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Thread: Has the collapse begun? Is paper gold selling in a panic to buy physical?

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  1. #8
    Unobtanium Shami-Amourae's Avatar
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    Re: Has the collapse begun? Is paper gold selling in a panic to buy physical?

    Litecoins are one of the best investments now I think. Call me crazy, but that's just my opinion. I could be wrong, and it is a risky bet.

    I also don't think you should park your wealth all in one place. Do a bit of everything. My biggest regret is having so much Silver and Gold, personally now I'd like to have more cash, but I wouldn't dare sell at these prices.

    Seriously though, I know a lot of you guys think this Cryptocurrency stuff is nonsense, but the best time to buy usually is right after a crash. Prices have stabilized (so far) at about $100 a BTC. The ratio between Litecoins to Bitcoins has been going up approximately 3-8% a day, and I seem to be the only one noticing this trend. Even if prices with Litecoins stabilize, you get more Bitcoins everyday for your Litecoins.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Shami-Amourae For This Useful Post:

    Spun Gold (15th April 2013)

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