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Thread: Extraordinary Popular Delusions And The 'Madness' Of Bond And Gold Markets

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    Red face Extraordinary Popular Delusions And The 'Madness' Of Bond And Gold Markets

    Extraordinary Popular Delusions And The 'Madness' Of Bond And Gold Markets
    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/20/2012 14:55 -0400

    Whether its new-fangled Japanese stocks, hi-tech internet company valuations, multi-colored flowers, or mansions made affordable by criminally lax lending standards, Grant Williams notes that a bubble is a bubble is a bubble; and citing Stein's Law: "If something cannot go on forever; it will stop." In this excellent summary of all things currently (and historically) bubblicious - whether greed-driven or fear-driven - Williams concludes it is never different this time as he addresses the four phases of the classic bubble-wave: smart-money, awareness, mania, blow-off (or crash) and explains how government bonds are set to burst and gold is only just about to enter its mania phase. This far-reaching and entirely accessible presentation is stunning in its clarity and as he notes, while bubbles are always easy to spot ex-ante, understanding how they come about and why they are popped gives the few an opportunity to profit at the expense of the madness of crowds. From tulips to tech-wrecks, and from inflation to insatiable stimulus, the bubble in 'safe-haven flows' that currently exists has all the characteristics of a popular delusion.

    The first 9 minutes provide all the required background.

    The next 10 minutes addresses the details of debt, government largesse, and why government bonds are 'peaking' and gold is about to explode - as the safe-haven 'tie' between the two is about to be smashed apart...

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    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

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