---that is, the Justices are supposed to tell the Congress and the President what they can get away with and what they cannot get away with, with respect to our contracts with them.

    Anything else that The United States Supreme Court does is extracurricular activity.
    So, the DOJ and the Federal Courts and the State of State Courts are all, and specifically, not part of our lawful court system.

    These "Courts" and the DOJ are instead part of the internal workings of the Federal Subcontractors --- and the nuts and bolts administration of their in-house activities as corporations. These various courts are all in-house corporate tribunals, and the DOJ is the "Legal Department" of the corporation.

    The DOJ was set up to assist the President in his job -- please note again that it is an "executive" department, as in Executive Branch of the Federal Government, but things have changed since the DOJ was set up in 1870.

    Since then, the Territorial Government's Military functions have been split off from the Municipal Government's Civil functions via a process of internal compartmentalization within the corporations, while the two European Federal Subcontractors have increasingly merged their operations in unintended collusion under their unauthorized "Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States" (1937).

    The end result has been that the DOJ has become the creature of "the" United States Municipal Government, aka, the "Civil" (but not civilian) Government, and since the early 1990's, the Whipping Boy of the Municipal Congress.

    So, how did the Municipal Congress manage to get control of the DOJ and wrest it away from the Executive Branch, when it is, purportedly, an "executive department"?
    They changed the Judicial Oath. They deleted the little phrase "agreeable to the Constitution" and left the Judicial Officers -- the Bar Attorneys, Federal Judges, etc. --- and the members of the DOJ free to do "their duties under the Constitution", but that's just a joke.

    None of these Judicial Officers have any duties assigned to them under the Constitutions. Only the Justices of The United States Supreme Court have any duties of that nature assigned to them.

    In effect, we are paying for the Legal Services Department of a foreign Roman-controlled Municipal Government corporation, that is engaged in an endless stream of frauds and criminal activities aimed against our actual government, our States, and our People.

    The Legal Services Department, dba, "Department of Justice" is being utterly controlled and mis-directed by the Municipal Congress, against the President of the same corporation--- because the President is attempting to abide by the Constitutions that the Municipal Congress, operating as the Board of Directors of the Municipal Corporation, is trying to evade.

    And that is also why the Municipal Congress is trying to impeach Donald Trump.
    He's doing a great job for us, but as President of their Municipal Corporation, he sucks. They are losing money and getting disciplined in ways they don't like, so the Board of Directors, aka, the Municipal Congress, is trying to get rid of him and using their in-house DOJ to do it.

    Like all "executive departments" the paperwork still places the DOJ under the President's control, even if the members of the DOJ think that they are not obligated and liable to support the Constitutions anymore.

    So, Donald Trump could dismiss all of them. He could fire the entire DOJ and set up a new in-house Legal Department.

    He could just get up one morning and say, "You know what? You guys just aren't getting what you job is supposed to be about. You're confused. You think that your job is to protect the Municipal Corporation and maximize its profits. You think that the Congress is your Boss, even though you are an executive department. I got news for you. You're fired. I am hiring a whole new staff that will do their actual job -- which is to protect this country and the people in it. The people of this country have suffered on your watch, because you and the members of the Municipal Congress didn't pay attention to who your actual Employers are."

    Give them all pink slips, re-name the "Department of Justice" the "Department of Legal Services" and hire new blood.

    None of this drama has a thing to do with us. It's all internal squabbling among our Subcontractors.

    We can certainly object to the unintended collusion of the two European Subcontractors that was established by their "Declaration of Interdependence", and that may have some benefit, but generally speaking, the Subcontractors can organize their internal affairs as they see fit.

    And as a point of fact, both these European Subcontractors -- the British Territorial United States and the Roman Municipal Government -- are both owned and operated ultimately by the Pope.

    We should be taking our complaints about all this and about the mis-administration in general, directly to him, because he controls the Commonwealth through the Queen, and the Municipal Government through the City of Rome and the Roman Curia.

    The actual Federal Employees and other Dual Citizens can wake up and clean the clocks of the Municipal Congress members at the ballot box, with the realization that even if we remove every present member of the Municipal Congress, the Municipal Government will still function in a corrupt way because the structure of the corporation itself is corrupt.

    Our agreements with the Pope and the Curia limit their activities to the "one mile square" apportioned to them in the District of Columbia. They do not allow for the proliferation of 185,000 Municipal Corporations on our shores, nor do they allow for the mis-characterization of our State Citizens and populace in general as "citizens of the United States".

    Their little oligarchy perched on our shores has run wild and is totally their responsibility and should not be our concern, though of course, this ongoing circumstance causes us trouble, too.

    We are constantly having to slap the hands of the pickpockets and argue with their bureaucrats and debunk their lies and false assumptions regarding us, our political status, our government, and just about everything that they do "for" us has to be countermanded and objected to.

    The Pope and his Minions are quite literally the "Employees from Hell" -- yet at the end of the day, with respect to us, that is what they are: Employees.
    Remember that, and we will be well on our way toward getting this battlefield of the mind secured and cleared. Better still, get your rumps in gear and go to:

    ---and take action in the material world to reclaim your identity as an American and not a "citizen" of their version of "United States" at all.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  5. #1165
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    27 mins ·

    Comment About "Kim Possible" and Claims that the IRS is Shut Down

    The report is that the IRS's computer logging system is shut down. Good. Stopping theft and misadministration is good, even if all you can do is pull the plug on their mainframe computer.

    As I have told everyone before, "Kim" can shut things down, but not open things up. I have heard and seen nothing to suggest that anything has changed in this respect.
    She didn't actually "pay off" anything --- they owed us credit that they were not putting on the books.

    In other words, just as I told the President in my YouTube video about the "National Credit" --- the so-called National Debt disappears when the National Credit is (finally) applied.
    Do I get a Nobel Prize for observing that?

    Another aspect is that such bogus debts disappear when they are recognized as "Odious Debt" -- that is, fraudulent debt or debt tainted by fraud.

    Once the "National Credit" is applied -- not only ours, but the National Credit(s) owed to all the other countries and people -- 95% of what is left is Odious Debt tainted by accounting fraud and racketeering and undisclosed, unconscionable contracts. And that has to be "discharged" --- written off the books.

    So with that bit of accounting genius and legal acumen applied, we get rid of the debts worldwide. It seems I am due a second Nobel Prize for noticing the obvious and poking enough butts to get the wheels moving in the right direction, however....

    IF Mr. Trump wants to get this show on the road and actually operate on a solid foundation with lawful access to the so-called "Spiritual White Boy" accounts and a great deal more, plus have access to the key to the computer programs on the asset side of the equation, plus have all the history and receipts and documentation, plus be able to almost-instantly and seamless convert the "legal" system back to the lawful system and normal course of business that we are owed as living people --- THEN he needs to get in touch with me as the Fiduciary for The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States formed in September of 1776, and I will work with him to make sure that America is safe and "great again" and to assure the peaceful return of everyone's purloined property worldwide, including ours.

    AND I will provide a whole new transparent universally accessible free internet and banking system that isn't weaponized, isn't full of traps and bugs and spyware, an impenetrable system with no 5G dangers--- a system that is 200 years in advance of anything their "Quantum Financial System" can do, plus a new currency system that is actually honest and which cannot be manipulated by speculators....

    OR, he and Kim can continue to sit there and spin and try to clunk along as they have been, trying to pick through the wreckage and cobble things up.

    Their choice.

    They are getting some hits in by manipulating and capturing illegal computer systems, mainly IMF associated systems associated with the B.E.A.S.T. in Belgium and the mainframe in Luxembourg. And that's okay, but that will never give them the keys to the kingdom. That will never provide a solid foundation to build on, either.

    For me, it's like watching the gardeners pruning back overgrown hedges and mowing lawns and weeding unkempt borders. I am pleased and grateful to see that they are back to work and making progress on these tasks, but it does nothing to rebuild the roof and reset the foundations.

    That's why I haven't been overly concerned or putting in any big effort to convince anyone that I am the Lawful Fiduciary.

    Sooner or later they will face facts and realize that they are two-blocked and their corporations are two-blocked and their computer systems are two-blocked and the only way out of this is the way they went in: they have to reverse the "unlawful conversion" of living estates engineered by FDR via a "lawful conversion" returning those purloined assets.
    Pure and simple---the corporations need to pay their own bills using their own assets from now on.

    That's where we are stuck.

    Mr. Trump's Administration needs to admit, however quietly, that they need our help. Just like we all have to ask heaven for help, and have sense enough to accept that help when it comes.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  6. #1166
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    11 hrs ·

    Notice to The Casino Royale and Pope Francis

    We are going to go to an alien world today, one that I call the Casino Royale Multi-Verse. It looks like this world in many respects, except that like the Land of Oz, it has its own peculiarities. You would, however, be able to navigate well enough. There is still a sky overhead and ground underfoot, and things familiar enough so that you can cope.

    In this strange land that resembles the Earth you are used to, nobody works for a living. They make their living by gambling, instead.

    When you first arrive, you notice that there are many small countries and each one of them has their own casino, plus a few franchise casinos from other countries operating within their borders. The casinos all have their own distinctive casino chips, just like the big casinos in Las Vegas, stamped with their own logos. They all use casino chips as money.

    The casino owners are happy to see a newcomer, so they give you chips and set you loose to play all the classic games any way you like: roulette, Black Jack, Poker, Slots, whatever. Not having anything else to do, you become a Player and like every one else, you learn the rules of the games and how to play and you wander around from casino to casino trying your luck.

    There is one really big, successful casino in a neighboring country, called the Casino Royale. It's the biggest casino around and it has franchise operations in all the other countries, so that you can cash in chips from the Casino Royale, and exchange them for local casino chips.

    This makes Casino Royale casino chips very handy, because all the other casinos will accept them in trade.

    Time goes by and one by one, the other casinos start selling out to the Casino Royale. It continues to run its own franchise casinos in the other countries under its own name, and runs the local casinos that it buys under their own names, so people think that nothing has changed--- like acquiring a brand name. Nobody knows the ownership has changed.

    Eventually, almost all the casinos are being run by the Casino Royale, and it appears that there are still a lot of local casinos in operation, when in fact, there are fewer and fewer independent casinos. Finally, there only six left in the entire world.

    About this time, the Casino Royale announces a new policy.
    From now on, when you lose, you will be given black chips, and when you win, you will be given white chips. The black chips are debts and the white chips are credit against those debts -- and you can use either one to buy stuff.

    The only difference is that when you use the black chips and receive something in return for them, your debt increases. When you play with the white chips, and receive something in return for them, you give up white chips, but your debt decreases.

    Some people just can't get this through their heads.
    They think that "more chips is more chips" and so they hoard up black chips as well as white chips, and because both can be used to buy things, they think black chips are the same as white chips and vice versa, even though the use of one leads to more debt and the use of the other leads to breaking even.

    There are even people known as "Debt Mongers" who go around collecting and buying up black chips on purpose. This makes people think that, hey, there must be value in these black chips. So they buy more and more stuff using black chips and they start collecting black chips, too.

    Their anthem is: "The More Debt, the Better".
    Sound familiar?

    These confused people use black chips in exchange for just about everything, and as a result their overall debt just continues to grow. They start out with minus five hundred dollars and buy a hamburger with black chips, and now they are $506 in the hole. And so it continues, day and night, night and day.

    Did I mention that interest accrues to every penny of this debt?
    The value of everything they receive in exchange for black chips gets added to their debts as more debt. Plus interest.

    But some people don't care if they are trading on debt or with credit, so long as "it spends the same".

    One day, Casino Royale sends out an army of Bill Collectors to collect back all the black chips. There's panic, because the people are used to using black chips "as" money, and they think that black chips are valuable because of this. They never realized that the black chips were just a way to transfer and accumulate debt, debt, and more debt.

    And now they are left holding a lot of debt that they don't want to give up. In fact, they cling to their chains even tighter. Crazy as this is, they get possessive about it. Nobody is going to take away their debt without a fight!

    And when one of the Bill Collectors comes to take their home or their business in "payment" of their debts? What do these people do? They pay him off with black chips and increase their debt some more!

    Casino Royale is loving this. Every turn of the wheel, and no matter how it spins, the House wins.

    But, finally, the Gambling Commission catches on and takes action.
    Casino Royale has to send out Circuit Riders with bags of white casino chips and make offers to trade them, one for one for the black chips. A dollar of credit in exchange for a dollar of debt, and upon acceptance of this trade, the people who would otherwise be harmed break even. The debt is "offset".

    Some people still aren't getting the drift of this, but it was always an in-house Zero Sum Game.

    Federal Reserve Notes are the black chips and United States Notes are the white chips.
    Neither one meets the definition of a United States Dollar.

    We bought the United States Municipal Government with recorded silver United States Dollars posted as Bonds, accepted by the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT in Anchorage, Alaska, and posted upon the Public Records of the State of Alaska Recorder's Office.

    Each such bonded silver United States Dollar is pegged against $40,000.00 of United States Debt, and as the actual Priority Creditors and Lien Holders, even a penny would be sufficient equitable exchange.

    The contest is over. Jesus won.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  7. #1167
    Militant Wing of the Salvation Army midnight rambler's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    This thread should be called The Anna Cult thread.
    "A man is to be held accountable for the thoughts he chooses to entertain." --Richard Alan Miller

    "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable-what then?" --George Orwell

    "It's not a matter of what is true (reality) that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true (reality)." --Henry Kissinger

  8. #1168
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    1 hr ·

    Advisement About Common Law Writs

    This morning I was asked again about the use of Common Law Writs as a means of moving the foreign courts. Here is my reply:

    Writs like this don’t apply to any of these courts except The United States Supreme Court.
    This is because as I explained yesterday none of these courts except the USSC operate in our jurisdiction.
    And never have.

    As they succinctly said in Thompkins vs Erie Railroad, they have no “General Common Law”.

    The only kind of “Common Law” they have is Military Common Law. So now if you attempt to address anything using Common Law in their courts you inadvertently push it into military tribunal mode.

    And then you fail to properly declare yourselves and that gives them the opportunity to presume that you are an Enemy Combatant.

    Once you get into Admiralty mode you can declare The Law of Peace and the Saving to Suitor’s Clause but that requires a level of awareness and expertise that most people including most lawyers don’t have—- and even after you hop through the hoops in this case, you would be claiming redress against bankrupt entities.

    You can now see why all the Ancient Writs don’t work in their courts, except the Supreme Court, and why even if you win in Admiralty, you lose.

    Writ of Habeas Corpus has additionally been suspended for “US citizens” since the Civil War and most court actions involving statutory and regulatory infractions are addressed to US citizens.

    So that’s additionally why Writs of Habeas Corpus aren’t honored by these courts.

    Just so you know.
    The best way to deal with these courts is simply to concentrate on building up our own courts so that we never have to go in them in the first place.

    If you do have to deal with them there are three pertinent questions you always wish to address to the Court and the Prosecutor:

    (1) Does this Court have jurisdiction over the living man? (No, they do not.)

    (2) What probable cause does the Prosecutor or Police Officer have for presuming that.... (for example— the Defendant was driving for hire and not simply traveling for private purposes? Use whatever applies to your case.)
    In the vast majority of cases the Prosecutor has no probable cause to presume anything about the capacity in which you were acting.

    (3) Finally, put them in a Double Bind. If you are dealing with a Law Enforcement Officer giving testimony against you, ask him if he is an attorney? If not, how is he competent to interpret the statutory law or Federal Code and make a determination that any crime occurred? (He’s not a competent Witness for their purposes and they know that, but they will bluff if you don’t call them on it.).

    The other alternative will be a standard case where you have an attorney acting as Prosecutor and they will be making accusations against you without any first-hand knowledge of anything at all, so you ask— Mr. Prosecuting Attorney, do you have any first-hand knowledge of the circumstance and happenings that you are referring to in this complaint? (No, of course not, he is just chuffing wind.) “Will it please the Court to hear my testimony under affirmation and penalty of perjury, as I am (in most cases) the only Witness to these events having first-hand knowledge of them?

    Either they have no competent Witness or ninety-percent of the time they have no Witness at all and whatever account you give of your actions and intentions stands.
    “On April the 7th of this year, I got into my car about four-thirty in the afternoon and proceeded to via that means to our local grocery store where I purchased items for dinner. I was enroute going back to my home with the intention of cooking my dinner when I was accosted by Patrolman Pierce in his patrol car. I stopped to see what he wanted and if I needed to render assistance. He demanded to see a Driver License and Registration. I asked him if he had probable cause to think that I was engaged in commercial business for profit of any kind? He then arrested and detained me under force without my consent and without any lawful authority to do so, whereupon I counterclaimed that he was violating my Fourth Amendment Guarantees and he refused to discuss anything further. So here we are, still stuck on the question of probable cause and exactly why Patrolman Pierce assumed that I was doing anything at all beyond returning home to cook my dinner — and why he violated my freedom from violent detainer? He didn’t in fact ask me what I was doing or why. He simply assumed that I was engaged in some sort of commercial activity requiring a license and reacted violently when I asked for his probable cause for that assumption. I find that I have been detained, hauled into a court and jurisdiction foreign to me for no clearly stated reason, and compelled by the circumstance to comment about my private actions and intent, which is certainly a violation of my free will and privacy by a man who is not adequately trained in the practice of law to even make a determination of probable cause much less presume that any entity subject to the statutory law was even present and inhabiting an Office of Person. Whereupon I wish for this Court to dismiss these unsubstantiated charges and set my persons free.”

    What can the judge do or the police Officer say?

    That the Registration of the car as a Motor Vehicle was the only basis for their presumption that it was being operated as such that afternoon? And also the only basis for their presumption that you were operating as a licensed driver, too?

    The same issues apply to virtually any issue entertained by any of these courts. They are always operating on the basis of unsubstantiated presumptions brought forward by Witnesses who are incompetent or lacking first-knowledge.

    The fundamental presumption of capacity and guilt being foisted off on you and giving rise to their idea that you are guilty by definition rests upon the presumption that you are a Municipal citizen of the United States within the meaning and intent of the “Fourteenth Amendment” which is in fact a By-Law of the Articles of Incorporation of an interloping Scottish Commercial Corporation that was infringing on our name and copyrights and which has been defunct since 1907.

    THAT is truly how absurd and baseless their legal presumptions about you are, but it is still your job to rebut them in an effective manner, so that the judge can identify who you are and the capacity in which you are (or were) acting.

    If he then convicts or harms you in any way upon being fully advised that you are an American State Citizen and that you were acting in your private capacity as such and had it demonstrated that there is no credible probable cause to presume otherwise— it is his proverbial neck in the noose upon your appeal.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  9. #1169
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    OK, Anna's stuff plus a whole lot of others stuff;

    I'm not out here touting just Anna's stuff. If she was the only one who was saying it I would also say crackpot and move on. but she is just one in a long line of people who talk about how our country was formed and how it is supposed to work.

    Two classes of citizenship: State citizens and US Citizens.

    State citizens are "We the People" with god given rights.
    US citizens are slaves of the federal govt who are granted civil rights by congress.

    State citizens are out of reach for the Federal govt, unless they commit some sort of capital crime or some sort of interstate commerce. State citizens have the capacity to be Electors as opposed to voters.

    The basic problem is the Feds changed our States into States of States. And that State of State is a Federal entity based in DC.
    Most of us are going blissfully along thinking I'm a State of xxx citizen. Which is a US citizen, domiciled in Washington DC.
    In order to be a citizen of your state; You have to declare it. You have to do something about it. If you do nothing the govt assumes you are a happy
    US citizen slave.

    Anna is trying to do what should have been done in 1870, reconstruct the States by populating our respective States with State citizens.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  10. #1170
    Militant Wing of the Salvation Army midnight rambler's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna is a crackpot ergo any of her followers are crackpots.
    "A man is to be held accountable for the thoughts he chooses to entertain." --Richard Alan Miller

    "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable-what then?" --George Orwell

    "It's not a matter of what is true (reality) that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true (reality)." --Henry Kissinger

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