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Thread: Anna Barnhardt Interview on MF Global - YOU MUST LISTEN!!!!

  1. #1
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Anna Barnhardt Interview on MF Global - YOU MUST LISTEN!!!!

    MF Global Fiasco

    Listen to Jim Puplava interview Anna Barnhardt about the MF Global bankruptcy and John Corzine.

    How is this guy NOT IN JAIL ? ? ? (We know why, but STILL... If you or I walked into a store and stole $500, we would be put in handcuffs and thrown in jail. This guy stole over 1 BILLION and is out walking the streets...

    This woman hits it out of the park. I think that she is 100% correct. Finally we have someone on the inside speaking bluntly and honestly about how the sociopaths and money junkies have looted the country.
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

  2. #2
    Gold jimswift's Avatar
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    Re: Anna Barnhardt Interview on MF Global - YOU MUST LISTEN!!!!

    Yeah doc she was on fire in this clip.

    'physical, physical, physical!!'
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  3. #3
    Great Value Carrots Silver Rocket Bitches!'s Avatar
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    Re: Anna Barnhardt Interview on MF Global - YOU MUST LISTEN!!!!

    She ripped it like a page out of the Koran.
    everything we learn changes that which we know to be true

  4. #4
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: Anna Barnhardt Interview on MF Global - YOU MUST LISTEN!!!!

    When someone like Barnhardt, who heretofore was a thoroughly orthodox inside broker/trader of paper, starts screaming to get out of paper and buy physical, you know it is late in the day. You can be sure she made this call with great deliberation, knowing that she would be ostracized as a kook and alarmist by her peers. Funny though, she has gotten virtually no flack in the press - they are not laughing at her. In fact, there has been an eery silence in the aftermath of her jetissoning from the mainstream investment class.
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

  5. #5
    Platinum mightymanx's Avatar
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    Re: Anna Barnhardt Interview on MF Global - YOU MUST LISTEN!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni View Post
    When someone like Barnhardt, who heretofore was a thoroughly orthodox inside broker/trader of paper, starts screaming to get out of paper and buy physical, you know it is late in the day. You can be sure she made this call with great deliberation, knowing that she would be ostracized as a kook and alarmist by her peers. Funny though, she has gotten virtually no flack in the press - they are not laughing at her. In fact, there has been an eery silence in the aftermath of her jetissoning from the mainstream investment class.

    The ships are starting to leave the drowning rat.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNocturnalEgyptian View Post
    The main thing I learned from history is that most men fail to learn from history.

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    Re: Anna Barnhardt Interview on MF Global - YOU MUST LISTEN!!!!

    Sad that this sub-forum is only viewable to logged-in members... why is that?
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  7. #7

    Re: Anna Barnhardt Interview on MF Global - YOU MUST LISTEN!!!!

    She's a Zio shill Mamboni. Keep that in mind when forming an opinion of this prostitute. She is making the rounds over the internet and is highly provocative, well funded and extremely pro Israel.

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    Great Value Carrots Santa's Avatar
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    Re: Anna Barnhardt Interview on MF Global - YOU MUST LISTEN!!!!

    Funny though, she has gotten virtually no flack in the press - they are not laughing at her.
    I think she IS the "press."
    "Trust those who seek the truth, but doubt those who say they found it."

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    Re: Anna Barnhardt Interview on MF Global - YOU MUST LISTEN!!!!

    Ann Barnhardt: Well get the hell out. Get out of all paper and it's not just the commodities markets. This is going to cascade through everything. It is going to get into the equities. It is going to get into 401ks and IRAs, it is going to get into pension plans and so on and so forth. Total systemic collapse. Get out! I don’t know how I can be anymore plain about this. I say this over and over and over again and then I get scads of emails saying, well I can’t get out of my 401k. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Take the penalty and get the hell out of there.

    What would you rather do? Would you rather pay the 10% penalty or would you rather have it all go up in smoke? Because that's what we're staring down the barrel of. Number two, we seem to have this backwards. In terms of what I do, cattle and grain specifically, the futures markets are the derivatives. The futures markets are derived from the actual cash commodity market.

    Now, I am blessed because my area of expertise is actually in the physical cash market, actual cattle on the hoof. So I have a consulting firm and I'll continue to teach cattlemen how to trade actual physical cattle. But, yeah, to all the people out there listening—you are going to have to get away from paper and get back into physical commodities, the real deal. Anything that is on paper anything that involves a promise or a commitment is no longer valid because as we said there isn’t a rule of law anymore. People can steal from you. Your money can be confiscated. And think how easy now it is to confiscate people’s wealth. Most of our wealth in this society exists as zeroes and ones on a computer server. It takes no effort whatsoever to steal zeros and ones on a computer server. So what I have been telling people is you need to get into physical commodities.

    And the rule of thumb is if you can stand in front of it with an assault rifle and physically protect it, then it's real—it's a real commodity.

    That includes food, that includes water, that includes long guns and ammunition. That includes fuel. That includes precious metals—gold and silver coinage. Most especially silver coinage because silver is the metal of barter and transaction and currency. Gold is the storage metal because it's so valuable per ounce. And also, silver is extremely undervalued relative to gold because that market has been synthetically suppressed for the last several years by again, these nefarious actors. So yeah, reallocate into physical commodities.

    Reminds me of this:

  10. #10
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: Anna Barnhardt Interview on MF Global - YOU MUST LISTEN!!!!

    To Obi Wan Celente you listen!

    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

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