why do they need to exchange or create new dollars? can't they just print the shit out of it so it's worth 40% less? i must be missing something.
why do they need to exchange or create new dollars? can't they just print the shit out of it so it's worth 40% less? i must be missing something.
Fiat creation and possibly exchange rates. It has always worked before, why not again? The only other way they can devaluate is by pegging it to precious metals at an artificial price, in which case they must hold the metals. This itself is pegging to another currency, gold and silver. The government after all was the original adherent to the "if you don't hold it, you don't own it." meme.
Their check kiting with counterfit dollars scheme has almost reached an end. Get ready for destruction. There is a reason why they are pushing toward tyranny so hard so fast. In order to implement a cashless system they will have to maintsream a lot of marginalized people and they don't have the resources to do that. There is still a huge segment of the population that use cash and can only use cash for the foreseable future. They don't want to lose benefit of all these marginalized Morlocks just yet. Maybe this is the reason for the Fema camps?
What is amazing is how long England has been able to keep using the pound. The pound empire is not near the size of the dollar empire though and thus it is easier to maintain appearances. Isn't that what it is all about? Appearances. Substance was thrown out of the money creation game long ago.
But what do I know....
Regarding a ~40% devaluation, a possible scenario is something where a group of nations decide at once to no longer accept USD in oil trades. Since all these players are working for the same team the FED would step in as buyer of last resort of all UST bonds held by countries such as China, Brazil, others...
Those dollars would flood back to the US money supply causing a tremendous shock/inflation event.
Just 1 possible scenario.
That's what I think has a high probability of happening.
ie IMHO, the "money" needed for a hyper inflation has already been created and is currently sitting on the side-lines.....so to speak. If it all suddenly comes into play, look out below!
When Treasurys come due, haven't they for the most part simply been "rolled over" into new Treasurys? For the past how many decades?
If the "wealth" those bonds represent suddenly starts seeking tangible goods and services, what would happen then?