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Thread: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

  1. #1
    Unobtanium Shami-Amourae's Avatar
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    Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    There's been some discussion in the alternative media about how the bankers secretly want there to be a return to a Gold Standard. Why? Well from what I gathered they stole all our money with the current debt based fiat money system, and need a stable, sound money system again to be able to control everyone and everything. This isn't necessarily a bad thing for people like us since it would mean we'd probably become rich, but the entire mass of humanity who doesn't own Gold/Silver will be made extremely poor, and have nothing to fall back onto. They wont have any viable way to get out of the poor class too. We need a large and prosperous middle class to have a happy and productive society. I think this is why people like Mike Maloney want to get Gold/Silver into the hands of the middle class to preserve the middle class as much as possible.

    Maybe that's what the money changers do. They don't hold any allegiance to any particular system, but jump from method/system to the next just to maintain control and wealth. That makes a lot of sense to me.

    I don't know if this theory is correct or not, but it deserves some discussion. I believe its important to always question what you believe. Are we walking into a trap?

    Video by SilverFuturist discussing this subject:

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  3. #2
    Unobtanium Shami-Amourae's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Video from a Bill Still interview:

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  5. #3
    Chatmaster Flash vacuum's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    I think their secret for control is more about debt and usury than fiat.

    Another key thing might be land ownership where they own the land and we must pay them rent.

  6. #4
    Platinum Carl's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    They're pushing to make gold a Tier1 commodity asset, which would permenantly demonetize gold.
    The only ones who benefit from the conflation of money and credit are the issuers of credit with no money.


  7. #5
    Unobtanium Shami-Amourae's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    They are going to replace this current monetary system with another. I think we all agree with that, but do you think it will be another debt based system? Wouldn't they have to clear out all the debts to start that ponzi scheme over again, which means they'd lose a lot of their wealth? If they switched to a Gold based system they could restore confidence again (and the mass die off,) then just go right back to a debt based fiat system right after that.

  8. #6
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl View Post
    They're pushing to make gold a Tier1 commodity asset, which would permenantly demonetize gold.
    Please explain. I don't remember ever hearing the classification before. I am not finding much in a quick search.
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  9. #7
    Platinum Uncle Salty's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl View Post
    They're pushing to make gold a Tier1 commodity asset, which would permenantly demonetize gold.
    Actually, it seems to me that it then makes it closer to money as Tier 1 assets are counted 100% as cash equivalents on balance sheets. Gold as a Tier 3 asset only counts as 50% as a capital reserve asset.

    So, it seems we are getting closer to Freegold!!
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  10. #8
    Platinum Uncle Salty's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shami-Amourae View Post
    They are going to replace this current monetary system with another. I think we all agree with that, but do you think it will be another debt based system? Wouldn't they have to clear out all the debts to start that ponzi scheme over again, which means they'd lose a lot of their wealth? If they switched to a Gold based system they could restore confidence again (and the mass die off,) then just go right back to a debt based fiat system right after that.
    Debt based fiats are not bad as long as savers have a vehicle for protecting their savings' purchasing power. Freegold does that!
    Voting is the opium of the masses.

  11. #9
    Electrum Errosion Of Accord's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Wash, rinse, repeat.
    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. A republic is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome." --(Attributed to) Benjamin Franklin

  12. #10
    Platinum Carl's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Quote Originally Posted by osoab View Post
    Please explain. I don't remember ever hearing the classification before. I am not finding much in a quick search.
    Basel standards may be changed to allow banks to hold gold as tier 1 capital

    Here, the spinmeister FOFOA explains the goal.

    Freegold Foundations

    The object is to free central banks from holding gold as a unit of account.
    The only ones who benefit from the conflation of money and credit are the issuers of credit with no money.


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