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Thread: MAMBONI: Superlatives Fail. ECB Checkmates Bundesbank & All CBs As of 2.19.2012

  1. #11
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Superlatives Fail. ECB Checkmates Bundesbank & All CBs As of 2.19.2012

    Perhaps this is the reason there are so many banking chiefs resigning.
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  2. #12

    Re: Superlatives Fail. ECB Checkmates Bundesbank & All CBs As of 2.19.2012

    Monty !

    You make an excellent point. I noticed that very litany myself just this last week, and said, hmmmm, as I kept reading one after another after another from the likes of Bloomberg, Reuters, Wash Post, BusinessWeek, etc. Me thinks the trend just might well accelerate.

    Only question in my mind is this: Is there an endless queue of low-lifers to replace the revolving door ousted?

    Peace, brother.


  3. #13
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Superlatives Fail. ECB Checkmates Bundesbank & All CBs As of 2.19.2012

    The question comes to my mind 1) if these central banks don't ante up or can't ante up because they don't have any real assets how will this be enforced and who will be the enforcer?

    2) How is the likely to play out?
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  4. #14

    Re: Superlatives Fail. ECB Checkmates Bundesbank & All CBs As of 2.19.2012

    Monty, it always comes down to who has the most stuff, aka land and commodities. In the old days it was wives, sheep, goats, cattle. Nowadays it is........?

    That's why ability to print money is so damnable. ECB has now created an ECB Boardroom Dart Board. Each dart is now inscribed with the name of the pet project, or coveted commodity atop ECB's short list.

    The names of ALL other central banks controlling sovereign money printing who are geographically ensconched in various commodity rich regions are the LABELED rings and numbered sectors on the ECB dartboard target.

    The obvious selected darts are:
    energy supplies,
    fissile materials,
    precious metals,
    potable water,
    weather control.

    Ever wondered about how/what "Sovereign Governmental Preppers" do?
    Answer: underground caverns/heirloom seed repositories/oil reserves/gas reserves/now Russian controlled access to 15 mile below Antartica's surface in the form of ancient, Fresh Water supply.

    I submit all has already been created against the day when the sacred cows of civilization have been all slaughtered, and the end game of sovereign commodity consumption has engaged.

    Sacred Cows currently on the slaughterhouse floors
    US Constitution? GUTTED!
    Segregated Customer Funds? Butchered Myth
    Real Money? eColi Bacterially infested Counterfeited Fiat
    Fairness in defaulted debtor CAC bond issuances? Assassin Bullet riddled.

    ALL else but successful commodities acquisition to sustain earth plane life is MacBethean "sound and fury."

    Death is how it will play out, Monty. That is the grand design of the dark agendae/PTB.

    Unfortunately, tortuous hours in monkey suits at a plethora of operas in my lifetime has shown, the fat lady sings many more arias and appears in many more operatic acts before finally succumbing to "consumption"... pardon the pun.


  5. #15
    .999 Unobtanium Horn's Avatar
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    Re: MAMBONI: Superlatives Fail. ECB Checkmates Bundesbank & All CBs As of 2.19.2012

    Quote Originally Posted by beefsteak View Post
    Is there an endless queue of low-lifers to replace the revolving door ousted?

    Peace, brother.

    A better question is, How will the "low-lifers" maintain sovereign debt without any sovereignty.
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  6. #16
    Great Value Carrots joboo's Avatar
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    Re: MAMBONI: Superlatives Fail. ECB Checkmates Bundesbank & All CBs As of 2.19.2012

    Maybe those people did not leave voluntarily.
    It was time to move on. Too many jello head moonbats with personality issues post on this forum.

  7. #17
    Unobtanium gunDriller's Avatar
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    Re: MAMBONI: Superlatives Fail. ECB Checkmates Bundesbank & All CBs As of 2.19.2012

    it's going to take me a few weeks or months to understand this, with the help of this thread, ZeroHedge, and some King World & Financial Sense webcasts.

    but i have a feeling that the "if you don't hold it, you don't own it" maxim just got "kicked up a notch".

    also, that it is wise to prepare for a bank holiday - which means having enough cash to pay the mortgage - not relying on a checking account.

    if i have the funds in my checking account, but can't get to them - i have a hunch that whoever my mortgage was sold to could care less - they will just {evil laugh} NOW YOUR HOUSE BELONGS TO US !

    the baseball in this game of hardball keeps getting harder & harder.
    Retired Director Morris Waxler says the FDA did not do their job for 15 years - and is not now.

  8. #18

    Re: MAMBONI: Superlatives Fail. ECB Checkmates Bundesbank & All CBs As of 2.19.2012

    It's not just mortgage payments, gunny, the game has another level of confiscation. Remember Pastor LW exhorting to have a couple years property taxes set by for those amongst GS-US'ers who have paid for real estate for what is coming.

    The only other option is to remove paid for real estate from the tax rolls.

  9. #19

    Re: Superlatives Fail. ECB Checkmates Bundesbank & All CBs As of 2.19.2012

    Quote Originally Posted by beefsteak View Post
    Monty, it always comes down to who has the most stuff, aka land and commodities. In the old days it was wives, sheep, goats, cattle. Nowadays it is........?

    That's why ability to print money is so damnable. ECB has now created an ECB Boardroom Dart Board. Each dart is now inscribed with the name of the pet project, or coveted commodity atop ECB's short list.

    The names of ALL other central banks controlling sovereign money printing who are geographically ensconched in various commodity rich regions are the LABELED rings and numbered sectors on the ECB dartboard target.

    The obvious selected darts are:
    energy supplies,
    fissile materials,
    precious metals,
    potable water,
    weather control.

    Ever wondered about how/what "Sovereign Governmental Preppers" do?
    Answer: underground caverns/heirloom seed repositories/oil reserves/gas reserves/now Russian controlled access to 15 mile below Antartica's surface in the form of ancient, Fresh Water supply.

    I submit all has already been created against the day when the sacred cows of civilization have been all slaughtered, and the end game of sovereign commodity consumption has engaged.

    Sacred Cows currently on the slaughterhouse floors
    US Constitution? GUTTED!
    Segregated Customer Funds? Butchered Myth
    Real Money? eColi Bacterially infested Counterfeited Fiat
    Fairness in defaulted debtor CAC bond issuances? Assassin Bullet riddled.

    ALL else but successful commodities acquisition to sustain earth plane life is MacBethean "sound and fury."

    Death is how it will play out, Monty. That is the grand design of the dark agendae/PTB.

    Unfortunately, tortuous hours in monkey suits at a plethora of operas in my lifetime has shown, the fat lady sings many more arias and appears in many more operatic acts before finally succumbing to "consumption"... pardon the pun.

    PRECIOUS METALS Operatic (consumption) Act IV's curtain has just been lifted....

    Thank you, Tyler Durden/ZERO Hedge


  10. #20

    Re: Superlatives Fail. ECB Checkmates Bundesbank & All CBs As of 2.19.2012

    This is chilling in light of what just happened on Sunday with ECB subordinating all other CBs in an unanticipated, bloodless coup.

    Following is proof to me that "it truly is not a matter of if but WHEN" for the USA me thinks based upon this graphic.

    23-Feb (The Weekly Standard) — The office of Senator Jeff Sessions, ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee, sends along this chart, showing that ‘America’s Per Capita Government Debt Worse Than Greece,’ as well as Ireland, Italy, France, Portugal, and Spain:

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