How so? Rights are modified and/or signed away by people all the time in order to grant jurisdiction over them to the government.
What do you think a marriage license is? Or a drivers licence? Or any other gov-granted "right" or benefit that you fell all over yourself to get?
ie it's you asking for and accepting to be under their jurisdiction. Did you not read what you signed?
That you made your own legal determination about your status, and then acted upon that determination, is all
they are acting on in response
Once you agree they apply, there's no picking and choosing for you, as to which regulations you want to abide by. It's an all-or-none kinda deal.
...and do you
really think God won't let you use your own free will to agree to be someones slave? It's called having another God before Him. Look around you. People do that all the time.
Perhaps not out of the womb, but did you
not go sign documents that acknowledge their jurisdiction?
...but you didn't really mean to, right?
Then you need to teach your children the full implications of accepting gov benefits so that they might be able to make their own, truly informed choice upon reaching the age of majority.
ie that you need them to have a # now in order to make
your life easier is no excuse for them not being able to make their own legal determination as to what applies to them.
To do anything less is to dis-serve them.
And just what did it gain her? All I see is that it made it even more certain that she'll not see her kid for a while.
The realization that ones own hand is at least partly responsible for their current situation can be quite un-palatable to most people who currently see themselves as being 100% victimized by their circumstances.
ie cognitive dissonance can be a real bitch.