Quote Originally Posted by Twisted Titan View Post
Dude I am like still slack jawed that this is not some sort of crude joke.

We are truly at the cusp of the event horizion.

My friends .....Steele yourself and pray to whatever God you believe in.......cause Sh!t is gonna get bad.....real bad.
Twist, I always come away feeling the same way after reading any of your posts.

On the one hand, you are always absolutley spot on. I mean that brother,i really do.

However, here is the thing that always gets me. Ive been reading your posts for over 5 fu*king years, and even though they are always as i said "spot on " nothing ever seems to materialize . Im beggining to think that we are the suckers Twist. I mean come on brother, FIVE YEARS IS A LONG FU*KING TIME in a linear life span. We aint getting any younger. All the sheep that we excoriate here on a daily basis may be oblivious, but maybe thats not such a bad thing.

Life is for living, and the sheep have spent the last 5 years living, right along side the wall street crooks who never even once thought about not living the high life.

What say you Twist ?