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Thread: 'Accidental' History In the Middle East

  1. #1
    Hatha Sunahara's Avatar
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    'Accidental' History In the Middle East

    For those who believe what the mainstream media tells them, here is something that you'll find hard to believe:

    There was a story recently about mass graves in Northern Syria that had bodies of police in them. Ordinarily if there is a popular uprising, as there was in Egypt, or in Bahrain, it is the police that do the killing of angry, but unarmed civilians. When you hear about the police being killed, you might suspect that it is not a popular uprising, but an armed insurrection sponsored by a power that wants 'the people' to clobber the regime.

    The story at the link above points to a 'war plan' developed by America's security apparatus regarding the middle east. They plan to topple Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan.

    I have to admit this is a pretty clever plan, but completely unlawful and unconstitutional. It is something analogous to Hitler's plan to conquer all of Europe after he established his dictatorship in Germany. In 1940, he send his wehrmacht west to take over France, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, and Norway. In the following year, he sent his armies east into the Soviet Union. Hitler had a plan. It wasn't just a series of accidents. America's security establishment also has a plan for world domination, and this is the next part of it. New dictators--puppets beholden to the US for their power will be installed in these NWO provinces as soon as 'the people' in these countries prevail.

    Anybody care to speculate on what countries are next on the list? Pakistan is surely one of the next targets. Iran as well. Russia is once again being encircled, as is China. Is this the buildup to Armageddon? How far do you think it will go? Is there any possibility that this aggression can be stopped by the American people restraining their government? Or is it all just accidental--that we are responding to 'threats against our interests by the terrorists'?

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  2. #2
    Palladium letter_factory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hatha Sunahara View Post
    For those who believe what the mainstream media tells them, here is something that you'll find hard to believe:
    Is there any possibility that this aggression can be stopped by the American people restraining their government?


    :lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol:

  3. #3
    Subtle OP propaganda. No mention of the Zionists behind it today while badmouthing Hitler and Germany for what happened in the last century.

  4. #4
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    You will soon see dead men in Lebanese uniforms on the side of the state of Israel border , about theirty of them, who tried to invade the Zionist state....................but of course those will be nothing more than dead Palestinians sheepers in lebanese uniforms made by the state of Israel................................any excuse to invade is a good excuse.
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  5. #5
    Great Value Carrots iOWNme's Avatar
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    I still say the REAL enemy is Russia. (call me kooky) This is why you almost NEVER hear of them as an enemy anymore.

    And we all know who runs the Soviets, .......the FAKE Jews of course.
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