I haven't read Martin Luther's Jews and their Lies, however, I have read about the context of Luther's work on this subject. This was at the website 'Come and Hear', which is about the Talmud. That web site has the contents of a book by Elizabeth Dilling called The Jewish Religion, It's Influence Today.
She has an entire chapter about Martin Luther and The Jews and Their Lies.
Wherever I look, it seems that the entire problem for Jews is the Talmud. The Talmud was written by the Pharisees who were the elite Jews at the time of Jesus Christ, and who were instrumental in his crucifixion. The modern Talmudic rabbis are carrying on the hatreds of the Pharisees toward Jesus Christ specifically, and toward Christianity in general.
I think Dilling's book gives a great insight into why Jews are so much hated throughout the world. This is the best explanation I have yet found for the real roots of anti-semitism. It is not an irrational hatred of Jews. There is a rational basis for it. It is a reaction to the anti-gentilism of the Jews, which you never hear about. Martin Luther's Jews and their Lies is precisely that--a reaction to Jewish anti-gentilism.