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Thread: Chris Rock Attacks Tea Party as racists, Attacks Reporter Questioning

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    Chris Rock Attacks Tea Party as racists, Attacks Reporter Questioning

    Drudge just highlighted this off of Breitbart.

    EXCLUSIVE: Chris Rock Attacks Conservative Author Over Tea Party Question

    The New York Times bestselling author of the explosive new book, Hollywood Hypocrites: The Devastating Truth About Obama’s Biggest Backers, Jason Mattera, had his crew’s camera snatched and hurled by comedian Chris Rock when he asked the star why he has called the Tea Party racist (video below).

    “I was stunned,” said Mr. Mattera in an exclusive interview with Big Hollywood. “Tea Party members get called the worst things imaginable and still remain peaceful. But ask a big Hollywood celebrity to explain himself and the guy goes ballistic, wrestles the camera away from my camerawoman, chucks it 50 feet, and then challenges me to a fight. It’s unreal. And it perfectly illustrates why I decided to investigate and writeHollywood Hypocrites.”

    The confrontation, which took place around 2:00 a.m. on January 23, 2012, at Spike Lee’s Sundance Film Festival after party at Tao night club, ended with Chris Rock challenging the conservative author to a fight, says Mr. Mattera:

    “Chris Rock shouted, ‘You want to throw down? Let’s throw down right now!’ Of course, he was standing safely behind two bodyguards when he said it.”

    The clash was ignited when Jason Mattera inquired about disparaging comments Chris Rock made about the Tea Party in an Esquire article in 2011:
    When I see the Tea Party and all this stuff, it actually feels like racism's almost over. Because this is the last — this is the act up before the sleep. They're going crazy. They're insane. You want to get rid of them — and the next thing you know, they're fucking knocked out. And that's what's going on in the country right now.
    Jason Mattera says his confrontation with Chris Rock is just the opening salvo in a series of forthcoming ambush celebrity interviews with some of the big name stars he chronicles in Hollywood Hypocrites.

    “Hollywood celebrities preach to us to vote for Barack Obama and his leftist policies, yet not even they live by the values Obama and the progressive left stand for,” said Mattera. “If conservatives and Republicans are going to win in 2012, we must muzzle Obama’s backers. And that starts with a full-scale investigation of the positions they take and the lives they actually lead.”
    Among the celebrity targets Jason Mattera’s investigates in his new book are:

    • Alec Baldwin
    • Matt Damon
    • Leonardo DiCaprio
    • Madonna
    • Bruce Springsteen
    • Whoopi Goldberg
    • Bono
    • Arianna Huffington
    • Jon Bon Jovi
    • Spike Lee

    Andrew Breitbart endorsed Jason Mattera’s book, saying that it “unleashes a barrage of body blows to Hollywood’s holier-than-thou limousine liberals that may make them think twice next time they open their pretty mouths.”

    As for when he plans to release his next celebrity interview for Hollywood Hypocrites, Mr. Mattera says: “As President Ronald Reagan used to say, ‘You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!’ The next video is likely to drop sometime next week.”


    LARGE SARGE LEFT. Dogman4Socks, regarding Hoarder and LargeSarge accounts. " Edit: Bet it was no accident, maybe a point being made ?" " and for the one that did it , kudos for doing it. tho ye will remain unnamed... do not doubt this was an accident. "
    "This is a cult forum, that restricts open freedom and open opinions to be posted" "I've said before, if I get a chance to meet MAGNES in person, I'd be happy to knock his lights out" Mr 6 Sock Puppet Jew Troll
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  2. #2
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    Re: Chris Rock Attacks Tea Party as racists, Attacks Reporter Questioning

    High marks from me.

    Andrew Breitbart destroys ABCNEWS TROLLS .

    Exclusive: Andrew Breitbart on Race

    LARGE SARGE LEFT. Dogman4Socks, regarding Hoarder and LargeSarge accounts. " Edit: Bet it was no accident, maybe a point being made ?" " and for the one that did it , kudos for doing it. tho ye will remain unnamed... do not doubt this was an accident. "
    "This is a cult forum, that restricts open freedom and open opinions to be posted" "I've said before, if I get a chance to meet MAGNES in person, I'd be happy to knock his lights out" Mr 6 Sock Puppet Jew Troll
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    Re: Chris Rock Attacks Tea Party as racists, Attacks Reporter Questioning

    Didn't Chris Rock fall for that "make all the black men wear dresses" hollywood scam? I think he migtha. If the shoe fits. i.e. dressing like a missy means you can do the hissy.

    What does this guy have to say about dresses:
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  4. #4
    Iridium Awoke's Avatar
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    Re: Chris Rock Attacks Tea Party as racists, Attacks Reporter Questioning

    Chris Rock is a fucking retard. Period.

    Someone asks Chris if he is jewish.
    (I haven't watched it, Youtube is blocked, but the link came up on my search)

    Here he is in an interview:

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris during interview with Bill Mahar (Jew)
    Rock: Yeah, yeah. The school I went to—junior high, high school and grade school—were pretty Italian and Irish, and so they beat up the blacks and they beat up the Jews. So I would kinda be friends with the Jewish guys….I used to work at the NY Daily News and it was like ‘On The Waterfront’ where they pick you and there’s no rhyme or reason to why they pickin’ anybody. Well it was Italians first, then the Irish, then the blacks then the Jews and that’s in ‘89, ‘88, ‘87, ‘89.

    Maher: The blacks were ahead of the Jews?

    Rock: The blacks were ahead of the Jews, even then. So it’s always been me and some Jewish guy…
    I guess that would explain his rise to stardom...
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  5. #5
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: Chris Rock Attacks Tea Party as racists, Attacks Reporter Questioning

    Hagelian dialectic - divide and conquer. At least Italians and Irish see thenselves as Americans first, always. Blacks and Jews see themselves as Blacks and Jews, and treat America like a rental car. I have come to dispise the latter.
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
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  6. #6
    Great Value Carrots JDRock's Avatar
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    Re: Chris Rock Attacks Tea Party as racists, Attacks Reporter Questioning

    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni View Post
    Hagelian dialectic - divide and conquer. At least Italians and Irish see thenselves as Americans first, always. Blacks and Jews see themselves as Blacks and Jews, and treat America like a rental car. I have come to dispise the latter.
    its because they both have homelands of their own OTHER than the us. they can afford to trash this place, it isnt home to them.

  7. #7
    Great Value Carrots joboo's Avatar
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    Re: Chris Rock Attacks Tea Party as racists, Attacks Reporter Questioning

    Quote Originally Posted by Glass View Post
    Didn't Chris Rock fall for that "make all the black men wear dresses" hollywood scam? I think he migtha. If the shoe fits. i.e. dressing like a missy means you can do the hissy.

    What does this guy have to say about dresses:
    How about

    Will smith
    Samuel Jackson
    Richard Pryor
    Denzel Washington
    Morgan Freeman
    Forest Whitaker
    Laurence Fishburn
    Don Cheadle
    Wesley Snipes

    Can't recall if any ever wore dresses in their films. Did any?
    It was time to move on. Too many jello head moonbats with personality issues post on this forum.

  8. #8
    Great Value Carrots iOWNme's Avatar
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    Re: Chris Rock Attacks Tea Party as racists, Attacks Reporter Questioning

    Quote Originally Posted by joboo View Post
    How about

    Will smith
    Samuel Jackson
    Richard Pryor
    Denzel Washington
    Morgan Freeman
    Forest Whitaker
    Laurence Fishburn
    Don Cheadle
    Wesley Snipes

    Can't recall if any ever wore dresses in their films. Did any?
    My Etsy store:

  9. #9
    Iridium Awoke's Avatar
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    Re: Chris Rock Attacks Tea Party as racists, Attacks Reporter Questioning

    Time is running out, make all the jokes you want, but the future isn't so funny - General of Darkness

  10. #10
    Unobtanium mick silver's Avatar
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    Re: Chris Rock Attacks Tea Party as racists, Attacks Reporter Questioning

    all the news co call white people racists . so why are they not calling this ? he need one of those pills that help that
    “Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.” ~ Outlaw Josey Wales…


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