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Thread: Fuck you bob dylan

  1. #1
    Great Value Carrots iOWNme's Avatar
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    Fuck you bob dylan

    Remember the young Bob Dylan who was anti-establishment, anti-war, anti-politics and Pro Civil Rights? Well, he has been replaced with the new Bob Dylan who is pro war, pro establishment, pro freedom and pro Obama.

    This was a man who once led the anti-war/civil rights movement. Talk about SELLING OUT. Dylan could have used this chance to tell the system to EAT SHIT and could have had a lot of people follow him. But NO. He chose to side with the NWO. I REALLY Hope the Devil will supply you with his end of the bargain you struck with him.

    Hey Bob, can the 1 million+ INNOCENT CIVILIANS killed in Iraq get a medal for 'Freedom' to? Or are these medals only for cowards, bullies, commies and degenerate scumbags like yourself?

    So, a 'hats off' to this American traitor, and globalist boot licker.......I hope you die a slow and evil death. By Karma of course!

    Obama honors Bob Dylan, Toni Morrison, Madeleine Albright and more at Medal of Freedom ceremony

    (CBS News) In a ceremony honoring 2012 recipients of the Medal of Freedom, President Obama on Tuesday said he was "extremely grateful" to be able to personally thank the honorees "for the great work they have done" in America and worldwide.

    In remarks at the White House, the president celebrated each honoree for "the incredible impact they have had on so many people, not in short, blinding bursts, but steadily over the course of a lifetime."

    "What's wonderful about these events for me is so many of these people are my heroes individually," Mr. Obama told the honorees before the presentation of medals. "I know how they impacted my life."

    Among this year's Medal of Freedom recipients were: folk singer Bob Dylan; Nobel Prize-winning novelist Toni Morrison; former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; public servant John Doar, who led efforts in the 1960s to protect and enforce civil rights; physician and epidemiologist William Foege, who helped lead the successful campaign to eradicate smallpox; astronaut and former Senator John Glenn; Gordon Hirabayashi, who openly defied the forced relocation and internment of Japanese Americans during World War II; Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association; Jan Karski, an officer in the Polish Underground during World War II; Girl Scouts founder Juliette Gordon Low; Israeli President Shimon Peres; former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, and University of Tennessee women's basketball coach Pat Summitt.

    Citing the work of Morrison, Mr. Obama spoke of how the recipients onstage had informed his intellectual development and world vision. He also declared himself a "really big fan" of Dylan, who accepted his medal, stony-faced, in dark sunglasses.

    "I remember reading 'Song of Solomon' when I was a kid, and not just trying to figure out how to write, but also how to be and how to think," the president said of Morrison's book. "And I remember, you know, in college listening to Bob Dylan, and my world opening up, because he captured something about this country that was so vital."

    "Everybody on this stage has marked my life in profound ways," Mr. Obama continued. "Somebody like Pat Summitt, you know, when I think about my two daughters, who are tall and gifted, and knowing that because of folks like Coach Summitt, they're standing up straight and diving after loose balls and feeling confident and strong, then I understand that the impact that these people have had extends beyond to me. It will continue for generations to come."

    The Medal of Freedom is America's highest civilian honor, which the president remarked was reflected in how many people showed up for the awards ceremony.
    "I have to say, just looking around the room, this is a packed house, which is a testament to how cool this group is," he quipped. "Everybody wanted to check 'em out."
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    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Quote Originally Posted by Sui Juris View Post

    This was a man who once led the anti-war/civil rights movement.

    Are you so sure that the anti-war movement wasn't co-opted? Did his music not get played when he was "anti-establishment"?
    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
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  4. #3
    Great Value Carrots Down1's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Frauds and scum.

    The biggest POS will get his award at a special ceremony.

    Barf alert.
    President Shimon Peres of Israel, who will receive his award at a separate event Obama is hosting next month at the White House, was among the honorees. Obama said Peres “has done more for the cause of peace in the Middle East than just about anybody alive.’’

  5. #4
    Great Value Carrots iOWNme's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Quote Originally Posted by osoab View Post
    Are you so sure that the anti-war movement wasn't co-opted? Did his music not get played when he was "anti-establishment"?
    Yes i agree, and that is a whole story in itself.

    It seems almost all of these anti-war protestors from the 1960's have been co-opted, marginalized and/or suicided.
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  6. #5
    Tired Administrator Gaillo's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Meet the new Bob, same as the old Bob.

    Most hippies and '60s activists are not anti-government, they want a particular KIND of government... and don't really care how big and out of control it gets!

    Case in point: both of my parents are libtard leftover hippies from the 60's, who have spent most of their life preaching about how America needs to fall, how capitalism is the problem, how great communism is, etc. However, when Obama was elected and that bit of black lipstick was smeared over the pig which is our government, they were THRILLED! "That boy is going to do this country a lot of good", "Finally, a marxist in the whitehouse who will work toward abolishing capitalism and nationalism", etc. etc. nauseous etc.

    From what I can see, their (mostly rich, if the truth be told...) hippy hypocrite friends all seem to agree.

    Fuck the hippies... bunch of goddamned sellouts and hypocrites if you ask me.
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  8. #6
    Great Value Carrots iOWNme's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Where is the anti-war movement today? Hollywood? Music Biz? Sports stars?


    Somebody find me a fucking hero left in America. For that matter, find me a man left in America. (Other than GSUS members.)
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  10. #7
    Banproof. General of Darkness's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    He's a JEW, and all JEWS get awards for subverting their host nation. Haven't you people figured this out by now.

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    Awoke (6th June 2012)

  12. #8
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Quote Originally Posted by Sui Juris View Post
    Where is the anti-war movement today? Hollywood? Music Biz? Sports stars?


    Somebody find me a fucking hero left in America. For that matter, find me a man left in America. (Other than GSUS members.)
    The ones that even think about speaking up have seen the repercussions others have suffered for opening their yaps.

    If there are any celebrities left that give a damn about this stuff, I think they will keep their traps shut to keep collecting checks.

    Besides, why do we need celebrities to be the "voice of the people"? The celebs being seen now are just slaves to their media masters.
    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
    H.L. Mencken

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
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  13. #9
    Unobtanium gunDriller's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Quote Originally Posted by Sui Juris View Post
    Yes i agree, and that is a whole story in itself.

    It seems almost all of these anti-war protestors from the 1960's have been co-opted, marginalized and/or suicided.
    or they became Neocons.
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  14. #10
    Great Value Carrots LuckyStrike's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Quote Originally Posted by Sui Juris View Post
    Remember the young Bob Dylan who was anti-establishment, anti-war, anti-politics and Pro Civil Rights? Well, he has been replaced with the new Bob Dylan who is pro war, pro establishment, pro freedom and pro Obama.

    This was a man who once led the anti-war/civil rights movement. Talk about SELLING OUT. Dylan could have used this chance to tell the system to EAT SHIT and could have had a lot of people follow him. But NO. He chose to side with the NWO. I REALLY Hope the Devil will supply you with his end of the bargain you struck with him.

    Are these your words or are you quoting from the article?

    Whoever's words they are they are fucking retarded. If your view of history is so dense that you think being pro integration is a GOOD thing you are a fucking tool and a half.

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