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Thread: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

  1. #891
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigjon View Post
    A system dreamed up by lieyers (BAR card Lawyers) the better to lie to you and write lies and call it code.

    That is the essence of color of law, not real law.
    Lawyers never act as principals. They have carved out a niche in the field of AGENCY. For myself I state that I never deal with agents. Just as in the movie MATRIX when you encounter an agent RUNNNNNN!! And normal people might be converted to an AGENT in the wink of an eye.

    [A] x [A] -1 = 1

    You don't want to pay attention to [A]. Figure out [A] -1. The "1" is the IDENTITY matrix. If you have no identity then you have lost "the ONE".

  2. #892
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    4 hrs ·

    Regarding All Federal Retirees --- Civil and Military

    Anything that the PERSON is owed as a result of service or labor is still owed regardless of where that PERSON is domiciled or what law that PERSON lives under after retirement.

    Our veterans earned their pensions and services in terms of medical care, etc., so their situation is entirely the same as a person who worked and vested in the Social Security system and retired.

    Imagine that you went to work for a foreign corporation in a foreign country ---- say, for example, that you went to work of a Target store in Morocco. While in Morocco, you have to follow the law of that country, right? And while working for that employer, you have to follow their corporation's rules, too? Well, that's what happens when you join the Armed Services or the Federal Civil Service, either. You subject yourself, temporarily, to the rules of a foreign corporation and enter the foreign federal jurisdiction, which is the equivalent of a foreign country.

    When you come home ---- and that is what they call it, too ---- "going home", you have to set aside Federal Citizenship in order to receive back your natural birthright political status. This is the equivalent of leaving Morocco and moving back to Columbus, Ohio. Suddenly, you are no longer living in Morocco --- or in this case, "the US" anymore, so you are no longer subject to the laws of that country. You are back home living under American Public Law. And, you have retired, so you are no longer living under corporate rules and regulations, either. You no longer have to punch their time clock or wear their uniform.

    Just like the example of the Target store, any employee pension or retirement or service benefit you earned while employed by the Federal Government is still owed to YOU, and is still due and payable as a Priority Debt of the corporation, even if it goes bankrupt.

    So, military retirement benefits, like earned Social Security payments, like Federal Civil Service pensions ----are "earned dividends" that are still owed to you, wherever you choose to live and whatever law you choose to live under after your retirement. You can leave Morocco. You are not obligated to stay and live there after you retire. And once you stop receiving a current-duty paycheck, you aren't obligated to follow the rules and regulations of any corporation, either.

    It used to be that when our men and women retired from the military it was "assumed" that they returned home to the States and took up their natural birthright political status again, but after Korea, the "presumption" was changed, so that our retired military personnel are assumed to stay in Federal Territory until and unless they specifically tell their branch commander that they have returned home to their State of the Union.

    The DOD should be automatically issuing them the correct ID when they leave the service, but that hasn't been done, because the corporation is trying to protect its bottom line and trying to retain coercive control over the veterans ---as if they stayed in Morocco and are still working for Target, long after that is no longer the case.

    As military personnel our veterans carry many burdens that civilians don't have. By pretending that our veterans haven't "officially" returned home, the rats have continued to impose military law and military discipline and military service obligations and have deprived these Americans of the very freedom they fought for. They have also imposed unfair taxes and deprived them of benefits that they are in fact owed.

    Americans are owed the National Credit by "the US" and its corporations. US Citizens are not eligible to collect on the National Credit. This is another reason why it is to the advantage of the Federal Corporations to "presume" that you all stayed in Federal Territory once you left the service. It renders you ineligible to execute Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges with the US Government and claim against the National Credit that Americans are owed.

    By returning home to the States and expatriating "your" Federal PERSONS to Ohio, for example, you make it clear that you are no longer in Federal Territory. You become eligible for all the protections of the Constitutions. You become eligible to claim against the National Credit you are owed. You are set free of military obligation, regulation, and discipline and have to be treated as a civilian again.

    The advantage of this is self-evident. Who wants to claim "civil rights" that are dependent on the whim of a corrupt Congress, when you are owed your "natural and unalienable rights"? Who wants to carry the burden of the US National Debt, when you are in fact owed trillions of dollars as an American? And you are owed access to all that credit, too?

    You can have your cake --- your freedom and ability to access the National Credit --- and eat it, too, by retaining all earned dividends and services that are owed you as a result of your military service, simply by expatriating back to your home State of the Union and waiving all "unearned" benefits. It takes a little paperwork, but the rewards are well-worth it.

    As a US Citizen, you have to struggle to pay back the mortgages that the Territorial States of States have placed on your home and land. As an American, after you have given notice to your Branch of Service of your decision to return home and done the paperwork to expatriate back to your home State of the Union, you can claim your exemption under Title 50, Section 7 (c) and (e), 2012, and then execute a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange to pay off any mortgage, hospital bill, college loan, etc.,etc., that is addressed to the federal PERSON.

    So, yes, Virginia, you can collect any earned Federal pensions and pension services owed to your PERSON, without any obligation to live in a Federal Territory or subject yourself to Federal regulation. Once you expatriate back home to your State of the Union, you also become eligible to receive access to the National Credit and can use the process of Mutual Offset Credit Exchange to pay off any debts addressed to your PERSON.

    For millions of American Retirees, especially military retirees, this news is the difference between scraping along, barely living---- and enjoying life. It's the difference between being a free man and a slave to autocratic Federal demands. It's the difference between being a "Freeholder" and standing on your own two feet and being considered a Pauper and a Ward of the State of State.

    Some people are alarmed and afraid to claim back their birthright status. They are confused because they don't understand the difference between a "US Citizen" and an "American State Citizen".
    Others think that we are doing something wrong or obtaining some unfair advantage or taking some form of welfare by claiming and accessing the National Credit. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our National Credit has been bought and paid for with honest goods and services, by us and by our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. There is nothing dishonorable or shady about exchanging our credit for THEIR debt. In fact, this is the only realistic way that the US National Debt can ever be off-set and reduced back down to reasonable levels.

    So both as a former "US Citizen" and as an American, our veterans can best serve this country by returning home to their birthright political status, expatriating back to their State of the Union (where they were born), and exercising their ability as Americans to offset the debts of the US with credit that is already earned.

    That's right --- already earned credit. All our debts are pre-paid. We simply have to return to and act in our proper political status to access this credit and apply it. The IRS is responsible for crediting any ACCOUNT that belongs to an American State National or American State Citizen.

    The difference between an American State National and an American State Citizen? A National owes no service or obligation to any government. A Citizen owes a duty or service obligation to uphold the State Government. So, upon your "return home", you can choose to join your State Assembly, which I highly recommend, and engage actively in the necessary task of self-governance, or depending on your own needs, you may choose to be a State National with no obligation to the government at all, beyond maintaining the peace and not causing damage to other people and their property.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  3. #893
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    8 hrs ·

    Sheriffs and Marshals -- The Enforcement

    The Offices of Sheriffs and Marshals are split into two kinds and two "venues" -- land and sea.

    Sheriffs and Marshals operating on the soil and land jurisdictions are peacekeeping officials.

    Sheriffs and Marshals operating in the maritime and High Seas jurisdictions are law enforcement officers.

    See the difference? Peacekeepers v. Law Enforcement. Public v. Private. Land v. Sea. Officials v. Officers.

    Sheriffs of both kinds work at the county level. Marshals of both kinds work at the federal district level--- only one works in the Postal Districts (land) and one works in the US Districts (sea).

    They are intended to work together for the common good of the people of this country and of the country itself, but thanks to greed, graft, and commercial corporation self-interest, these offices have been misunderstood, misdirected, and misinformed.

    Land jurisdiction marshals used to be called "Federal Marshals" as opposed to sea jurisdiction marshals who were called "US Marshals". Both are operating in international jurisdiction, both operate in "districts", but the peacekeeping officials are operating in a Public Capacity and the law enforcement officers are operating in a Private Capacity.

    The run amok members of the "US Congress" have sought to phase out the Federal Marshals by leaving them unfunded and forced to serve as a volunteers. This circumstance led The United States of America [Unincorporated] to re-name and re-commission these Public Peacekeeping Officials as The Continental Marshals Service in 2015, in an effort to draw the line between land jurisdiction and sea jurisdiction and to make it clear that these men and women are serving the land jurisdiction of this country and are here to enforce the Constitutions in behalf of the lawful government as peacekeeping officials operating in international jurisdiction.

    The public officials outrank the private (corporate) officers, but in the absence of public peacekeeping officials, the private officers enter the vacated office of "County Sheriff" and act "as" both kinds of Sheriff until the public office is re-occupied.

    As a result, many so-called "County Sheriffs" are not actually functioning as County Sheriffs. They are simply federal corporation franchise employees considered Dual Citizens by the federal organizations, who have the option to enforce the Law of the Land --- or not --- as they see fit.

    This gives them almost God-like usurped power, until and unless the people in the actual, factual County wake up and (1) prevail upon these men to do their actual intended duty, or (2) reclaim their own birthright political status, hold their own elections, and elect their own County Sheriff to serve specifically in the actual Public Office as an elected peacekeeping official.

    This usurpation of our Public Offices, both the County Sheriffs and the Federal Marshals, by privately owned and operated commercial corporations and their employees is a violation of our Constitutions at all levels.

    It occurred without disclosure and under conditions of semantic deceit, resulting in the entire process being tainted by fraud, and also without any valid authorization.

    County Officials at the time that this corporate take-over occurred (circa 1965-66) were lured by federal kick-backs in the form of Block Grants and never told the consequences of their actions. Those few individuals who knew what they were doing committed both treason and fraud.

    Now is the time that we all have to deal with the consequences and exert ourselves to straighten the resulting Mess out.

    All across this country Sheriffs -- whether they are acting as peacekeeping officials or as law enforcement officers -- are waking up.

    They are beginning to enforce the Public Law and to defend Americans from unlawful asset seizures, unlawful arrest, and other crimes contrary to the Constitutions. They are beginning to quietly take up positions in the backs of courtrooms and their presence has proven sufficient to keep the judges honest.

    The Enforcement of the actual Public Law of this country has quietly come back into view, and as it does, conditions will improve. Do everything you can do to educate your County Sheriff whether he is acting as a Law Enforcement Officer or as a Peacekeeping Official.
    And when you meet a Continental Marshal, realize that this man or woman has taken up a most difficult and challenging duty, and is voluntarily policing the land jurisdiction of this country directly under the auspices of The United States of America.

    If the County Sheriff fails to protect your persons and property, it is the duty of the Marshals Services, both the Continental Marshals and the U.S. Marshals, to protect them and enforce the Constitutions.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  4. #894
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigjon View Post
    If the County Sheriff fails to protect your persons and property, it is the duty of the Marshals Services, both the Continental Marshals and the U.S. Marshals, to protect them and enforce the Constitutions.
    Duty is established by oath or contract. As far as I can discover the U.S. marshals have neither. One U.S. marshal informed me "there is no such thing as the Country of Iowa" upon which I responded "you must be a National employee rather than a Federal employee". He looked at me rather intensely for a few seconds before replying "I am a Federal employee". I don't believe he really understood that employee is a fiduciary and establishes a duty to the trust he works for. All employers are trusts.

  5. #895
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    5 hrs ·

    The Municipal Debt Scam

    It is apparent that a great many people haven't gotten the drift of why we have obtained copies of all these Birth Certificates and why we have Authenticated these records through the US State Department, nor why we have returned the Municipal PERSONS to Steven T. Mnuchin.

    It's because we need evidence of the crimes committed against us and proof of action taken to correct, so that we cannot be accused of wrong-doing.

    When we go through the effort to Authenticate a Birth Certificate through the US State Department for the purpose of conducting business in a Non-Hague Convention country, something very important becomes visible. The good faith and credit of "the" United States of America (the Territorial Government) is being extended and an indemnity bond is being issued to insure the Municipal Government VESSEL.

    This proves that they are colluding together and benefiting each other. It also exposes the nature of the deception. It is designed to make it appear that we are acting as our own Creditors, as if "the" United States of America is the same as The United States of America.
    And its not.

    In fact, "the" Municipal United States is $25 trillion in debt to us. We are their Priority Creditors, and they are endeavoring to make it look like that debt is owed by The United States of America, instead--- owed by us, that is.

    They are using "the" United States of America, the British Territorial Government, to promote that assumption. It's a shell game.

    Which United States? Which United States of America? Who is on first and What is on second.

    The Pope's Municipal Government doing business as "the United States" owes us, The United States of America, $25 trillion in credit. Their National Debt is our National Credit.

    The Territorial United States Government doing business as "the"United States of America, is standing in the middle, making it look like we indebted ourselves, but in fact, both the Municipal United States and the Territorial United States of America owe us money.

    We owe them for services and they owe us for goods and services, too. So all three are debtors with respect to the others, to some extent.

    What is supposed to happen is called "Mutual Offset Credit Exchange".

    So King George owes me a thousand dollars and I owe him a hundred. I knock a hundred off of what he owes me and my debt to him is "offset" against what he owes me and at the end of the transaction, his debt to me is reduced to $900.

    So the Pope owes me a million dollars and I owe him a hundred thousand. I knock a hundred thousand off of what he owes me, so that my debt is offset against what he already owes me and his debt to me is reduced to $900,000.

    You see? We are supposed to be trading debts as credits. That is how the US National Debt is supposed to be reduced and kept under control.

    If they had simply done this, as their Public Policy and Public Law requires, there could be no out-of-control US National Debt, because most of it would automatically be offset against the American National Credit.

    Instead of doing this, both the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States have been cheating and not allowing us to access our National Credit.

    This is how the US National Debt keeps growing exponentially. There is nothing to offset it. We just get stuck extending more and more and more credit to them, which they spend without crediting anything back to us. The more they gouge us, the more they pillage and racketeer and counterfeit against us, the deeper into debt they go.

    These two foreign subcontractors have been run as commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services, no different than Exxon or J.C. Penny. They have dishonorably, disloyally, illegally, and unlawfully exercised our own delegated powers against us, all under color of law.

    They have planned to pretend that The United States of America no longer exists, and that all our National Credit is abandoned funds. Meanwhile, they would use their own immense National Debt to plead bankruptcy and poor mouth for new taxes --- like carbon taxes.

    In this way, they planned to: (1) steal our National Credit and make themselves out Good Fellows by distributing it to their cronies worldwide as grants and kickbacks; and (2) avoid their own debts via bankruptcy while justifying oppressive new taxes, and (3) leave us on the hook to pay back their immense debts as presumed municipal slaves.

    And all this has been going on behind our backs and being promoted by foreign governments that owe us good faith service. The rest of the nations in the United Nations have been looking forward to feasting on our National Credit---and our gold and our land---- and that anticipation is what the perpetrators have used to try to buy off all the other nations to participate in this gang criminality, all the while spouting the most sanctimonious bull crap about goodwill and brotherhood and caring for the poor. Why not? What does it cost them?

    They did the same thing in the 1960's to get the clueless county governments to go along with their criminality ---- promising "Federal Block Grants" and other payola inducements to those counties that "voluntarily" incorporated as federal franchises, while never disclosing the fact that the county's own resources and assets would be taken under "foreign title" and used as the source of these "federal" grants.
    And if nobody knows what they did, there is nobody to oppose it.

    Now they are trying to use our National Credit to buy off the other governments of the world and subsume them all into One World Government under the control of these same ruthless con men----criminals who blather about establishing a "meritocracy" to oversee this proposed planetary empire of criminals and fools.

    So. That's the scoreboard. Is it the Pope or the Pontiff on first base? The Queen Elizabeth II or Her Britannic Majesty on second base? The President of the United States of America or the President of the United States on third?

    What you all need to understand is how we have been played and by whom, what their game is, how they play it, and what it takes to put an end to it.

    These people are liars, Masters of Deceit, and most of them are deluded into thinking that this is about "National Security" or "the True Faith" or other Noble Causes that justify Noble Lies ---- when in fact there is no such thing as a Noble Lie, and all this conundrum is about nothing more than greed and ignoble aims, betrayal of trust, and bank fraud.

    Nobody --- and I do mean nobody --- has any right to steal anyone else's time on Earth. Nobody has any right to lie and use lies to steal from others what is rightfully theirs. And nobody who participates in, promotes, or advances any such scheme has "merit" going forward.

    Both Communism and Fascism are failed doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. Both sound good at first to the unsophisticated among us, because they preach liberty and fraternity. They don't mention that it is the liberty given slaves, not the freedom owed to men. They don't mention that it is a fraternity of eternal Have-Nots who are deliberately castrated and crippled and impoverished to better serve the Master Race of Liars and Thieves.

    We have no reason to ever go back and visit the horrors of any World War, nor to test out the economics of either Communism or Fascism again, both of which reliably end in the criminals trying to kill off their Priority Creditors---- which is, not coincidentally, precisely what has been planned for us, with their 800 FEMA camps and billions of rounds of ammunition distributed to the alphabet soup "Agencies".

    The reason that the Communists and the Fascists kill millions of people is to avoid paying back their own debts. It's all about money and assets and their endless, mindless greed. It has nothing to do with freedom or equality, compassion or patriotism. None of those things enter into it.

    This is about redistribution of wealth --- our wealth which we have earned the hard way --- going into their pockets, based on lies they have told each other.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  6. #896
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    1 hr ·

    Hey! All You Slaves Out There!

    I keep getting people who are complaining, "Oh, this is all so difficult! It's so confusing!" ---- the lies are confusing, I will grant you that. Lies are almost always convoluted and confusing because they are lies. The truth is always simple. So I will tell you the truth, and then you can discern the lies for yourselves.

    First, you are the employer of all these people. Ask yourself, since when do the employees boss the employers around?
    Just asking.

    That circumstance all by itself should be enough to convince you that something is wrong. Now we get to what The Problem is. The problem is that you have been deceived and its a mind-numbingly simple, but effective, deceit. Are you ready for it?

    Okay, wait for it.....wait for it.....
    The United States is not the same as "the" United States. And The United States of America is not the same as "the" United States of America.

    The United States is a union of republican states, but "the" United States is a municipal oligarchy modeled after the Ancient Roman Government. Apples and oranges. Two different things with very similar names. Because this municipal oligarchy is exercising some of our delegated power, it is operating "in our names". Unfortunately, it is doing so in Breach of Trust and in violation of the Commercial Service Contract and Tri-lateral Treaty known as The Constitution of the United States.

    So when you claim to be a "citizen" of something called "United States" it is not clear which United States is being referenced.

    They use this confusion as a means to latch onto your Good Name and assets as if you were naturally subject to them and their independent international city-state. They "convey" your name, issue a corporate franchise named after you, and transport it offshore to Puerto Rico (now the Northern Marianas Islands) where the franchise operates under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition. They do everything they can to erase your identity as a living man and as an American born in one of the States of the Union.

    They do this so that they can enslave, cheat, and steal from you. And this, believe it or not, is all done under the auspices and with the oversight of the Roman Catholic Church.

    Who is doing this to you? The members of the Municipal UNITED STATES CONGRESS acting under authority granted to them under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17. Who is responsible for oversight? The Pope and the Roman Curia.

    What is the key issue? You are an American State National and they owe the American States good faith and service. Defrauding, impersonating, press-ganging and kidnapping our people to use them as slaves while singing Yankee Doodle Dandy is not good faith and service.

    It's not anything to do with Jesus and his teachings, either.

    Beyond that, they are limited by their agreements with our States to operate within the ten miles square of the District of Columbia and have no right to trespass beyond those boundaries.

    Meanwhile, the Queen and her Group of Idiots are responsible for keeping them in their boundaries and are failing to do that, too.

    Beyond that, the Pope and the Queen and their Party Hearties all owe us a helluva lot of money --- almost the entire US National Debt is owed to the American People. Their National Debt is our National Credit.

    Since when do Debtors get to crack the whip over the backs of their Creditors?

    The masters may choose to act as servants, but the servants aren't actually the masters. Big difference. Big.

    A similar situation exists with respect to "the" United States of America, which is a British Territorial Government under contract to The United States of America. Again, they are exercising some of our delegated powers in Bad Faith and operating "in our names" the same way that "the" United States has been operating in the name of The United States.

    The British Territorial Government has been colluding with the Papist Municipal Government to rape and pillage the States and People they are under the most solemn treaties and contractual obligations to protect.

    It's really that simple. Betrayal and Breach of Trust via semantic deceits and similar constructive frauds.

    It is all both illegal and unlawful under international law.

    They are in violation of both the Geneva Conventions (for their purposeful falsification of our records, their mistreatment and impersonation of our persons, and their unconscionable contracting practices) and the Hague Conventions which apply to them, not to us.

    So, time to get it on and bang a gong, folks.

    Donald Trump is now in charge of the Territorial Horrorshow and rattling sabers for the Queen who wants to take over Iran, one of the last independent unincorporated countries in the world----using our blood and resources to do it, of course.

    And the Pope and his minions are running their bizarre operations aping the fallen Ancient Roman Empire (as if that debacle was ever anything worthy of repeat) with a little Eastern Mediterranean snake and fish worship thrown in --- up to their nose-hairs in debt, and still trying to pretend that it is our debt and that they did all these craven, immoral things "for" us, while acting in Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract.

    Come home. Claim your share of the National Credit, your land, your Good Names. Fold up this Carnival Show in Washington, DC like last year's newspaper. Re-task and reform it. Look at it for what it is. These people are crooks and parasites, eating the substance out of your country, impersonators pretending to be you or to "represent" you, for the purposes of credit fraud.

    They are pretending to be you, accessing your credit, and running up debts against your assets and Good Name, just like any other Credit Card Hacker or Identity Theft Ring. The only difference is the sheer magnitude of The Sting.

    And all you international and local "Law Enforcement Officers", all you Officers of the Courts, all you "Attorney Generals", all of you tasked with upholding any law worth upholding ---- get a job. If a Great-Grandma in a place like Big Lake, Alaska, can see what is wrong with this picture, how many other people are catching on and looking at you as "The Other Problem"?

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    4 hrs ·

    Dear Sheriff....

    One of the most dangerous parts of this whole situation is the ignorance of the Law Enforcement community. We have LEOs who don't know what LEOs are. They are still acting under presumptions of a normal course of business like all the rest of us. "Sheriffs" assume they are Sheriffs, long after the "County" they work for has been converted into a private business enterprise, and therefore lost all public mandate and actual power to act as a County government. Read that: these men are acting under color of law with respect to us, and most of them don't even know it.

    So, it behooves us to write them lots of nice letters and fully disclose and inform them about the situation and their position in the middle of it. Here's an example letter that covers the bases:

    Dear Sheriff,
    It has come to our attention that although you have been elected in what appear to be public elections, that is not the case. You have been elected in private corporation elections related to an incorporated “County” franchise of a federal corporation ---and we have all been presumed to be shareholders voting you a proxy to act in our behalf, which is quite a different matter than a public office in our government, and which results in you serving as a private Law Enforcement Officer, contrary to our intention, which is that you serve as an elected Public Peacekeeping Official.

    Our government is not bankrupt and is not set aside. Whatever private “gift” shareholder status the corporate County franchise has bestowed on us enabling us to vote in their private elections has been undisclosed and any presumptions related to it have also been undisclosed. We accept all gifts and waive all benefits and we give Notice that we are not voluntary shareholders nor voluntary participants in any of this sleight-of-hand attempting to unlawfully convert our Public Offices into Private Security Jobs.

    This situation also gives rise to potential conflicts of interest. We have been unjustifiably “presumed upon” and misidentified as federal citizens when in fact we are Americans and nothing else. We are owed all the guarantees and protections afforded our States under the provisions of the Federal Constitutions and you may not presume otherwise.

    As an employee of a foreign corporation merely in the business of providing governmental services the objectives and profit motives of the “County” corporation may be at odds with the Public Good, the will of the people of this county, and the even the Public Law ---- and this puts you in a difficult position as the employee of the private corporation acting as middleman and, ultimately, the people of this county.

    When push comes to shove, and the corporation tells you to violate our Constitutional rights and international law, where do you stand?

    A seminal US Supreme Court case, Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc. addresses this dilemma. The Court made it clear that you may serve your conscience and may enforce the Public Law including the Constitutions like any other American, but it fell short of mandating that you do so.
    Upholding the Public Law is therefore left in limbo so far as Law Enforcement Officers are concerned -- subject to your discretion -- and the actual job of upholding the Public Law is left to average Americans.
    We are people of the soil and land, owed the Public Law, including The Law of the Land. From the military, we are owed The Law of Peace, AR 27 1-161-1.

    However, realistically, continued failure of the LEO’s and the military to uphold the Public Law and failure to protect our “persons” and respect the Constitutions, may result in unrest and even insurrection; it may also lead to what appears to you to be vigilante action, when in fact it is only Americans doing their duty to uphold the Public Law.

    If things continue to devolve in this fashion, with LEO’s being told by the self-interested middleman corporations to stand down or arrest people under false presumptions, and the people in desperation are left to enforce the Public Law all by themselves, what do you intend to do?
    Exercise your right to enforce the Constitutions? Or violate our rights and guarantees at the behest of the middleman corporation that signs your paycheck “for” us?

    Homes in this county are being confiscated without lawful Due Process, under false Legal Presumptions, and under Color of Law. People are being deliberately misidentified and mis-characterized as franchisees of federal corporations. Trillions of dollars are being siphoned out of this country by foreign corporations every year, and we have discovered exactly how they are doing it.

    Ironically, though you actually still work for us, too many Sheriffs in this country have forgotten that fact and the local “County” corporations have misdirected them so that they are allowing themselves and their Offices and the Public Trust to be abused. Many LEO’s have unwittingly or purposefully become accomplices to massive and coercive constructive commercial fraud against the people of this country.

    This is your Notice of the facts and also your Notice of Liability should you misidentify us as corporate government franchises, members of any religious cult, members of any Commonwealth, federal employees, or federal dependents. As a private security officer, a LEO, you are 100% commercially liable for any damage done to us under international law. You are also responsible for any trespass upon our private property, any presumption that our private property is public property, and any arrest of our persons under false legal presumptions.

    Although you may choose whether or not you will enforce the Public Law owed to the people of this country, including the enforcement of our constitutional guarantees, we retain our identity as American State Nationals and American State Citizens. This is your Notice of the Facts. As Americans we are assembling our States of the Union and preparing to hold our Public Elections for the first time in over a century. Those elected in our elections will be American Public Peacekeeping Officials --- the job we thought we hired you to do, and they will be fully empowered and tasked to enforce the Public Law.

    We expect you to respect the authority of the Public Officials thus elected and to work with them to ensure justice and peace for the people of this county. We invite you to join the discussion and wish you to know that we are peaceful non-combatant civilians, part of the political body of the Federation Compact States of the Union doing business as The United States of America since September 9, 1776. We have not been involved in any war since the close of hostilities in the War of 1812.

    We are being forced to organize and hold elections in light of continued misbehavior and malfeasance by federal officials and federal corporations and their employees in violation of their obligations to the people of this country. These offenses include impersonating us and practicing barratry against us, hypothecating debt against our assets without our knowing consent, trespass upon our private property, secretive and unlawful conversion of our Public Offices, semantic deceit, constructive fraud, infringement of our Unregistered Trademarks, and deliberate mis-characterization of our persons as Federal Citizens.

    We have no obligation to act as Federal Citizens and have chosen not to accept any such obligations. All gift franchises operated in our NAMES have been returned to the Secretary of the Treasury and otherwise expatriated, re-flagged, and properly and permanently domiciled on the land and soil of our State. Any such gift franchises are under our private management and now stand under the Public Law of our State --- not the statutory law of any Territorial State of State or Municipal STATE OF STATE organization. As such, they are outside your jurisdiction as a LEO and not subject to federal presumptions.

    As we are law-abiding and knowledgeable people this information should not be taken as any kind of threat to you or to your “County” corporation; rather, it is offered as necessary discussion and orientation so that you know what is going on and why. We invite you to faithfully enforce the Public Law and the Constitutions and to use your discretion as a loyal American would; failing that, we invite you to observe the limitations of your private corporate office and post Notice of your liability and the liability of other “County” employees and hereby also issue Mandatory Notice as required by the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, to not trespass upon our persons and our private property.

    Please put us on your “Do Not Detain List” and please notify the DOD of their obligation to provide the correct ID to you and to us.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  8. #898
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    6 hrs ·

    Good Advice From Grandma

    People ask me, "How can we take our country back?"
    My answer? Stop giving it away.

    These rats are "interpreting" you and your actions to suit themselves, so they arbitrarily "interpret" you as going along with their hijacking of America and going along with and supporting their substitution of for-hire, privately owned corporations in the business of providing government services for your own government, and supporting their presumptions against your credit and your assets to pay for all those government services, too.

    When you "register" --- there's that word again: remember when you register anything, you are giving it away --- to vote, they are taking your proxy. They are actually taking your voice and your choice away from you and giving it to whoever you are silly enough to elect.
    How far away is this from "self-governance"?

    You have to govern yourselves, or someone else will gladly volunteer to do it for you. Most of them are crooks like Bill Clinton or idiots like Maxine Waters, but they will gladly volunteer to do the job, if you won't do it for yourselves.

    You have to be determined and proactive and organized, or you will be enslaved, and it is only a question of what kind of enslavement you will endure: communism, fascism, monarchy, or commercial feudalism (monarchy without the nice touches) are the current "other" choices.

    So cancel all "Voter Registrations" as a start. Cancel all memberships in political lobbies coyly named "political parties". Start putting your time, energy, and money into your own government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

    Then correct your political status records and put your claim to own your own Name on the public record, because your identity has been stolen and deliberately falsified to make it look like you are a dead British Territorial United States Citizen and/or a denizen of Washington, DC.

    People ask me why we need donations to support our government, when they are already reduced to lives like hamsters in a treadmill paying for government services.

    It's simple. We are the actual government of this country. We don't use printing presses to gin up "money" out of thin air. We don't practice identity theft to gain access to your credit and assets. We don't enslave you in the name of guaranteeing your freedom. We don't use you as mercenaries and call you soldiers and then cheat you out of residual pay and medical services you earned. We don't do wars for profit.

    So, if you want to gain control of the situation that you have unwittingly created by seeming to go along with all the criminality coming out of Washington, DC --- stop empowering them, and start empowering yourselves. Use your feet, your mouth, and your horse-sense.

    They think that they are so much smarter than you that they can afford to smirk and call you "livestock". They think that they are so much better than you that they can pick your pockets and you won't even object. They think that they can steal your trademarks --- that is, your Trade Names --- and use and abuse them to do anything they want to you and you are too stupid to do anything about it.

    That's what they think. So now it is up to you to prove them wrong.

    How? By educating yourselves and refusing to be "dumb, driven cattle" and refusing to participate in their scams.

    Don't vote in their elections; sponsor your own.

    They've substituted their "Law Enforcement Officers" for your elected Public Peacekeeping Officials --- your County Sheriffs. So get organized and declare your correct political status and hold your own elections. Return the favor.

    No need to argue. Most LEOs know that they are working in a private capacity for corporations in the business of providing government services. If they won't do the job you intended for them to do and won't protect you and your assets, and won't enforce the Public Law and the Constitutions, then they are obviously being misinformed and misdirected by the middleman corporate bosses---- and they all need to be fired, don't they?

    Elect your public officials and they immediately over-stand anyone acting in a private capacity. Get enough people awake and on the move, and you won't have to worry about lack of enforcement.

    Don't "voluntarily" tax yourselves for taxes you don't owe --- wake up and realize that if you aren't receiving a federal paycheck you don't owe federal income taxes. It's really that simple, folks, and always was.

    Realize that while you may owe them for some of the "services" they have been providing you, they owe you a helluva lot more, so that instead of continuing to pay them through the nose for whatever they want to charge against your credit and assets, you can and should demand a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption as described in Federal Title 12. Trade any debt you owe them against the over $25 trillion they already owe you.

    This has the effect of freeing you from any debt owed to them, and reduces the "US National Debt" at the same time.

    So disentangle yourself from their government(s) and support your own.

    Send any voluntary donations that you would have sent to the IRS or given to the political parties to support the work of The American States Assembly, because we are serious about self-governance and restoration of the government we are all owed as Americans.

    We won't send racketeers to your door to force you to make "voluntary gifts" to us by April 15th every year. We won't use crooked judges to confiscate your property or put you in jail for failure to "donate", either.
    We won't mortgage your home to finance our reckless spending. We won't conscript your sons and daughters as cheap mercenaries for sale.
    None of that.

    In summation: you have a choice between being self-governed, or being governed. Which do you prefer? You are going to have to support a government in any event, but you do have a choice about what kind of government you support and what kind of people run your government, too.

    You want carnival actors in charge? Celebrities? Lobbyists? Crooks? Roman Catholic Archbishops running an Inquisition against you? Welfare cheats? That's what you've got running the Municipal United States Government.

    You want Dr. Strangelove and Colonel "Bat" Guano instead? That's what you've got running the Territorial United States Government. They never heard of a war or a way to kill people that they didn't love---and make money on.

    Or do you want to hike up your skirts and do what has to be done to restore your own government?

    When you have a clear view of the choices, it becomes obvious what has to be done and what's missing from this picture --- you are missing from this picture.

    You haven't been minding your own shop, so your employees are bossing you around like you were their whipping boy. They are drinking up your wine cellar and putting your property in hock to pay for all these "services", too.

    So, if you are sick of this idiocy and if you are determined to correct it in a peaceful and lawful manner: (1) declare your correct political status and put it on the public record; (2) join your actual State Assembly; (3) tell your friends and neighbors; (4) send any "voluntary gifts and donations" to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652 or PayPal to and we, Americans all working together, will put pedal to the metal to get this Mess straightened out.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  9. #899
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    50 mins ·

    Dear Mr. Trump, You'd Better Move Now

    There are many reasons why continued delays are not in the public interest.
    First, the closer to the elections, the harder it is for you to make sense of it all for people.
    Many Americans are still asleep. They may make the mistake of thinking that you and the Generals are at fault, especially given the ownership of the media conglomerates purporting to provide us with so-called news. Instead of thanking you, they may react in fear and think that some kind of illegal takeover is happening.

    Yes, I know that is entirely ironic, but the point is that you have to have time to explain it and clear the air BEFORE the election cycle kicks in, in earnest.

    The alternatives --- to shut down the elections or convert the nature of the elections back to being public elections --- would have mammoth repercussions of their own. If you shut down the corporate elections, you have foreign governments howling and causing trouble and accusing you of a military take over. If you convert the elections without sufficient public education and time for people to declare their proper political status, you have a flawed election process.

    This is far from ideal timing in any respect, but continuing the status quo and leaving the rats in place and in power isn't an answer, either.

    The longer this investigation process goes on, the more time they have to stage False Flags and kill people for the sake of their agendas. These are, after all, criminals that we are dealing with. They do what criminals do. Giving the investigators time also means giving the criminals time to commit more atrocities.

    Any vain hopes of carrying these investigations out to capture all the vermin involved are doomed from the start. These evils took decades to develop and ultimately involve over two million people in the US alone; no matter how much effort is applied, correction will not happen overnight. The web will continue to expand and corrective action will take continued long term effort. The most you can do is make a good start, focus public attention on the problem, and garner support sufficient to keep the effort rolling.

    Whatever firestorm of media malignancy your opponents can come up with, the facts will speak for themselves and putting the perpetrators in jail will make it considerably harder for them to cover up the facts and orchestrate distractions. Round them up and let it all flow downhill.

    Dealing with the criminals will encourage not only your supporters-- it will encourage the whole world and bolster the economy, once the initial shock and uncertainty is set aside. Put the rats in jail. Show us that nobody is above the law. Make the words have meaning again.

    The media has been under gag orders since the First World War and is even now having every story vetted by subcontractors of the Defense Department and the British Reuters News Services and Associated Press. This presents a monolithic threat both to our political process and the Freedom of Speech. This has gone hand in hand with consolidation of media conglomerates. You would be doing us all a favor to set aside the DOD/CIA censorship machinery and bust up the media monopolies, just like Reagan busted Ma Bell. It's time.

    It's also time to expose the names and addresses of the people running these specious corporations like the "UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT" and "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and the "GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES". Don't take the heat for them any longer.

    Let the people know what has been going on and the people will take care of the problem. Guaranteed.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  10. #900
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    35 mins ·

    Hope Porn 101

    Lots of people are attracted to Hope Porn and believe all sorts of weird things that absolve them from responsibility for taking action and doing a lot of hard work. It's a Learned Laziness Syndrome that comes from being a Dependent --- someone who isn't self--motivated and who naturally waits for instructions and solutions provided by someone else or some organization (like the Government or the Church) outside of themselves and their own efforts.

    Yet we all have plenty of experience that should tell us that the world doesn't really work that way, that there is no "free lunch" and that sitting around waiting for help to arrive --- especially when you are depending on "the" US Congress to deliver it --- is a vain exercise.

    Take NESARA for example. The Nesara legislation hasn't moved a quarter of an inch in a quarter of a century, and it's not going to, either, at the rate things are going. Just go look it up on Prove it to yourselves. You are being fed nonsense. There's nothing to wait for. It was a well-intended effort back in the day. And so what?

    Today I read another completely ridiculous article on the NESARANEWS website, this one being promoted by the Michigan General Jural Assembly, which must have been hijacked by idiots. They went off-track when they lost sight of what a "State" is and failed to establish the standing of their members to assemble an actual State of the Union, and have since then compounded their errors.

    Now we are told, rather gratuitously, that all the publicly traded corporations on Wall Street have been "nationalized" and oh, rejoice, rejoice.


    What has happened is that the UNITED STATES, INC., which entered involuntary bankruptcy in 2015, is being liquidated, and any corporation merely "presumed" to be a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. is being seized upon as chattel to pay back their debts.

    Hello, hello, are you the Party to whom I am speaking?
    That includes JOHN MICHAEL DOE, folks, and JOHN M. DOE and JOHN DOE.... and all those "derivative" public trusts, public transmitting utilities, and public charitable trusts named after you, too. This means your property and your assets are under attack so long as you are accepting these Municipal PERSONS as being anything related to you.

    You, your home, your bank accounts --- everything you think you own--- is being misidentified as Public Property owned by the Municipal United States Government. If you don't exempt yourself from the MUNI COURTS, their Trustees will come in and take everything. If you don't further defend against the British Territorial Courts, the Queen will turn you over to the Pope's Inquisition.

    Talk about being between a rock and a hard place?

    The same, of course, goes for all the "Publicly Traded" Corporations that aren't under private ownership. Millions of American businesses misidentified as Municipal Franchises or as belonging to Municipal Franchisees like MARK D. CLEMSON, will be under attack in Municipal DISTRICT COURTS.

    The franchises and their assets are forfeit to the creditors, and yes, if we are standing in our proper political status, we are creditors. We are the Priority Creditors in fact.

    How many of you are in your proper political status? Let's see a show of hands..... won't be anyone from the Michigan General Jural Assembly in proper status and that's for sure, because they missed the boat and the whole point of the exercise. So now they are out there crowing about this great "victory" and still don't understand that they've shot themselves in the foot.

    So long as they do this, they get all of the heat and none of the fun. "Dead" Territorial US Citizens can't profit from this liquidation nor act as Creditors. They will be attacked along with everyone else and they won't know what to say or do to protect their assets. So they will go on losing their homes and their bank accounts and being the goats, when they could exercise their option to be Priority Creditors, instead.

    The American States Assembly is the only organization that is properly organized and standing in the way of this outcome. It's the only group that has vetted its membership and required the mandatory political status correction to be able to act in the Priority Creditor role. As American Nationals and American State Citizens, we can demand that the IRS settle any such debts by offsetting them against the American National Credit, which has been sequestered from the bankruptcy.

    Naturally, only Americans can access the American National Credit.

    Americans misidentified as British Territorial United States Citizens (that have been declared legally dead on top of everything else) can't access the National Credit they are owed. Americans misidentified as Municipal United States Citizens or as citizens of the United States are, if possible, even more S.O.L.

    Only those who claim their exemptions and who reclaim their birthright political status as Americans will be able to pass through the eye of this needle.

    Naturally, too, as time goes on, your motivations for reclaiming your birthright political status will be questioned. People will look at you and think -- "Ah, well, you are acting in a self-interested fashion. You went to the party and drank the wine, and now you don't want to pay the cover charge."

    It's hard to prove on a case-by-case basis that you were never told anything about all these claims being made about you and about your property, even though there are millions of Americans in the same boat who can honestly claim the same thing.

    And that is the reason why it is absolutely necessary for us to form our State Assemblies and to vet our membership to be sure that everyone is functioning as an American and nothing else at all ---- so that we aren't picked off one-by-one and left standing all alone with a doo-dad in our hair and a lame uncorroborated story about how nobody told us what was going on and what was being alleged about us and our political status.

    So, judge for yourselves what comes around. The current leadership of the MGJA is crowing happily about the demise of corporate America, not realizing that their own dogs are still in that fight.

    Meanwhile, The American States Assembly is working overtime in every State of the Union to educate and enable people to save themselves and their country from this foreign economic warfare. We aren't selling any Hope Porn and we aren't making any mistakes; if you do the work and learn the facts, you will have help and you will have knowledge to protect yourselves and your assets.

    If not.... well, you can go bankrupt just like the parent corporation. You get to keep a home (mortgaged to the hilt in most cases) and a car and $8000 of personal property.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

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