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Thread: Fuck you bob dylan

  1. #11
    Mystery Tour Guide k-os's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyStrike View Post
    Are these your words or are you quoting from the article?

    Whoever's words they are they are fucking retarded. If your view of history is so dense that you think being pro integration is a GOOD thing you are a fucking tool and a half.
    So much for my dream forum. Hahaha. (But I do understand why you lash out.)
    The more you live, the less you will die. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ If you want to be somebody else, change your mind.

  2. #12
    Great Value Carrots iOWNme's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyStrike View Post
    Are these your words or are you quoting from the article?

    Whoever's words they are they are fucking retarded. If your view of history is so dense that you think being pro integration is a GOOD thing you are a fucking tool and a half.

    Oh they are my words, i will confess to you your Majesty.

    I was describing what Dylan and the majority of people would have considered him back then. I also used some sarcasm to boot but maybe you didnt catch it?

    But not once did i use the words 'Pro Integration', and Im not even sure where you pulled that out from? I guess i used the term 'Civil Rights' and you went directly to a race issue. Are you one of those 'racist' i keep hearing about? LOL

    As a matter of fact, i cant even see where anything i said EVER even remotely mentions ANYTHING to do with 'Pro integration'. Holy fuck man.

    Civil Rights was about STEALING all of Americans true BirthRight from their Creator, and replacing it with 'Civil (Government) Privileges'. (Which fucked the white man) They used race to accomplish this, because they knew this was an easy issue to manipulate. Much like 'Abolishing Involuntary Servitude' (Which fucked the white man) in the 1860's.

    You act as though Government is good as long as your white and the Government is white. WELL YOUR WRONG. Government is here to kill you. No matter what color you are. (If you were a certain Tribe it might help though.)

    Hmmm.....Interesting......1860's = Slavery. 1960's = Civil Rights.

    Toodles LS
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  3. #13
    Great Value Carrots iOWNme's Avatar
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  4. #14

    Re: Fuck you bob dylan
    Dee Antsir Is Blowin' In Dee Win

    Bob Dylan born Robert Allen Zimmerman on May 24, 1941, is a jew singer-songwriter, musician and artist. He has been an influential figure in popular music and culture for five decades. Much of his most celebrated work dates from the 1960s when he was an informal chronicler and a seemingly reluctant figurehead of social unrest. OY VEY! HE MADE MILLIONS OF SHEKELS OFF THE NAIVE DISILLUSIONED DRUGGED GOYIM KIDS IN THE '60s. GIVE HIM A MEDAL O'BAMMY!

  5. #15
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Robert Zimmerman, same name as old George Zimmerman's daddy. Bob Dylan even converted to Christianity...isn't George's daddy supposed to be a Christian too? If Bob Dylan had a son would he look like George? Oh I know, just a big coincidence but still...

  6. #16
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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  7. #17
    Iridium old steel's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    This thread gets my stamp of approval!

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  9. #18
    Platinum Mouse's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Look out kid, it's something you did
    some brown skinned coon gonna hit you in da head
    Civil rights for you and a chicken for your pot
    Ruth Ginsberg Bader
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  11. #19
    Great Value Carrots Heimdhal's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Come Gather Round People,
    wherever you roam
    And suck on Obamas kosher black stones
    If your country to you is worth saving
    Then you better start praising
    the one that is god
    Bob Dylan, a usefull Jew

    Praise him, the saviour
    Who set us all free
    and be sure you say thank you
    when you're on your knees

    Ah fuck it, I cant even finish it, I want the worst for them all.
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  12. #20
    Gold learn2swim's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Bob Dylan Admits He Sold His Soul to the Devil in an interview on 60 Minutes.
    It's good to be the King!

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