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Thread: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

  1. #131
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    16 hrs ·

    Remember Henry George
    "The main trouble now is neither any material shortage of the resources of nature nor any inadequacy in man's power to exploit them. It is all, in one form or another, a maladjustment; not an insufficient productive capacity, but a series of impediments to the full utilization of that capacity. The main obstacles to economic revival have been the hindrances opposed to the free flow of labor, capital, and goods."

    This quote comes from the 1927 World Economic Conference, Geneva, conclusions provided to the League of Nations.

    It is synonymous with the findings of American Economist Henry George, whose vision smacks of clarity today as it did in the 1880's and slaps the faces of all those who have fallen into the sophistry and lop-sided pandering of Keynes.

    The Problem and the resulting Mess is entirely the fault of Big Business Interests usurping upon the rights of the living people and their national governments and seeking Unjust Enrichment via their constant official (governmental) and unofficial (private) tampering with commodity markets --- including the currency markets.

    It hit a crisis point in 1907 with the bankruptcy of the Scottish Interloper and Impostor calling itself "The United States of America" Incorporated and found its final fruition in the current hegemony of Wall Street.

    To put it simply, Big Business Interests --- Robber Barons like the Vanderbilts, Carnegies, Harrimans, and Roosevelts took over our lawful government via deceit and fraud and used the tools of government to afford political and economic advantages to themselves.

    That is, they used the Regulatory Powers of Government as private tools to ensure their market share and market dominance. We see this in the hideously self-interested birth of the "American Conservation Movement" which we were all taught to venerate just as we were taught to venerate "The Constitution".

    The actual policy adopted by Teddy Roosevelt was supremely cynical and shrewd--- buy everyone else's natural resources for pennies on the dollar and preserve our own under the guise of "conservation", and at the same time, limit supply of natural resources coming to market and ensure the value of commodities already under the control of the plotters.

    That is, use the regulatory powers of government to ensure yourselves fat market shares and high prices for generations to come.

    Commodity price rigging and supply rigging and creation of monopolistic interests in all sectors of our economy have been the Order of the Day since the 1880's, and in many ways, it still is.

    These things must be recognized as the Evil that they are, and there must be an end of allowing the regulatory powers of government to be used as tools implementing the self-interest of private parties.

    We must come to terms with the fact that the two Roosevelts were hideous schemers, liars, and louts, the very worst of the worst kind of criminals in suits --- and that Americans were not even the primary beneficiaries of all this fraud; instead, we were set up as the Fall Guys for it, the ones who would be blamed for it even as we suffered from it.

    We need a call to political action busting monopolies and conglomerates and trusts that have functioned as crime syndicates for generations. That includes the entire water and power industry, the communications industry, the stock markets, the banks, and the SEC. It's time, America.

    It's you or them. Make the right choice while you have a choice left.

    And if you have any questions, read Henry George -- Progress and Poverty. He very succinctly explains why economic models predicated on infinite and continuous growth are worse than Big Lies and why abuse of regulatory powers and manipulation of commodities and markets, including currency markets, inexorably leads to polarization of economies, stagnation, and war.

    If you would have peace, you must have free markets.

    And that requires busting up the regulatory fraud and abuses of federal agencies and the exercise of anti-trust and anti-monopoly legislation to enforce the actual Public Law ensuring competitive free markets.

    The fallacy of the thinking of the --- I shall call them pigs ---- is that there is no end to the patience of the masses; and, the arrogance that they share in thinking that their activities and abuses are not observed or not understood for what they are.

    It is as self-evident as catching six year-olds with their grubby paws in the cookie jar, but these grown men persist in thinking that their activities are "secret" and that the rest of us haven't figured it out, don't see it --- and won't take action against them.

    Prove them wrong.

  2. #132
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    2 hrs ·

    The "War" You Haven't Known About
    Every two years the Territorial United States Congress does something inexplicable. They declare a "state of emergency" and they set aside the actual Constitution. Then the President comes along and also declares states of emergency and declarations of "war" against this and against that --- poverty, terrorism, drugs, just to name a few.

    This is all specious, almost tongue-in-cheek, done to secure a "legal" basis for unlawful acts and presumptions against us, including the misidentification and mis-characterization of millions of Americans, falsification of public records, and other crimes too numerous to mention.

    This constant state of perpetual "war" is not actually declared, because it is an illegal mercenary conflict being played out on our shores by foreign interests.

    Please note that the so-called American Civil War was exactly the same thing--- an illegal mercenary conflict passed off as a "war". This has been the stock-in-trade of the British Crown for over a hundred years and they have been using us as their "base" of operations all this while.

    There are in fact no "emergency powers" granted to the Territorial Government by our Government and any such declaration of "war" on their part can only apply to them and their employees and dependents.

    This is why they have endeavored to mis-identify all American babies as belonging to the Territorial United States--- to involve us and our assets in their perpetual phony wars and "states of emergency" when in fact we are owed The Law of Peace and Good Faith Service from them.

    That their false claims and falsifications of our public records are evidence of Gross Breach of Trust hardly needs to be said. That they have continued to prosecute us and persecute us under these known false presumptions is nothing less than despicable.

    A couple weeks ago we issued Notice to Westminster regarding these activities by their Bar Association members on our shores. We have a perpetual Treaty of Peace and Amity which they have been disregarding via the convenient pretense that Americans are all "United States Citizens" and dissembling over which "United States" we are part of.

    Let's make it clear that we are part of "The United States" and so are our Armed Forces---- not "the United States" in any form. See the difference? "The United States" was formed under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, but "the United States" could be any spin-off or Pretender and could refer to the Federal United States, Territorial United States, Municipal United States or maybe the United Nations United States or the South American United States.

    We must be explicit and clear about which "United States" and which "United States of America" --- because there has been no end of semantic deceit and trickery and legal chicanery attached to these names.

    We have recent proof that Americans who have recorded their Deeds of Re-Conveyance and who claim their American National (or more explicitly still) their National of The United States of America [Unincorporated] status, are being passed over and left alone --- as we should be.

    The best recommendation for the moment while new instructions trickle down is to clearly identify yourself as a non-combatant National of The United States of America [Unincorporated], pending the issuance of new National and State identification cards.

    If the Queen and the Pope want to engage in mercenary conflicts, they need to find new staging grounds for their games. China has already told them --fine, so long as you remain under Chinese Law.

    And if you screw around like you did in America, that means Firing Squads in the morning. Ditto "the UN".

    At last report, the Internal Revenue Service (Inquisition) has decamped from Puerto Rico after destroying as much evidence as possible of their decades of defrauding Americans, and have set up new offices in the American Marianas--clearly intending to continue their piracy from a new location.

    Mr. Trump already knows that this is not acceptable and that all traces of both the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and any would-be Successors must be gone from our shores including our territories and municipalities, and they must stop addressing our people and must remove all liens against American-held assets.

    We are innocent Third Parties who have been embroiled in merchant "wars" that have nothing whatsoever to do with us. We have been used as gun fodder in these phony "wars" and our assets have been used as collateral by these foreign gangs of criminals without our knowledge or consent. Those who have profited must pay for this circumstance and those who have engaged in these crimes must be set to rights.

    There are a great many people who have committed crimes unaware that
    they were doing anything wrong -- and they must be forgiven. Those who promoted this circumstance, who benefited themselves from it, and who knowingly participated in harming the States and People of this country while taking their paychecks from our pockets deserve our universal disgust.

  3. #133
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    19 hrs ·

    Did You Go to Law School or Legal School?
    If you went to Law School you learned that Law is an outgrowth of religion and ethics.

    If you went to Law School you learned the complete History of Law in the Western World from the time of the Ancient Babylonians and Hellenistic Greeks to the present day.

    If you went to Law School you learned all the various kinds of "Common Law" and the verbiage associated with them.

    If you went to Law School you learned about Lord Mansfield and the pollution of the British Common Law with Admiralty Law in the 1750's.

    If you went to Law School you also learned how that development triggered violent debate and was one of the causes of the American Revolution.

    If you went to Law School you learned how this corrupt form of British Common Law now practiced as Equity Law turned judges into proxies for the British King, allowing them to arbitrarily take the property of the British People (provided the King gets his cut, of course) and give it to the King's Cronies, including themselves under Color of Law.

    And that is where "Law" separates from "Legal".

    If you went to Legal School this corrupt form of "Common Law" now practiced as "Equity Law" is what you were taught.

    If you went to Legal School this system making the Judges mini-sovereigns and reducing everyone else to serfs or slaves is all you were taught.

    If you went to Legal School great emphasis was placed on finding supportive case law to excuse injustice and on procedure which could be used as another excuse to the same ends.

    If you went to Legal School what you learned was how to corrupt and pervert actual Law and Justice so as to better serve the economic greed and political agendas of your masters.

    If you went to Legal School as 95% of you did, while paying to go to Law School, you've been cheated.

    If you went to Legal School, you are only competent to "practice" Law.

    If you went to Legal School, something less then two percent (2%) of you ever receive a Certificate to execute actual Law, and then only in Admiralty Courts.

    Actual Admiralty Courts.

    If you went to Legal School you know virtually nothing about your own purported profession and less about the history of the world. You've paid thousands of dollars for an education you didn't receive.

    In fact, what you've been trained to do like donkeys in a treadmill, is to act as British Shipping Clerks. That's what journeyman "non-certificated" attorneys are. And all the supposedly great Law Schools in this country? Subverted to that end by British Sympathizers who glutted at the King's Table on American bread and butter.

    Harvard? Useless, politicized to a point of stupor. Yale? Even worse, the home of economic barbarism practiced as a fine art and believed in without question. Stanford? Shall I show you how many Stanford alumni have their names blazoned across Patent Applications that do nothing but destroy this planet and the people on it?

    The very basis of Law is Ethics, yet you have been taught none. That has been the very furthest thing from your basic curriculum.

    Your minds have been honed in self-interest and tricks and sneaky ways of doing things, semantic deceits, sophistry and its brand of logic, oh, all these things you have been taught ---- and not a thing about the actual Public Law or Justice.

    And all because the Kings and Queens of England wanted you to grow up and be little cogs in their version of Commercial Feudalism.

    How does it feel to be so completely, utterly duped? Left so pathetically ignorant after spending what? -- $300,000.00 for a "Law" School education?

    Even more to the point if you are an American --- how does it feel to be part of a gang of privateers pillaging and plundering public trusts, robbing your own people for the aggrandizement and unjust enrichment of foreign governments and evil Monarchs---living your lives as traitors to America and to Justice?

    Stealing "title" to babies?

    Have you no shame, no decency at all? Not even a regard for your own necks?

    Wake up. Sober up. Realize just how far behind the curve you really are.

    And also realize that there are penalties for ignorance of the Law -- that is, the actual Public Law.

    If you are acting as members of the Bar Associations, if you are participating as Officers of these Courts, you had better carefully check the facts and become familiar with the American Common Law, because that is the form of Law that the people of this country are owed.

    And you have no right in Heaven or on Earth to apply any other kind of law to them. Not Statutory Law. Not Talmudic Law. Not Equity Law. None of it.

    Despite falsification of the Public Records to better grease the wheels of what amounts to a National Identity Theft and a mercenary crime of genocide on paper-- there are millions of us fed up with your ignorance and your activities on our soil. You are nothing but pirates acting in violation of our Treaty with Westminster and in violation of every principle of Justice.

    The fact that you are nearly all too ignorant to realize it doesn't change a thing.

    The penalty for inland piracy is death by firing squad, hanging, guillotine, or lethal injection.

    Are you sure you wish to continue your membership in the Bar Associations?

    If not, there remains one honorable option.

    You can tear up your Bar Cards and act as Counselors at Law and you can assist the millions of Americans who have been mis-addressed by the so-called Equity Courts operating under Color of Law--- and you can do your actual duty to Justice and to America by putting these other courts out of business.

    You can realize that just as other Americans have been defrauded, so have you been the victim of this same pernicious British Bunko. Oh, yes, Bar Association Members, this fraud scheme is so mammoth it includes you, too.

    You can learn how to re-establish your own standing as an American and help others re-establish their natural political status in the public records of these fifty nation-states as people and as American Persons, not as presumed-to-be British Territorial slaves.

    Start by reading Brent Winter's The Excellence of the Common Law. That will start you on the Long Road Home to sanity and justice and the country you call home.

    When you look back at how arrogant and stupid you were, thinking yourself and your fellow attorneys as so superior to everyone else, you may have cause to be embarrassed, but at least you will be an honest man or woman again. You will not be living in the shadow of the gallows or mindlessly betraying your countrymen for the sake of European greed.

    And considering the penalties involved otherwise, that is not a small recompense.

  4. #134
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    5 hrs ·

    Don't Petition and Don't Register
    Do not sign petitions and do not voluntarily register anything.

    If you are forced to register anything, be sure to get a reference or limitation on the paper with your signature indicating it was not voluntary on your

    Or make an illegible signature, just a squiggle that nobody could ever read, and if they complain, shrug and say, well, that's my signature. Take it or leave it.

    That's what senior postal officials have been doing for years. Doctors too. There is a method to their bad handwriting skills. And it's not the Palmer Method.

    Most of what we are "forced" to do is done by a simple process of lying to us. They say that we "must" and that it is "the law" and we simply haven't asked --- who says? And what law promulgated by what organization? And since when am I part of that organization?

    Let's see.... STATE OF ALASKA, run by the Roman Catholic Church.
    Since when did I become a Roman Catholic and subject to that Church's dictum, taxes, and inquisition? Or, State of Alaska, run ultimately by the British Monarch?

    All the hooks that these predatory organizations have set in you and in your assets have been accomplished by the same process: you are told a lie, you (or your Mother) act upon the lie, and they gain a veiled and highly illegal "interest" in you and your assets without paying a penny.

    They will say that you "voluntarily" enslaved yourself.

    As I put it, these vermin have been on our shores "stealing title to our babies" for six generations --- and all under false pretenses.

    So here you have proof that the Father of All Lies does exist and his minions, too.

    This is why you never serve them as an "Informant" against your own children. This is why you never voluntarily "Register" anything. This is why you never sign "Petitions" --- which automatically admit that someone other than you has power over you and your life and that you agreed to this.

    Americans are literally born as sovereigns on the land and soil of this country. We need to push that point home into their pointy little heads and stand on it. Record your interest in your Good Name and Estate as part of the international land records, because your Good Name and Estate is a land asset.

    You have no reason and no need to register anything so as to give away your ownership interest in your assets. Likewise, you have no general need for any trusts.

    The creation of Public Trusts held in your name without your knowledge or consent is how you got into this Mess. Creating a Private Trust to hold your assets is not necessary and for most people is just an additional entanglement. Your Trade Name is already a trust, one that belongs to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the British minions responsible know what that means in actual fact.

    If you want to get out of the Mess and I do mean -- out, out, out --- the only kind of trust you need is your own private arrangements stipulating who gets your belongings, who gets to pull the plug if need be, and who acts as Executor of your Estate upon your incompetence, death or permanent disability, established by a properly witnessed Testament. Two living Witnesses and a Public Notary and that Testament declaring your Will gives you all that you need in terms of trusts.

    Take care of your own business, make your own arrangements, record your own claims and instructions, and stop believing all the BS you are being sold by self-interested and undeclared Foreign Agents.

  5. #135
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    5 hrs ·

    For All the Generals, the Popes, and the Monarchs:
    This is all just business, gentlemen.

    There is the "United States of America" Incorporated, which you will see referenced in The Definitive Treaty of Paris, 1783, which names King George III as "Arch-Treasurer" of that British commercial corporation.

    And then, there is "The United States of America" [Unincorporated] which is, just coincidentally, the American Common Law copyrighted name of the Federation of our States operating in international trade and commerce as of September 9, 1776 --- years before the Treaty of Paris hit the bricks.

    So what is going on here?

    It's called "mirroring" -- a deliberate effort to confuse one thing for another, by semantic deceit or other means, seeking to deceive the gullible among us for purposes of unjust enrichment via direct theft -- as in identity theft -- or via surreptitious theft of credit, both of which have gone on here.

    They have run up debts "in the name of" the United States of America and then left everyone to assume that those debts are debts owed by The United States of America.

    This is not the first time they have done this fraud scheme pas de deux. The only difference is that we woke up and caught them at it.

    Now they are telling you that the "United States" and the "United States of America" are both bankrupt and they can't make the payroll. But which "United States of America" are they talking about?

    Well, get a clue. It's not us. It's not our Federation of States and most importantly, not our people on the hook for this. It wasn't us on the hook last time they pulled this crappola in 1907 or 1933, either --- but we were dunned for it. And we stupidly paid it, because it appeared to be addressed to us.

    This time, it's not going to go the way they would like it to go. They are going to pay their own debts and honor their obligations to this country, including the vast debt that they already owe us as a result of their earlier fraud.

    We realize that they can't possibly pay it all back and that we will have to forgive vast amounts of debt, but at the end of the day, there is no doubt whatever that we are their Priority Creditors.

    Which means that we are owed all the credit and money that they purloined from our States and that we have first dibs--- not the Secondary Creditors. And not the "US Trustees" appointed as bankruptcy Trustees by those Secondary Creditors.

    As for you, Generals, if you want to get paid, the process is simple enough. Go back to work for the actual States and People that you owe your allegiance to: The United States of America [Unincorporated]. It's going to be a lot easier to put the screws to Rome, London, Edinburgh, and Hong Kong than it is to deal with 350 million outraged Americans, a billion Chinese and only God knows how many Russians.

  6. #136
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    2 hrs ·

    Stealing Title to Babies
    Yes, I said it. That is, objectively, what they have been doing for at least six generations, if you count ----and I do-- their outrageous fraud and Breach of Trust during and after the so-called "Civil War", when they "took title" to every supposedly freed former Plantation Slave in America as property belonging to their commercial corporations.

    And then, they just continued with more of the same rot, expanding and institutionalizing and mechanizing and compartmentalizing and applying the same scheme to everyone, until ---- according to them ---- damn near everyone is a "voluntary" slave who has donated everything including their own Name to these criminal commercial corporations.

    They have been purposefully creating "public trusts" and operating those public trusts "in our names" for the express purpose of misrepresenting us, stealing our identities, siphoning off our assets, and racking up debt against our assets.

    This is no different than what any Credit Card Hacker or Identity Thief does, except that these organizations have been masquerading as governments and abusing their position of trust as government service providers.

    They have "taken title" to over 300 million American babies. Think about that. Think of how hideous and unlawful the entire concept is. These corporations claim to own you. Literally. And they have hired troupes of actors wearing black robes and mercenaries wearing your own uniforms, waving your own flags, using your own money and assets to enforce these slave-owner claims against you.

    And who are "they" but criminals caught in the act? Slave traders. Kidnappers. Pirates. Vermin. Outlaws. Truly despicable criminals in nice suits, having dinner at the finest restaurants on your ticket, jet-setting around the world pretending to "represent" you in one respect or another, all blatant as pigs can be.

    More than 30 Trillion Dollars has been siphoned off and embezzled out of this country during the Obama Administration and more untold trillions of counterfeit "US Dollars" were printed off-shore and dumped into other economies worldwide --- and it was all state sponsored counterfeiting by "government agencies". They used official government printing presses and papers and inks and engraving plates to do it. And they fully intended to leave the clueless American People responsible for paying for it.

    Do we need any other reason to disband the CIA?

    All of this was going on under whose noses?
    The DIA and the FBI and DHS and Homeland Security and the Armed Forces and the National Guard and State and Local Police Forces and the Department of Administration and the GAO and the US Mint and "Treasury".

    Do we need any other reason to fire all of them and start over?

    The problem-- from their standpoint-- is that we found out about all of this corruption and criminality as a result of historical and legal research spanning decades.

    As for the actual owners of this country, the American States and People, dba The United States of America [Unincorporated] and The United States [Unincorporated] we object to any supposition that the debts and criminality of "the" United States of America, Inc., and "the" United States, Inc., has anything to do with us, our States, our People, or our assets.

    British and European Interests and yes, some American Traitors, set this Bunko Scheme up to secretively profit from American assets and to revive their old disgraced Colonial System--- allowing the Monarchs and Robber Barons to enslave and steal from others, and in our case, set us up to take the blame for them, too.

    They have done a good job of stealing us blind and using us as gun fodder in their commercial mercenary "wars", but the jig is up.

    We are the Priority Creditors and Number One victims of these criminals, and we have proof in the public record going back before The American Revolution demonstrating that "the" United States and "the" United States of America responsible for all this rottenness are corporate dopplegangers or "ringers" that simply infringed upon our Good Name and our Common Law copyrights as a means of purposefully promoting identity theft, credit fraud, bankruptcy fraud, press-ganging, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, and other international and confidence crimes going back generations.

    We know who they are. We know where they live. We know how they profited themselves illegally and immorally and in flagrant disrespect of the Public Law. We can cite Chapter and Verse and step-by-step demonstrate how this entire odious system worked.

    And now, it is time for it to end.

    The Titles must be returned to the "missing" owners, who were somehow easy for the tax collectors and Selective Service to find, and the entire abhorrent practice of corporations "taking title" to men and women must be consigned to the Rubbish Heap of History where all such practices belong.

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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    36 mins ·

    Additional P.S. For the Generals, the Popes, and the Monarchs:
    Our formerly Delegated Powers returned to us by Operation of Law the moment the original Federal level of the Federal Government was rendered incompetent in 1860, but we were not told this by our Trustees.

    The Delegated Powers merely "assumed" by the Scottish Interloper doing business as "The United States of America, Inc." returned to us again in 1907, when that entity declared bankruptcy. Again, we were not informed by our Trustees.

    The Delegated Powers merely "assumed" by the Roman Catholic Church Delaware Corporation doing business as the "United States of America" Inc. returned to us again in 1933, when that entity declared bankruptcy, but again, we were not informed by our Trustees.

    So, as should be apparent, these Trustees aren't worth the powder to blow them to Hell and back.

    When the bankruptcy of the "United States of America" Inc. settled in November of 1999, our claim in behalf of ourselves and The United States of America [Unincorporated] had already cured for over a year. Again, our Trustees never said a word.

    We were astonished and confused: who are these people pretending to be our Trustees, who don't respond to us---or for us or for our benefit?

    Thus began a long and arduous journey.

    Our Delegated Powers have been commandeered for over 150 years by Foreign Interests that had absolutely no right whatsoever to do what they have done in this country. Our identity has been stolen along with our assets by these Trustees operating in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of Commercial Contract.

    All Parties including the Principals have been given extensive Due Process and Due Notice culminating in a Final Civil Judgment entered and published worldwide in April 2014.

    So when the UNITED STATES, Inc. went bankrupt in 2015, we re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent, and reclaimed the STATES OF STATES and the States of States and rolled them into the Federal State (Misnamed "Land") Trusts. When the Territorial "Government" similarly declared bankruptcy in 2017, we said-- very clearly -- enough is enough.

    All three levels of the so-called Federal Government were at that point incompetent. The actual Federal Government intended and ordained by our ancestors has been held in a phony "abeyance" since 1860. The Municipal Government was liquidated. The Territorial Government bankrupt.

    By Operation of Law all Delegated Powers returned to us, to the Federation of States that delegated the "Powers" in the first place --- The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the American States and People. As this is an Operation of Law, no court action is necessary and no controversy is present. It simply is, and we are here, present and accounted for --officially-- since 1998.

    Our purported Trustees have continued to ignore us to the extent possible, so we issued a formal Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance on June 6, 2018.

    We also re-conveyed all the Federal State Trusts back to the ownership of the sovereign States where they remain protected on the land jurisdiction of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and each of the States. This is all a matter of public record, firmly established by UCC notices and liens and land recording district records in Alaska and Illinois and various other locations.

    We have reminded the Queen and the Popes of their duties with respect to us and our States and our People, as well as reminding the Government of Westminster of their Treaty obligations.

    We have also reminded everyone of the fact that members of the Bar Associations are prohibited from holding any public office or position of trust related to our government and that has been the case since 1819. Thus no action undertaken by any Bar Attorney, including their votes in the Territorial United State Congress or Municipal United States Congress, can ever be presumed to apply to us or our assets in any way, shape, or form.

    This is no threat to anyone nor is it any provocation of war. It is simply a matter of actual ownership interest and Law, which we have exercised. Contrary to the expectations of many, our assets are not "abandoned", not "unclaimed" and they are no longer subject to contrived commercial claims by Secondary Creditors, nor any administration by Bar Attorneys subject to the Crown.

    We consider what has gone on here to be a crime, both a recognizable international crime and a domestic crime.
    We consider that the perpetrators have aimed at the overthrow of not only our government but all national governments worldwide.

    The United States of America [Unincorporated] is the actual government owed to the American States and People and it is our established and lawful right and obligation to function in both international trade and commerce effective July 17, 2014.

    We have done so and we have standing to do so.

    All Trade Names of living people issued on or arising from the land and soil of the American States and all derivatives thereof are Public Trusts of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and they always have been.
    They are all assets of the land and soil, not engaged in any form of interstate commerce.

    Review that fact in view of the false commercial claims and unlawful conversions of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration. Also review that fact in view of the false commercial claims made upon American Negroes and other people of color by the Scottish Government dba "The United States of America" Incorporated.

    Every dog has its day and you have all had yours. What remains is a necessary and profound ---and lasting--- correction on all your parts.

  8. #138
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

  9. #139
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    11 hrs ·

    Your Own Experience
    No doubt if you are adult enough to be reading my articles you have had numerous odd experiences in your life -- coincidences and happenings that you simply cannot explain.

    One of my standard questions when I give a talk is to ask how many people in the room have experienced a "miracle"---something beyond all probability or explanation that happened to them or someone they knew? Invariably, I get an odd response: a few hands shoot up immediately, and then over the next few seconds more and more and more, until finally, almost everyone in the room is silently signaling, yes, I have seen, witnessed, or been part of a "miracle".

    Oddly, because the "miracle" lies outside the boundaries of all normal expectations, most people have not deeply considered it or what it meant to them. They remember it, but because they can't explain it, it remains in the "reject" pile of experience, as if the Sorting Machine rejected an over-sized tomato, and there it sits: unquestionable.

    However, when my "Sorting Machine" kicks out an experience, I am even more intrigued. I focus on it more, not less.

    How did such a thing happen? What makes it a "miracle"? Is it merely my inability to explain it that makes it miraculous? I suppose it's my Inner Mathematician struggling to make things fit the equations I know.

    As my straw vote with many audiences shows, I am not alone. Nearly everyone experiences miracles, and in fact, when you hone your observational skills you find that you are living in a world full of inexplicable miracles, all precisely timed and delivered.

    As this realization dawns on you, it also become apparent that there are many one-off creations, mini-miracles given like gifts specifically to you or for you: the perfect car that you can afford just shows up "like magic", the right caregiver or carpenter arrives out of the blue, you get fired one week, and the next week your dream job lands in your lap, the love of your life (you thought) disappears over the horizon, but comes someone else who makes you so happy, so at peace, you know that "it was meant to be" and you are grateful in retrospect for the heartbreak.

    As you wake up to this reality, you begin to almost grudgingly consciously interact with The Great Unseen that surrounds you. You become aware of "It" with the red-faced realization that "It" has always been aware of you, always been present and always in one way or another, shepherding you along and giving you gifts, hand-tailored just for you. You were just too dull and half-asleep to notice.

    Wisdom is just a process of sharpening your observational skills and being willing to look at the over-sized reject tomatoes, the miracles that occur in your own life. These odd inexplicable experiences provide us with points of reference outside our normal box and expand our vision, not only of what is possible, but what is actually "miraculous" in the mundane day to day of the simplest existence.

    Once this Wisdom Process begins, you can't stop it. You are on the fast track to learn what is really going on in the world and see what others miss. Good and bad.

    What I am going to share with you today is information that is available directly to you via your own experience, but as my Mother used to say you have to -- "Look sharp!" and wake up.

    There is One Life on this planet. Just one. And we are all part of that One Life. We are not separate at all in any way at any time from All That Is. This is true and it remains true whether we are "alive" or "dead".

    We are having our experience of that One Life the same way that a microbe is having its experience of that One Life. Even rocks are "alive" to this One Life, and their crystalline structures are ordered by it with the same beauty and precision as the functioning of the cells in our lungs.
    As a result, we can't hurt anything or anyone without hurting ourselves. The violence we unleash on others is ultimately returned to us --- not because of karma per se, but because we are part of the One Life. You can't stub a toe without hurting the whole body.

    Because of the delusion of separateness we think we can cause harm without harming ourselves, but this is not true and it is not true in the same way that water flows downhill. It is a natural result of the fact that we are not separate from each other, not separate from the deer roaming the golf course, not separate from the ant scurrying home with a peanut on its back, not separate from the iris blossom unfurling to the wind.

    Another thing you will learn is that we are not alone on this planet. There are other kinds of beings here, angels and demons and spirits that aren't explicitly discussed in the Bible, but which nonetheless have their part to play. Nothing about this circumstance will change merely because you become aware of it, but you will change and be more aware and more fully alive because you will perceive more and see what you see more clearly.

    I have told you before that your bodies are like space suits that allow your consciousness to dwell in this dimensional space and operate within it. I have also directed your attention to the fact that bodies can be occupied by non-human entities as described in the Bible. Both angels and demons can inhabit the same space suits as men and women.

    So what looks like a man may in fact be a demon. Or an angel. Or one of the other beings that can inhabit our bodies.

    A couple of months ago I suffered a direct attack by "Lucifer" and five Irish Republican Army hit men. Without going into the details, I am still alive, all five of the would-be assassins are dead, and Lucifer's present incarnation slipped away like the coward he inherently is.

    I did, however, get a very good look at his body and face, and I have been asked to share the description in hopes of assisting the worldwide effort to locate and capture this criminal.

    His present incarnation looks a good deal like a thirty-something Charlie Sheen. His jaw is not quite as squared off, his features are a bit more refined, but not much. His skin is very pale, as if he never sees the light of day, and his eyes are very, very dark. He was wearing a small, precisely trimmed, traditional moustache, and his very dark brown-black hair was also very nicely trimmed and quite short on the sides, maybe two to three inches long on top, wavy, but not curly.

    His body ethnic heritage could be "Black Irish" given the company he was in, Ashkenazi, Greek, or Spanish.

    A close observer looking into his eyes will see a strange reflective quality, a slightly more than average glassiness or "beady" appearance.

    Though we didn't speak --- just got right down to business with him and his henchmen trying to kill me, he did smile in the midst of the furor when he thought he had me -- enough to say that he has even, small, white teeth.
    His body type is significantly different than Sheen's, with over-developed shoulders, a well-proportioned torso, slim overall, medium height not above five foot ten. I would say he has studied dance, martial arts including fencing, and is an expert swimmer. He would be an excellent candidate for the Navy Seals.

    The entity inside this body is a seraph--- an angel. He is in fact a special kind of angel -- an archangel. Think of archangels as an older model of angels -- older, more powerful, more abilities. It isn't just a matter of seniority or rank. They are literally different from other seraphs, and most importantly for all of you to know--- only an archangel can take down another archangel. It takes one to slay one or even capture one.

    So if you see this man or anyone resembling the man I have described, avoid contact -- even eye contact. He can hypnotize normal people quite easily merely by catching their eye and staring at them. Keep walking or moving calmly and break off -- turn in a different direction, away from him. If necessary, turn around completely and go back the way you came, as if you forgot something and had to go retrieve it. Give him no cause for alarm.

    He is unimaginably dangerous, but is very unlikely to show his true nature in public and also unlikely to desert this particular body. He has trained it and developed it for his purposes and he is not able to find many suitable "donors" who have the physical characteristics and genetics he needs to incarnate.

    So, you think that you have seen Lucifer. What do you do? You find a quiet spot and you pray to Our Father in Heaven and address the Archangel Michael as "Michael, Son of the Morning...." The Archangel Michael is also present and incarnate on Earth and the message will get passed to him with the swiftness of thought. Then go home and tend to your business and go on with your life.

    The new so-called "Quantum Financial System" has been rigged by the Grandfather, Marduk, one of the original Fallen. In their religion, sex and duality are worshiped, with the result that the new banking system has a female "key" ---- apparently, this is Kim Goguen, aka, "Kim Possible"--- and a male key who hasn't made his appearance yet.

    The female key is always negative, always about blocking, stopping, or ending things, and true to form, Kim Goguen has found that while she can access and manipulate and transfer accounts around, she can't open them. Only her male counterpart can do that, and he is laying low.

    Because he can open the accounts and provide everyone on Earth with a windfall of his favorite self-made commodities--- money and currencies--- he counts on being very popular and adored and yes, even worshipped by the masses.

    Chances are, he'll look like a thirty-something Charlie Sheen. That is, unless we catch him first, or this expose causes him to fall back to an alternate body.

    Either way, watch the play. Kim doesn't understand her role, and doesn't anticipate the appearance of her male counterpart, and neither one of them are counting on "the rest of us" being aware of who they are and what they are doing.

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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    11 hrs ·

    Martial Law Schmartial Law
    Hate to break it to everyone, but technically, "the United States"
    --as opposed to "The United States"-- have been under "martial law" since 1863, and they have illegally and unlawfully intruded upon the rest of us, seeking to involve us in their commercial mercenary "wars".

    If Mr. Trump needs elbow-room to go after the worst of the criminals in their corporations, let me be the last one to raise a finger to prevent him. It is long overdue.

    At the same time, let Mr. Trump and the rest of the world be aware that people identifying themselves as "American Nationals" who have reasonable evidence of their provenance and who are not directly employed by the federal "government" or offering to harm anyone should not be endangered or overly inconvenienced by federal housecleaning activities on our shores.

    As large as the number "51,000 indictments" sounds, and is, it's not all that overwhelming. We deal with more cases than that every day in this country; the only difference is that this time, actual criminals will be brought to trial instead of "offenders".

    And if, for example, Hillary Clinton or other known shysters attempt hide themselves in our jurisdiction, it is already established Public Law that Mr. Trump and the U.S. Army can come reclaim their own vermin. They just have to be very careful not to harm or unduly impose upon our people or property in the process.

    As for us, none of this federal frou-frou-rah is our business and should not concern us. We should be more than happy to sit tight in our homes and snug in our beds and play pinochle for a few days. Let the Army and the National Guard come rule the streets for a few days and flush out the worst of the vermin.

    Go pack in some extra food, water, fill up prescriptions for yourselves and pets. Extra pet food. Toilet paper. Tampons. Some gas for the grill and sterno to heat water. A few extra gallons of drinking water and some tap water for flushing the toilets manually. Considering the time of year-- extra firewood and blankets might be nice.

    Consider it a mini-vacation. Time with the family.
    Turn off the television and radio. Leave your cell phone on, in case there are any important announcements. Watch a movie. Read a book. Play indoor "fetch" with your dog. Cuddle your kids. Get around to reading that dusty Bible on the shelf.

    These are the "Last Days" of the old system.

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