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Thread: Covert Microwave weapons used to cause cancers.

  1. #1
    Iridium Awoke's Avatar
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    Covert Microwave weapons used to cause cancers.

    For the record, I have not read this entire piece yet. I'm working on it though. Interesting so far.

    Jenny Crwys Williams interviews Barrie Trower, retired British military intelligence scientist in microwave and stealth warfare.
    Listen to interview here


    Jenny Crwys-Williams:Now we're speaking to Barrie Trower, and it is Trower isn't it?

    Barrie Trower: Yes ma'am.

    JCW: And Barrie you are a retired British military intelligence scientist, and for years and years and years you worked in microwave and stealth warfare. What does that actually mean?

    BT: During the 1950s...and may I say good afternoon ma'am...

    JCW: ~Laughs~ Good afternoon.

    BT: During the 1950s and 1960s during the Cold War, it was realised both by accident that microwaves could be used as stealth weapons against the Russians beamed the American embassy during the Cold War and it gave everybody working in the embassy cancer, breast cancers, leukemias whatever, and it was realised then that low level microwaves were the perfect stealth weapon to be used on dissident groups around the world, because you could make dissident groups sick, give them cancer, change their mental outlook on life without them even knowing they were being radiated, and one of my particular tasks...I spent eleven years questioning captured of my particular tasks was to learn the particular frequencies of microwaves that they used on which particular victims, if I may use that word, and what the outcome was, and I built up a dossier...I'm probably the only person in the world with the complete list...I built up a dossier of what pulse frequencies of microwaves will cause what psychological or physiological damage to a person.

    JCW: That's not covered under the official secrets act or anything like that, is it?

    BT: To be honest ma'am, I don't care about the official secrets act when I see what is going on in the world through...really ignorance...what I call ignorance. I think the official secrets act goes by the [ball?].
    They can do with me what they like, but I feel that it is my task to answer questions from governments, royalty, schools, anybody around the world, I tell them exactly what I know, exactly what I've done so that governments and organisations and people can actually make safe levels.

    JCW: Okay, so you did this work for eleven years, but you've also been involved, obviously, in stealth warfare microwave, and your particular expertise was on the impact of this radiation on health and brain functioning.

    BT: Absolutely.

    JCW: And you debriefed microwaved spies and dissidents and things as you explained to us. So what are you doing here in South Africa?

    BT: I was asked to come...

    JCW: ...stranded in South Africa...

    BT: ...stranded in South Africa, well, not stranded until tomorrow, uhm, there's a very young lady who was sitting outside...organised a series of lectures and talks for...there's a little boy not far away with a tumour...near a transmitter and I was asked to go see the little boy and discuss what I knew...uhm...his majesty in Botswana asked me to give a conference, or present a conference to his ministers on, not only the health issues, but the environmental impact to the animals.
    Uhm...I'm doing a public talk this evening for anybody to turn, it's really the young lady taking me around. I have a series of interviews, lectures, newspaper articles...anyone that really wants to know will just come and ask whatever questions they like to ask. So I'm here as a guest in what I think is the most beautiful country in the world without a shadow of a doubt, and I'm being taken around and asked questions which I'm answering.

    JCW: Alright, so just remember the lines are open, 883 0702 and if someone is erecting say a...we're talking cell phone masts, aren't we?

    BT: Cell phone...ordinary cell phone masts...and wi fi.

    JCW: Okay, and wi fi in your office...and...

    BT: Yup, and walkabout telephones...anything which emits microwaves.

    JCW: Okay, so if you've got any questions, give us a call on 883 0702 and we've got an expert here and he has got information that very few people, I dare say, are privy to. So what is electromagnetic radiation? Just's the same thing as microwaves? Is that correct?

    BT: The electromagnetic spectrum is a band that goes from gamma rays and x-rays at one end, the very high energy waves, and it comes down through visible light, which is also some radiation, and then it goes through infrared microwaves, tv and radio. Now the only ones which really affect us in the communications industry are the microwaves, and microwaves have a special ability to interfere with water, which is how microwave ovens work, and we are made of water.
    All of our chemical and electrical signals involve water in the body, somehow, electrical communications in the body. So, the industry has picked the worst possible part of the electromagnetic spectrum to give to young children and to adults.

    JCW: And here we are talking about cell phones for instance...that's what you're talking about.

    BT: Cell phones yes, yes ma'am.

    JCW: So, if France for instance is saying that children should not be given mobile phones under the age of fourteen, for instance...uhm...the European parliament voted by a large majority to recommend tighter safety standards, and this included wi fi and whatever, but also protecting vulnerable groups like children...pregnant moms as well?

    Read the rest at the link. The maximum allowable post is 20,000 characters, and even when I cut this interview in half it still exceeded that limit. He gets talking about WiFi effects on children, especially youg girls, etc.

    April 19, 2010
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  2. #2
    Platinum undgrd's Avatar
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    Re: Covert Microwave weapons used to cause cancers.

    MP3 of the interview can be downloaded from the link below.

    Edit: just noticed the link is in the original post but I'll leave this up anyway
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  3. #3
    Great Value Chinese Military Shovel TheNocturnalEgyptian's Avatar
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    Re: Covert Microwave weapons used to cause cancers.

    Thanks, Awoke. Low Frequency Electro Magnetic Radiation is very real and there is a lot the everyman can do to mitigate its dangers.
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  4. #4
    Tired Administrator Gaillo's Avatar
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    Re: Covert Microwave weapons used to cause cancers.

    Didn't they kill the Shaw of Iran with a microwave weapon from the next hotel room over? Something I remember from somewhere, but can't quite put my finger on...
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  5. #5
    Iridium Awoke's Avatar
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    Re: Covert Microwave weapons used to cause cancers.

    I've had such a busy weekend that I still haven't read all this yet. I have DLed the MP3 though, so I will listen to it on the way to work.
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  6. #6
    Potmetal Cebu_4_2's Avatar
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    Re: Covert Microwave weapons used to cause cancers.

    Listening to the MP3, Excellent find!!!

    Pretty much sums up the dead honey bee syndrome too.

    Wow. This is definetly a must hear clip, I would have read it but I can multi task while listening.
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  7. #7
    Iridium Awoke's Avatar
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    Re: Covert Microwave weapons used to cause cancers.

    I'm looking forward to the drive in to work tomorrow. I ripped it to a CD.
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  8. #8
    Potmetal Cebu_4_2's Avatar
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    Re: Covert Microwave weapons used to cause cancers.

    The guy is so polite I thought I was listening to people in the Philippines, I have not tried to debunk anything he said and take it as truth. I think you will enjoy this education.
    Jackie did it and you know it!

  9. #9
    .999 Unobtanium Horn's Avatar
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    Re: Covert Microwave weapons used to cause cancers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cebu_4_2
    The guy is so polite I thought I was listening to people in the Philippines, I have not tried to debunk anything he said and take it as truth. I think you will enjoy this education.
    I'll try it because you said that.

    Before I was thinking if I clicked it I would fry my brain all by myself.

    Just due to the topic.
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  10. #10
    Potmetal Cebu_4_2's Avatar
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    Re: Covert Microwave weapons used to cause cancers.

    Hahahaha, I try to look at everything with an outside perspective and trust no one and nothing without debunking as a natural stance. Even if 100% false the politeness was worth hearing LOL. I did take away a lot of info regarding cell phone towers and the radiation emitted. He mentions that Taiwan removed all cell phone and WIFI from their schools, can anyone debunk this part for me? Man I need sleep soon.
    Jackie did it and you know it!

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