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Thread: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

  1. #501
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    3 hrs ·

    Dear Mr. Trump,

    On this 6th day of March in the year 2019, we wish to convey our sympathy and support against the outrageous and unauthorized actions of the Municipal United States Congress. Feel free to exercise your options.

    We realize that you are not responsible for their Bad Behavior and we are forwarding our Displeasure to those who are responsible for THEM.

    We would like to see a directive go out to the United States Military to properly inform all members that just because they signed up to act as "United States Citizens" as a condition of receiving a paycheck, the rest of us are under no such obligation and must be left alone, not addressed, not spied on, not harassed, coerced, or made subject to any racketeering or unjust demand at all --- ever, with regard to our choice of political status or the exercise of our rights and guarantees, including our exemptions.

    We have a nasty DOD-UN CORP-FBI and other assorted Municipal Alphabet Soup group being run out of Michigan calling itself the "Michigan General Jural Assembly" but in fact they are misrepresenting themselves as a lawful State Jural Assembly and are apparently aiming to set up a Municipal Corporation merely named after the actual State---instead.

    A "Bait and Switch" Operation.

    We deduce this from the fact that their leadership all claims "United States Citizenship" or "Citizenship of the United States" and they continue to promote the idea that such "Citizens" have Constitutional rights and guarantees and tell people that they can retain such citizenship obligations at the same time that they are purportedly acting as one of our State Jural Assemblies.

    Our States do not now nor have they ever allowed Dual Citizenship.

    We protest against all of these continuing "similar names deceits" and against all of these various foreign corporate enterprises seeking to impersonate our actual States while being guests upon our shores.

    We ask for your assistance in properly informing these groups and individuals --- some of whom may be well-meaning patriots who are simply confused, some of whom are no doubt acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents.

    Among all the other Disinformation that supporters of this group are spreading is the idea that the "FBI" has approached me and asked me questions and otherwise bullied me. This is not true, nor should it be. As a Subcontractor of a Subcontractor, the FBI has no authority to address me and neither does the IRS or any other Municipal Agency.

    We wish for your Administration to make it completely clear that none of these contractors are to investigate, meddle with, contact, address, coerce, lie to, attempt to interfere with, co-opt, misdirect, or harm any American who is claiming their lawful birthright political status as an American State National or American State Citizen of any of the now-fifty States.

    We wish for all Military Contractors to be fully advised.

    We are the lawful Civilian Government of this country and we are fed up with the "Service".

    Any service organization wishing to get a contract or keep one needs to stop playing games and do their actual jobs--- jobs which do not include running co-option schemes and psychological warfare operations on the People of this country.

    We request and require the full and explicit compliance of all military personnel, including subcontractors, to cease and desist all operations aimed at destabilizing, thwarting, impersonating, co-opting, misinforming, threatening, bullying, or otherwise interfering with our State Assemblies or mis-addressing our Lawful Persons.

    We also request and require that they cease and desist all operations seeking to establish commercial corporations "in our names" or the names of our States.
    This is an unwelcome, unnecessary, fraudulent usurpation against the actual States and People of this country.

    We are quite competent and capable of issuing our own charters and will do so -- an eventuality which is not the business of any Territorial or Municipal Citizen, nor any Federal Agent, Agency, Subcontractor, or Department.

    Thank you for your service and patience in the midst of such injustice.
    Anna Maria

  2. #502
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    3 hrs ·

    The Continuing Debacle and The Remnant

    Most Beloved Francis,
    We wish to express our Extreme Displeasure:

    The US Municipal "Congress" is out of control. They may be out of their minds, too.

    They can't be allowed to abuse bankruptcy and just continue merrily on.
    You know this.
    No doubt Cardinal Parolin and the others know this, too---whether or not they want to admit it. The entire world is watching and knows the score, knows what was done, by whom, to whom.

    The Subcontractors are even worse, if possible. All these bogus "Federal" Agencies are nothing but a huge expense and a nuisance. They create trouble out of thin air just to give themselves something to do--- and then ignore all the work that they are supposed to be doing.

    The FBI, DOJ, BATF, FEMA, IRS, CIA, et alia --- they are all rampaging around on our shores causing trouble, mis-addressing Lawful Persons, staging all sorts of stupid military "operations", trying to confuse everyone with deceitful use of language, getting ready to stage a "civil war" on our shores, the entire point of which is to kill us, their Employers.

    The Holy Roman Empire needs to stand down and assist the Lawful Government of this country. What should have happened in 1865 needs to happen now.

    The Apocalypse has happened and is ongoing.

    The Great Tribulation has been paid.

    The Remnant has returned.

    Do the right thing.

    Anna Maria

  3. #503
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    17 hrs ·

    For All The Jural Assemblies - 43 Legal Persons

    Let's review:
    There are exactly three (3) branches that make up the American Government:

    1. The United States -- an unincorporated union of soil jurisdiction republican states which are geographically defined and populated by living people. This is our National Jurisdiction. Founded July 1, published July 4, 1776.

    2. The United States of America -- an unincorporated federation of land and sea international jurisdiction States which are geographically defined and populated by Lawful Persons on the land and inhabited by Legal Persons on the sea. This is our International Jurisdiction. Founded September 9, 1776.

    3. the States of America -- an unincorporated confederation of inchoate, non-physical States of States that operate in the global and municipal realm of commerce inhabited by Legal PERSONS in the Jurisdiction of the Air. This is our Global Jurisdiction. Founded March 1, 1781.

    This is our government founded before and apart from any Federal Government.

    As we also discussed, the Constitutions impacted only the States of America portion of our government, and had the effect of power-sharing some of the former functions of the States of America with two foreign governments --- Britain and the Holy Roman Empire, acting under solemn trust agreements.

    We also learned that the interface between Lawful Persons and Legal Persons is in the International Jurisdiction, and that the boundary between Lawful Persons on the land and Legal Persons on the Sea is an invisible barrier called "the bar" or "the corporate veil". This is in a legal sense, the "veil" between life and death, as Lawful Persons are deemed to be alive, and Legal Persons are deemed to be fictional and dead.

    We have dealt at some length with the fact that all Lawful Persons are unincorporated. We have also observed that Lawful Persons can be "corporate" though not "incorporated" ---- for example, an unincorporated Mom and Pop business called "Bill's Bicycle Shop" is "corporate" but not incorporated.

    All Lawful Persons everywhere stand on the living side of the corporate veil and on the land and soil of their respective countries.

    Now we come to the obverse, the mirror image, of the Lawful Person --- the Legal Persons inhabiting the international jurisdiction of the sea and the airy realms of the global municipal jurisdiction.

    Legal Persons can be Corporate or Incorporated, but they are never totally unincorporated. They always derive their "personhood" from some other entity and have no basis to exist on their own.

    The prior sentence should be underlined and properly taken note of.

    Lawful Persons and the people they represent have a quality of independent being that Legal Persons always lack.

    A Legal Person does not exist on land, except as a temporary sojourner called an "inhabitant" and they are not considered to be part of the "population" because they are not one of the "people".

    The realm in which they operate-- the work they do for the most part-- obligates them to operate in the reduced capacity of a "thing", a dead legal fiction, and it also obligates them to live under either the international jurisdiction of the sea and its laws, or the global jurisdiction of the air and its commercial laws.

    Land Law and National Law (Soil Jurisdiction Law) do not apply to Legal Persons.

    Statutes, Codes, and Regulations apply to Legal Persons.

    A statute is not a law. It is evidence of a law and that law is the "law" of private contract.

    One becomes a Legal Person instead of a Lawful Person by subjecting oneself to a foreign sovereign, by enfranchising oneself to a commercial corporation, by registering oneself as property of a commercial corporation, or by other acts creating a presumption of obligation to act in the capacity of a Legal Person.

    A Lawful Person can only be "converted" into a Legal Person as a result of such a private contract.

    Obviously, this could be an employment contract, as when one accepts a Federal Civil Service job or a job in the US Military. It could be an application for political asylum "in the United States", or an application for unearned Federal Welfare benefits, an application for a Driver License, a US (as opposed to USA) passport, or a voter registration. It could in some instances also be a contractual condition by birth, as when someone is born in Puerto Rico or Washington, DC. Or, such an obligation could arise as the result of incorporating a business as a United States commercial corporation.

    For insight into the current situation, we are all born as Lawful Persons on the land and soil of our respective States, and we are supposed to be protected by the most sacred bonds of international trust and treaty and commercial obligation ---- but a ruse and an excuse has been used to "pretend" that you are a Legal Person instead, and resultingly, owed none of the protections of these treaties, trusts, and commercial contracts.

    The ruse goes back to the Civil War and the Federal Government's practice of calling "States of States" --- commercial corporations --- "States", as in "Confederate States". They even go so far as to call it "The War Between the States" ---- but no actual States were involved.

    All the entities involved in the so-called American Civil War, both North and South, were commercial corporations --- States of States, and whether they knew it or not, all those engaged in that horrific conflict were acting as Legal Persons.

    Those who have undertaken this giant fraud against the People of this country have pretended that those long-vanquished commercial corporations were in fact our States, but they were not. They have also pretended that we, a 150 years later, are still combatants acting as Legal Persons and Mercenaries of either the States of America or the Confederate States of America.

    Either way, it's total baloney and it part of what we have to address as actual State Assemblies today.

    As a result of the foregoing false presumptions being held against us at birth, the United States Military controlled by the British Territorial United States Government has made sure that a false record of assumed contract has been created for each and every one of us: the Birth Certificate.

    This is the first and primary evidence against us, suggesting that we are from birth "United States Citizens" or rather, that we were "volunteered" into that political status by our unwary Mothers. However, in order to make this legal the perpetrators also had to record the actual event of your birth, so that both you actual birthday and the birthdate of the Legal Person they created in your name appear on the same document, giving evidence of an unconscionable contract.

    You were only a few days or weeks old when this "unlawful conversion" of your political status from Lawful Person to Legal Person took place.

    You could not possibly engage in any such assumption of contractual obligation on your own, so your Mother was coerced under conditions of non-disclosure and color of law to do it "for" you.

    After that, a number of adhesion contracts were foisted off on you, all under color of law, all without full disclosure.

    You were told that you had to sign up for a Social Security Account and get a Social Security Number before you could have a job. (True only if you were seeking Federal Employment.)

    You were told that you had to "register" to Vote, but you weren't told that doing so would surrender all your labor and private property rights to the commercial corporation hosting those elections.

    You were told that you had to similarly "register" your "vehicle" and get a Driver License, too.

    And so on and on. These various applications and registrations -- all induced under color of law and threat of force as adhesion contracts-- are added to the Birth Certificate information to create evidence that you are voluntarily contracting with these commercial corporations and choosing to live your life as a Legal Person instead of as a Lawful Person.

    Legal Persons are dead, legal fiction entities. They have no rights or guarantees.

    When you, a Lawful American State National or American State Citizen go out and "cross the bar" into the International Jurisdiction of the Sea, the British Monarch is obligated to protect you, but a Legal Person has no such protections.

    When you, a Lawful American State National or American State Citizen create a commercial corporation to do business for you in the realm of commerce, the Pope is obligated to protect that, too, but a Legal Person has no such claim upon the Holy Roman Empire.

    People and their Lawful Persons are born. Persons are birthed.

    People have their genesis in physical actuality, in land and soil and water.

    Persons have their genesis in the realm of thought, office, and employment.

    People are created by the union of flesh and the mystery of creation.

    Persons are created by statutes, which are contracts, by applications, registrations, enfranchisements, and so on.

    People live on the land and soil.

    Persons sail on the sea and in the air.

    If you read the Federal Constitutions you will see the statute (contract) creating Federal Legal Persons known as "United States Citizens" and "Citizens of the United States" in Article 1, Sections 2 and 3, respectively.
    These Legal Persons are created when someone accepts employment from the Federal Government, or when one "volunteers" to serve the Federal Government in some capacity --- like "Withholding Agent" or "Voter".

    These Legal Persons, like all other Legal Persons, are not Parties to the Federal Constitutions and are not able to access their protections and guarantees.

    Rather, they are subject to the Federal Constitutions, meaning that they must honor and obey and fulfill and perform the duties and responsibilities that go along with the right to exercise the delegated Powers of the People of the land jurisdiction States.

    You can see now how "redefining" our Lawful Persons as Legal Persons strips us of protections and guarantees and services and assets we are owed and gives us nothing in return.

    You can also see that as Lawful Persons operate on the land and soil, and Legal Persons operate in the sea and air, that redefining you as a Legal Person results in kidnapping you from your original birthright jurisdiction on the land and soil and trafficking you into a foreign jurisdiction of the law without your knowledge or consent.

    You can also see that this is happening right under the noses of your own employees and the international trustees, both the Queen and the Pope, who are under obligation to protect you, and that they are excusing both their action and inaction by "mistaking on purpose" the difference between the Legal Persons and the Confederation of States of States that took part in the Civil War and the People populating the actual States of this country then and now.

    The fraud against us has been institutionalized over the past hundred years and those operating it have grown fat on the theft of our assets, the plundering of our credit, and the sale of our labor. And it all hinges on this unlawful conversion of our Lawful Persons into Legal Persons and this false pretense that Confederation "States of States" --commercial corporations-- are the same as our physical States of the Union.

    The Queen, the Pope, the various Presidents, the members of Congress, the US Military and other parties are all guilty of Gross Breach of Trust, conspiracy against the Constitutions, and worse. This has all been practiced against us under color of law and conditions of non-disclosure, fraud, and deceit.

    The division between Lawful Persons and Legal Persons also results in the necessity of two court systems and two completely different sets of law.

    Our Lawful Persons are owed American Common Law, Public Land Law, and Organic Law. We are now in the process of fully restoring our Courts to provide the services we need for ourselves and to enforce the Public Law, including the Constitutions.

    Legal Persons function solely under Statutes, Codes, and Regulations, all forming a type of private law based on private contracts with other Legal Persons, including commercial corporations.

    Legal Persons are limited to functioning in the jurisdiction of the sea and the air, with the result that such legal fiction entities can only create more legal fiction entities as franchises owned by the same foreign sovereignty that claims ownership of the Legal Persons.

    Lawful Persons can issue charters to both corporate and incorporated entities and do so independently.

    To overcome the legal presumption that you are voluntarily choosing to act and live as a Legal Person and to regain protections owed to your Lawful Person and to assert your identity as one of the People and to operate as such, it is necessary to create superior evidence rebutting their evidence to the contrary.

    Creating the superior evidence that you are choosing to act as a Lawful Person is the entire purpose of creating and recording the paperwork which The Living Law Firm has developed.

    Although you might choose to work for the Federal Government in some capacity during your lifetime, you should be aware that doing so obligates you to operate as a Legal Person and deprives you of rights and saddles you with duties that you would not have otherwise.

    It is also important to know that upon severance or retirement from such duties, it is necessary to give your former employers Notice that you are leaving Federal Service and returning to your permanent home and domicile on the land and soil of your State. This should be done in a formal but simple way, just stating the facts, sent to your former federal employer and to the Social Security Administration or Military Pension Office, etc., via Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested.

    This precludes any possible misunderstanding or pretense on their part that you are continuing to serve as a Legal Person in any quasi-military volunteer status.

    There should be no onus for Federal Service or United States Citizenship or Citizenship of the United States. Quite the contrary. It is a largely thankless and subordinate political status of indentured servitude, sometimes amounting to outright slavery, and involving many duties and responsibilities and sacrifices. Some grave injustices have been inflicted on United States Citizens and Citizens of the United States.

    This, too, is part of what needs to be redressed.

    Not only have we been left uninformed, and deliberately misidentified and defrauded, but our employees have also been left without critical information and abused. Worst of all, our sons and daughters have been sacrificed as cheap mercenaries in wars for profit--- while being led to believe that it was all about defending our country.

    All of this needs to stop, and all of this can be stopped once the actual American People stand up, shake off the dust and the lies, and assume their duty posts as American State Nationals and American State Citizens --- Lawful Persons owed every jot of the Constitutions and Treaties.

  4. #504
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    2 hrs ·

    For All The Jural Assemblies - 44 Legal Persons and Territorial Courts

    As we learned when we first discussed the international jurisdiction of the States, there are no living people in international jurisdiction --- only Lawful Persons on the land and Legal Persons on the sea.

    All Persons are legal fictions, varying only in the degree of their separation from the actual world and the jurisdiction in which they operate.

    Directly across the Bar from our Lawful Persons operating on the international jurisdiction of the land, are Legal Persons operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

    The international jurisdiction of the sea, especially when it overlaps onto the land, is also known as "Territorial Jurisdiction" and the Legal Persons occupying this jurisdiction may be referred to in some old law books as "Territorials".

    Legal Persons all operate under systems of law known as Codes, Statutes, and Regulations.

    All transactions and interactions are accomplished by contracts, both public and private, and those Legal Persons engaged in carrying on business in the international jurisdiction of the sea act as employees of corporations or officials representing corporations and/or the various governments chartering the corporations.

    This particular jurisdiction has long been the realm of the British Monarchs who have policed and dominated it for centuries. It should not surprise us, then, that a majority of those connected to this jurisdiction follow British nomenclature and traditions, one of which is the tradition of holding offices as trusts.

    A trust requires a donor, a holder or trustee, and a beneficiary. In the British system of things, the Queen acts as the donor, the recipient of her office or commission acts as the holder/trustee, and at the end of the day, the office or commission granted returns to the Queen, her heirs or successors.

    The office holder in such a grantor system receives a "title" --- a label designating exactly what their rank and responsibility is. This is again a reference to the office being held as a trust, where the office holder holds the liability and duty (the legal title) and the Queen holds the benefit (the equitable title).

    The title "Mister" indicates that the person being addressed is a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service. It may also be applied to a Midshipman in the Queen's Navy. So this one title, "Mister", can refer to someone engaged in international trade, or to a junior officer in the navy, depending on the context in which it is used.

    The use of this term to address any man of legal age has become commonplace in this country, though obviously, it should not be. Misapplying it to average Americans creates the basis for legal presumptions that are inappropriate and disadvantageous to those Americans who appear to accept the title of "Mister" or "Missus" (a Mister's wife) or "Miss" (a Mister's spinster daughter).

    The title "Esquire" indicates that the person being addressed is working as a Squire, the lowest rank of the British Nobility, from which they can aspire to become a Knight, a Lord, or even higher dignitary.

    Each and every one of these titles and offices is a separate Legal Person, quite apart from the Legal Person bearing the title.

    These titles are foreign to America and Americans, however, because we contracted to receive certain stipulated services from the British Government they have gradually insinuated themselves upon our shores.

    Make no mistake, however, that clueless as Americans may be, our British counterparts are fully aware that when they call you "Mister" or "Missus" or "Miss" they are attaching a title to you--- and along with the title go the responsibilities and duties associated with it, all owed to the Queen.

    By using these titles to address you they are establishing the contractual basis of prosecuting you under maritime or admiralty law. If you call someone "Mister" and he answers to it, that is "probable cause" to assume that he is operating in a capacity subject to the Queen.

    The most egregious example of this occurs when millions of Americans fill out 1040 Forms and claim under penalty of perjury that they are acting as "Withholding Agents" --- that is, as Warrant Officers in the British Merchant Marine Service. These innocent people have no idea what a "Withholding Agent" is, much less the jurisdiction in which a Withholding Agent functions, but they have mistakenly acted as a Legal Person working as an unpaid volunteer of a foreign (British) government, which then obligates them to perform according to the standards of the job.

    Our Forefathers were not as ignorant as we are today and saw the manner in which this application of titles to living people could be misused and how the benefits and privileges of some titles, such as "Esquire" could become the basis for conflict of interest and split loyalties, so they banned their use on our shores, but could not ban their use in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

    What does all this mean for us as members of American State Jural Assemblies?

    First and foremost it means that we must be able to distinguish the difference between our courts and their courts, their law and our law, their officers and our officials, their titles and our public offices.

    We do not use a class system nor do we grant or use titles. Esquires are not allowed in our courts. Our courts function on self-representation aided by Lawful Counsel; this means that our Lawyers do not speak for us. We speak for ourselves with their assistance and guidance with respect to such issues as prior case law and standards of evidence.

    In our courts, the only time that a lawyer is allowed to speak for anyone is when the Public Prosecutor presents a murder case in behalf of the victim or if someone has been harmed to the point that they cannot physically or mentally present their own case.

    We do not have "petit juries" which use six jurors to decide cases in municipal courts. All our juries require twelve Jurors, including Grand Juries. Likewise, we maintain the effort to establish peerage as much as possible when selecting jury panels. Workmen should sit in judgement of workmen and academics should sit in judgement of academics, and so on, so as to promote a fair and insightful outcome.

    We do not have Bailiffs, we have Bondsmen.

    Our Justices do not swear any oath. They accept their elected Public Office as a Public Trust owed to the People of their State in front of Witnesses, but there is no talk of swearing (prohibited by the Bible-based land law) and no statements such as "so help me, God" appear in soil or land jurisdiction courts.

    Though most of our Forefathers were earnest Christians, they understood that the only way to preserve religious freedom for themselves, was to preserve religious freedom for everyone. Thus, they adopted the separation of Church and State.

    Even though we may have Chaplains assigned to serve our Assemblies and even though they may offer opening prayers and convocations, when the business meeting kicks in, and we begin to act for the People of our States, we understand that we are acting to the best of our ability to protect the rights and security of everyone concerned without religious, racial or political bias.

    Our Justices do not decide the law or the facts of any case. That is left to the members of each jury. The role of the Justice is to provide a level playing field and to enforce the rules of evidence; once the jury has reached a decision, it is the duty of the Justice to "pronounce" the sentence for the Public Record and it is the Sheriff's duty to execute the sentence.

    Our courts are based upon Local Law (soil jurisdiction) and Public Laws (land jurisdiction) that are enrolled in the Public Record as General Assembly Session Laws.

    All such laws are subject to jury nullification.

    If our Assemblies adopt a law that is unfair, unwieldy, or inappropriate, any jury in our system of law can nullify it and state the reasons why, whereupon it is held in abeyance as if it never existed and returned to the State General Assembly for correction or repeal. In this way the people maintain direct control over the standards of law that are being applied to them and weed out any laws that are ill-conceived or unfair.

    This precious process of jury nullification also provides a natural curb on the endless proliferation of new laws poking into every corner of our lives.

    Our law is simple, draconian, and based on the Ten Commandments. There has to be a specific Injured Party claiming injury to himself or to his property.

    There is no such thing as a "thought crime" or a "hate crime" until and unless it results in verifiable harm and then it is addressed in terms of what the actual harm is.

    The law of the Legal Persons, by comparison, is endlessly complex, subtle, and based on Codes and Maxims that rule the law of contracts.

    No doubt this is striking a cord with those familiar with the foreign maritime and admiralty court system of the Legal Persons functioning in Territorial (International Jurisdiction of the Sea) Jurisdiction.

    Their laws are enacted instead of being enrolled and they take the form of enumerated Codes and Statutes and Regulations adopted by the Territorial United States Congress and the Territorial State of State Legislatures.

    There is no end to the number of these Codes, Statutes, and Regulations that can be adopted and no process of jury nullification to weed them out, with the result that the proliferation of these private "laws" grows with cancerous ferocity and the burden and cost of enforcing them increases exponentially.

    The Territorial and Admiralty Courts operated by and for the use of Legal Persons are operated by Bar Attorneys (Esquires) and presided over by Judges who act as Hired Jurist Referees and Administrators. These courts make no attempt to address the law or the facts of any case and focus instead on whether or not a contract exists, and if a duty owed under that contract was dishonored. They are all run as "Nisi Prius" Courts, that is, Contract Courts for Hire.

    Legal Persons have no Natural nor Unalienable Rights so issues pertaining to claims of such rights and arguments based on constitutional guarantees do not apply to them nor enter into their courts. At most, Legal Persons may ask for "Equal Civil Rights" -- which may be provided or denied upon the discretion of the Judge.

    Legal Persons, unless they have a degree in law, are considered incompetent and must be "represented" by a Bar Attorney, who will speak for them both in court and privately under Power of Attorney, which basically grants him or her the right to act as your Proxy and cut deals in your behalf. Obviously, this is a position of Private Trust under contract that can be greatly abused and often is.

    The form of law used by these courts is private, also.
    Statutes, Rules, Codes, Public Policies, Resolutions, and Regulations are not law, they are evidence of law, and each one represents a contract that Legal Persons are bound to. If you are acting as a Legal Person and operating in Territorial Jurisdiction (International Jurisdiction of the Sea) you are presumed to know and obey all such obligations and to honor all contracts.

    Of course, the proliferation of 80 million such "laws" makes it impossible for anyone to know much less enforce them, and instead of providing any matrix for the pursuit of justice or order, such a system devolves into an excuse for raising revenues through fines and stealing property via arbitrary asset seizures.

    You may readily recognize the Territorial Courts of the Legal Persons by their use of Statutes at the State (of State) level and use of Federal Code at the Federal level.

    They may also use Military Code. They often deceptively refer to this as "COMMON LAW" --- as in "Military Common Law" --- which is obviously not the Common Law owed to the American People and not any standard that should ever be applied to a civilian Lawful Person.

    As our American State Jural Assemblies and our People's Courts have ceased to function, more and more of our People have been misidentified as Legal Persons and held to these foreign standards of law and railroaded into these foreign courts.

    The plain fact is that we don't belong in their courts and they don't belong in ours. Lawful Persons exist in an entirely different and separate jurisdiction apart from Legal Persons and operate under different standards and conventions, but the lack of Lawful Courts and the temptation to profit from this circumstance by guile has led to the present morass.

    As we begin the long overdue process of restoring our Lawful Courts we have the option to handle conflicts and controversies via private binding arbitration and may assert our standing as Lawful People and request such arbitration whenever any complaint is brought against us in a Legal Court setting.

    Private arbitration should be used as a stop-gap measure until our own courts are up and functioning again.

    In all this bear in mind that our courts are not their courts and vice versa. Our laws, except for the Constitutions, do not apply to them --and their laws do not apply to us.

    A large part of the work set before the State Jural Assemblies is to set up and convene your own State Court System for the Lawful People returning to the land and soil jurisdiction of your State. At first this will be a daunting task as you struggle to sort things out and research the history of your State, but ultimately, the rewards of freedom and self-determination which follow from this work are the fruits of your labor and the fulfillment of your heritage.

  5. #505
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    About passports being commercial, Anna says
    a US (as opposed to USA) passport, or a voter registration.
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to monty For This Useful Post:

    Bigjon (9th March 2019)

  7. #506
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    7 hrs ·

    Cheat Sheet to End Confusion

    1. The United States is the Proper Name of the Union of republican soil jurisdiction states, representing our combined National Jurisdiction

    2. The United States of America is the Proper Name of the Federation of land jurisdiction States, representing our combined International Jurisdiction.

    3. the States of America is the Proper Name of the Confederation of States of States -- commercial corporations chartered by the States of the Federation, representing our combined Global Jurisdiction.

    4. the United States of America is the Proper Name of the British-controlled Territorial Branch of the Federal Government and the Territorial United States.

    5. the United States is the Proper Name of the Holy Roman Empire-controlled Municipal Branch of the Federal Government and the Municipal United States.

    You can now clearly see all the opportunities for deceptive word-play that have been possible with this situation and why so many people have been confused.

  8. #507
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    You were told that you had to sign up for a Social Security Account and get a Social Security Number before you could have a job. (True only if you were seeking Federal Employment.)

    You were told that you had to "register" to Vote, but you weren't told that doing so would surrender all your labor and private property rights to the commercial corporation hosting those elections.

    You were told that you had to similarly "register" your "vehicle" and get a Driver License, too.

    And so on and on. These various applications and registrations -- all induced under color of law and threat of force as adhesion contracts-- are added to the Birth Certificate information to create evidence that you are voluntarily contracting with these commercial corporations and choosing to live your life as a Legal Person instead of as a Lawful Person.

    Does Anna explain how to travel in your private car without a Driver’s License or “vehicle” registration when you convert from U.S. Citizen to American State National? I haven’t seen any place she offers any advice. Traveling with a private or no plate likely will result in a ticket and your car being towed. Even if you prevail in court you will still be stuck with the tow bill and likely stopped and towed again in the future. If you have a domestic address the judge will say you are a “resident” and subject to his statutes.

    There was a case in Kansas where the man was stopped for no registration or Driver’s License. He was ticketed and his car was towed. The judge ruled he didn’t need a licensce or registration because he wasn’t a resident which he proved by receiving his mail c/o an address rather than at his “residence”. The cops stated they will continue to ticket him and tow his car if he contiues to travel without registration and a license because the law says he must have a license and registration.

    Most of us can’t afford repeated tow bills and the inconvenience of being houled into court.

    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

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    Bigjon (9th March 2019)

  10. #508
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by monty View Post

    Does Anna explain how to travel in your private car without a Driver’s License or “vehicle” registration when you convert from U.S. Citizen to American State National? I haven’t seen any place she offers any advice. Traveling with a private or no plate likely will result in a ticket and your car being towed. Even if you prevail in court you will still be stuck with the tow bill and likely stopped and towed again in the future. If you have a domestic address the judge will say you are a “resident” and subject to his statutes.

    There was a case in Kansas where the man was stopped for no registration or Driver’s License. He was ticketed and his car was towed. The judge ruled he didn’t need a licensce or registration because he wasn’t a resident which he proved by receiving his mail c/o an address rather than at his “residence”. The cops stated they will continue to ticket him and tow his car if he contiues to travel without registration and a license because the law says he must have a license and registration.

    Most of us can’t afford repeated tow bills and the inconvenience of being houled into court.

    Well I do know that we all sign over power of attorney to the State of xxx and give them title to the car. They own the car. So you have to take back possession of the car.
    Once that is done I think you can make a claim against any false enforcement of a non-existing contract.

    There was a guy in California who drove for years without plates and a license. I'm pretty sure Richard McDonald also travelled.
    McDonald said you had to find courts that enforced common law in State jurisdiction.

    The best solution is very problematic, having our own common law courts for real State National's. Like how do you enforce your law on their private law, when they have all the guns and all the prisons.

    It is almost like living in the twilight zone where the what we thought was the law is just Walmart law and the real law is laughed at by the people who should be in jail.

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  12. #509
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigjon View Post
    Well I do know that we all sign over power of attorney to the State of xxx and give them title to the car. They own the car. So you have to take back possession of the car.
    Once that is done I think you can make a claim against any false enforcement of a non-existing contract.

    There was a guy in California who drove for years without plates and a license. I'm pretty sure Richard McDonald also travelled.
    McDonald said you had to find courts that enforced common law in State jurisdiction.

    The best solution is very problematic, having our own common law courts for real State National's. Like how do you enforce your law on their private law, when they have all the guns and all the prisons.

    It is almost like living in the twilight zone where the what we thought was the law is just Walmart law and the real law is laughed at by the people who should be in jail.

    This guy claims he recently had his no license/noregistration case dismissed in Las Vegas.
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Karl Koenigs won his own defence in Las Vegas
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

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    Bigjon (9th March 2019)

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