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Thread: Alex Jones: Ron Paul in the fight for his life

  1. #11
    .999 Unobtanium Horn's Avatar
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    Re: Alex Jones: Ron Paul in the fight for his life

    Grappling With Ron Paul's Racist Newsletters

    Did you know about the racist newsletters published in the late 1980s and early 1990s under Ron Paul's name? As the Texas Congressman surges in the GOP primary, the story of the newsletters is garnering headlines, as it did during his 1996 House campaign and his 2008 presidential run. He's always insisted that he didn't write the egregiously offensive material, and long ago repudiated it (though not as soon as he should have). Is this an old story voters will look beyond, like Newt Gingrich's affairs? Or a new story for the vast majority of voters and the plurality of journalists who are less familiar with Paul than the other GOP frontrunners? Is it coming up now "for political reasons"? Or because it's a legitimate subject of inquiry despite having been aired before in the media?

    It seems to me that the story's reemergence was inevitable and necessary to fully inform primary voters about their choices. This level of scrutiny is rightly what comes with contending for the presidency.

    In any case, the story is once again in the news.

    In The Weekly Standard, Jamie Kirchick has returned to the subject, which he first tackled in a 2008 piece for The New Republic. Jonathan Chait has titled a New York magazine item on the matter "Ron Paul Is a Huge Racist." At The Washington Examiner, Tim Carney complains that if Ron Paul wins Iowa the GOP establishment is going to try to illegitimately tar him as a racist. Jonah Goldberg says at National Review that it's perfectly legitimate to rehash these questions.

    Philip Klein agrees.

    Who is right?

    The question is complicated by facts not in evidence and inherently subjective judgments about politics, race, and the norms that govern how much a candidate's bygone associations matter. My conclusions are conflicted -- more on that shortly -- but this much I can say: a thorough airing of the facts is the best place to begin. (If you've read the major pieces already skip down to the next subhead).

    Let's start with Kirchick's piece from 1998:

  2. #12
    Militant Wing of the Salvation Army midnight rambler's Avatar
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    Re: Alex Jones: Ron Paul in the fight for his life

    The media jackals hammer Dr. Paul over utter bullshit while they TOTALLY give the Communist Kenyan bastard child a free pass over associating with a known terrorist (Ayers), the son of a known terrorist (Rahmbo), and a radical cleric (Wright) amongst others - and that's just for starters.
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  3. #13
    Militant Wing of the Salvation Army midnight rambler's Avatar
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    Re: Alex Jones: Ron Paul in the fight for his life

    Prayer works, and it time to double down on your prayers for Dr. Paul.
    "A man is to be held accountable for the thoughts he chooses to entertain." --Richard Alan Miller

    "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable-what then?" --George Orwell

    "It's not a matter of what is true (reality) that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true (reality)." --Henry Kissinger

  4. #14
    Great Fricken Yarn muffin's Avatar
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    Re: Alex Jones: Ron Paul in the fight for his life

    well i'm glad i burn my trash....
    Quote Originally Posted by TheNocturnalEgyptian View Post
    Be polite to everyone you meet, but have a plan to attack them just in case.
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    What can religion do ...............send people mad,crazy and make people kill.

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