I did this transcript for Dr. Stan Monteith in 2009. It is a transcript of Dr. Stan's Radio Liberty show of 1997 with guest Dr. Richard Dunnegan.

Stunning information.


The New Order of the Barbarians
Transcript of interview that took place in 1997.
Dr. Stanley Monteith, ( “ Dr. Stan “) show host of Radio Liberty (www.RadioLiberty.com) , interviews Dr. Laurence Dunegan.
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Dr. Stan: Well, this is Dr. Stan here at Radio Liberty coming to you from the hills overlooking beautiful and picturesque Monterey Bay and bringing you the story behind the story, the news behind the news. Hoping to convince you that reality is usually scoffed at, illusion is usually king, but in the battle for survival of Western civilization it’s going to be reality and not illusion or delusion that’s going to determine just what the future will bring.

Now I want to introduce to you Dr. Laurence Dunegan. Dr. Dunegan is a pediatrician. He practices in the eastern part of the United States. He’s been practicing for thirty years. But some 28 years ago, he heard a fascinating lecture given by a Dr. Day who had been a professor at the medical school he had attended. And this talk was given to a group of young doctors with the proviso that nobody would take notes and nobody would record what was said. Dr. Day then went on to become the director of the Planned Parenthood Federation.

So right now, let’s introduce Dr. Dunegan. Dr. Dunegan, it’s so good for you to be with us, to have you with us today.

Dr. Dunegan: Oh, my pleasure.

Dr. Stan: All right. Well, why don’t you just give our listeners the background of this incredible incredible story you heard 28 years ago, which is so prophetic as far as what is unfolding today. And let me just for the listener comment on one of the things that was said 28 years ago was that ‘We would have sex without reproduction and reproduction without sex.’ And as we begin thinking about the artificial insemination and now the new cloning process, you realize that what was said 28 years ago to a young pediatrician is all coming to pass, part of a long-range plan of a group of men who have an agenda, so, why don’t you pick up the story from there?

Dr. Dunegan: When we sat down to listen to the lecture, we were all expecting something clinical. Dr. Day – his areas of primary research concern, had always been newborn premature birth, and the problems with con - icterus coming from neonatal jaundice and temperature control in premature babies. So we were all expecting something scientific and as the presentation unfolded, it was quite a surprise because it was nothing scientific. It was what we might call sociologic. And as you alluded while ago, Dr. Day had indicated that he wanted to see nobody taking notes or using a tape recorder because of the things he was going to talk about. Actually, he said in the process ‘If you ever quote me on these things, I will deny them.” He seemed to be indicating that there could be some sort of physical danger to him for speaking out about such things. That was more a suggested than, I think, rather than an explicit statement, but yeah, when you hear that sort of thing very early in what you are anticipating to be a scientific presentation, that really caught my attention. You know, what are you going to be telling us that could put you in some danger one way or another?

Anyway, as the presentation unfolded, he began by stating that anybody with an education could do the arithmetic and determine that the earth would soon be overpopulated if there were no limits put on human reproduction. And quite possibly overpopulation then would be outgrowing our natural resources and over-pollution of the planet. These people always refer to the world or the earth as “the planet.”

So in the beginning it seemed as though the presentation was almost an apology for things that we in the audience would find unpalatable. But there were several times during the presentation where he would say ‘This is the only way. There’s no other way.’ This is sort of implying that he knew these things would maybe not sound acceptable to many, if not all, in the audience.

So the thing that really this whole thing hung on was population control, and up until that time I had heard, most of us had heard, that term “population control” – to me it primarily meant limiting births. By the end of the presentation, I realized that population control has a much much broader meaning that just limiting number of births and even who or who may not be allowed to give birth because the presentation covered just human endeavor – education, employment, industry, entertainment, sports, toys for children, clothing, a whole bunch of things that maybe we can get in to as we go on here as time allows.

But mentioning as he did ‘sex without reproduction and reproduction without sex’, that was an important part of this. Also money and banking, which was toward the end of his presentation – the cashless society, the move from cash to credit cards to a single credit card to a single identifying card, and then only at the end because cards can be lost or stolen, some sort of implant under the skin. In those days silicone implants were under their very first stages of development. Silicone is inert so the body tends to tolerate it fairly well. And this implant then would serve as identification and be an element in carrying on commerce, which as I say would replace cash, would replace checking account, replace credit cards, which back at that time were really accelerating in use, so that all of these items that serve your financial banking needs also would serve as your identification and this could be implanted.

I’m laughing because at the time he said ‘some of you hearing this will right away think there’s a religious connotation here. And at that time I had no idea what he was referring to. I was not much of a bible scholar and it was only later that I read the book of the Apocalypse about the mark of the beast on the hand or the forehead. And I made the connection then and I realized why he said what he said.

Dr. Stan: Did he tell you what the relationship was to banking and international finance, or was this just a casual remark about the fact that we would progress to a situation or a society where everybody would be marked and identified?

Dr. Dunegan: Yes, he went… The presentation was that the changes that he was projecting from then, 1969, the target date to have them all in place was the turn of the century.

Dr. Stan: The year 2000. Right.

Dr. Dunegan: Give or take a few years according to how well it would progress, but there was where they were shooting. And this was worldwide, not just the United States or not just the United States, Europe, or so called Western civilization. But this was to be global, the entire world.

Dr. Stan: Now, did he tell you who was going to be doing it or was it just that it was just going to happen and there is some group behind this?

Dr. Dunegan: It’s going to happen. He never used a proper noun. He used only one proper noun in the entire presentation, and it was the Rockefeller Institute.

Dr. Stan: What was the tie-in of the Rockefeller Institute into this? Now did he say?

Dr. Dunegan: That had to do with research and treatment of cancer.

Dr. Stan: And there was something about ‘they had treatments for cancer but they didn’t want to release them because we had to have people dying off? What was that?

Dr. Dunegan: Yes, that’s just about what it was. Many or most cancers now could be cured. Now this was back in 1969. Many or most cancers now are curable but the information has been held in Rockefeller Institute files because imagine what would happen if people stopped dying of cancer.

Dr. Stan: And of course that’s exactly what Thomas Malthus wrote about back in 1800. You know we had to have people dying so we could have new people born. Fascinating.

Pardon me for interrupting you but I just wanted to bring that fact out. So 28 years ago you’re hearing the predictions of what the future holds for the world. Why don’t you pick it up from there?

Dr. Dunegan: Well….I’m just trying to recall where he started. There was this general overview about controlling births – who may or may not be able to have birth, implying that certain people would not be allowed to have children. Most people would be allowed two. Exceptional people might be allowed three. But never more than that.

The replacement statistic that is widely quoted is 2.1 births per couple. The .1… meaning … you know – two would replace the two parents and then the .1 is because of some untimely deaths -- disease or accidents at whatever replacement level felt to be just above the level 2.

In that context too, he mentioned something that we feel that we can accelerate and control evolution. This was in the context of controlling who might be allowed to reproduce. In other words, if your genes were acceptable, you would be allowed to bear children. If they were not, you might be forbidden to bear children.

That’s when the business about “sex without babies and babies without sex’ got some development in that certain people who had desirable genetic characteristics that should be perpetuated for the good of the world could be, would be encouraged to reproduce, but they need not reproduce in the natural way through sexual intercourse, but that this could all be done in a laboratory.

Then, along those lines, a question which he anticipated…by the way I should say that there was no opportunity for any of us in the audience to ask any questions, but because the sexual instincts are so strong, he said you might think that at first we would try to de-emphasize sex but that’s nearly impossible to do because feelings are so strong, so the plan is to go the other way, to encourage sexual activity to promote sexual desire. Do it in such a way that it is directed away from reproduction. And part and parcel of that then was promotion of contraceptive devices. They would be promoted in such a way that it would be just instinctive or natural that if you were thinking about sex, you would automatically connect it to contraception. That sex without contraception would be sort of a deliberate mental process, but most sexual activity would be linked to contraception.

Now, how do you do that? Well, sex education in the schools …

Dr. Stan: Now was he talking about sex education and its importance back there in 1969?

Dr. Dunegan: Yes. He developed that to some extent – that this would be taught in the schools. Kids would be taught that … see, the birth control pill was …’69 …the birth control pill came in about …

Dr. Stan: It was around the early sixties, mid sixties, wasn’t it?

Dr. Dunegan: Early to middle sixties.

Dr. Stan: Right.

Dr. Dunegan: So this was all fairly new stuff. And of course he talked about stuff that had been around a while too – condoms and diaphragms. But that this would be taught in the schools, the use of these.

I remember that particularly because as he was saying this, recalling some of my teachers from high school – like saying ‘oh, I can remember Ms. So and So – she would never feel that she could talk about these things. I was thinking of one of my algebra teachers. (laughter) He was talking about something entirely different, but you know there was the connection I made in my mind. In my high school, this never would have gotten off the ground.

Dr. Stan: You were frantically taking notes all during of this lecture on napkins that you had, so that nobody would really realize that you were taking notes because you had been asked not to, but you sensed that this was important, so you were recording this for posterity.

Dr. Dunegan: Yes, many of the things that he said, I had heard before from other sources, primarily one source, which I considered to be unreliable. And I had heard it at length with some repetition to the point where actually it became annoying to me, and I dismissed it because I considered the source unreliable. And here… it was few years later… see, the first I had heard it, it was from this viewpoint. I stand out here seeing over there that there is a conspiracy going on. It’s very broad based. It’s very pervasive. It’s very subtle and nobody knows it. Only a few of us who are able to see this know what’s going on. Well, I dismissed that.

Well then here in 1969 I heard the other end. I’m part of it. I know what’s going on. I’ve been told what’s going on. I’ve been privy to certain privileged information, and here it is. (laughter)

So, you know, hearing all this stuff from a different perspective, I’m not an outsider looking in. I’m an insider speaking out the window to you. Believe me, that had quite an impact. Most of the things he said I had heard before, and then as the talk unfolded and quite frankly was offensive in many ways to me. It wasn’t things that I was hearing for the first time, but rather confirming some things that I had heard before.

Like the relocation of industries, breaking down our armed forces, shipping our jobs overseas so that unemployment would go up. Those are some that I had heard before but would not believe.

End of Part 1 of 5