9/11 a Decade Later, A Whole New Ballgame
http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-cont...conference.jpgRomney’s close relationship with Orit Gadiesh and Israeli military intelligence is the real reason he is the chosen candidate of the Zionist establishment. Romney is being supported by high-level Zionists, Israeli military intelligence, and their controlled media network.Reality and the Beliefs of the Military and Clandestine Community
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
First of all, to the idiots who monitor all our communications, internet, telephone, who knows how far they have gone or are going, do not think there aren’t lists of those who oppose this illegal effort and will see to it you are indicted. If you believe the current form of government is going to be superseded by a corporate plutocracy as in the Canadian TV shown “Continuum,” (find it) you are mistaken.
The old power bases are gone, too many have been burned. Playing spy as though you think the courts still support FISA will get you some GITMO time, don’t take my word for it, “times are a changin.’”
Homeland Security (DHS) is strangling the efforts of several older institutions. This is beyond just “turf war” and is becoming an embarrassment.
The machinery put together during Bush II is entirely dysfunctional, control of the Justice Department is gone, in fact, under Holder, we aren’t sure it exists anymore. Only Homeland Security is still around and will be held accountable, not for passenger searches but for childish plots. Go ahead, bug the Pentagon, you won’ t like it.
Here is where things stand on 9/11 today:
- The official accepted belief on the towers is that the two were destroyed by 4 small nuclear devices, two in the basement, two on upper floors, that produced over a million degrees of heat that dissolved the building, put out minor radiation for a short distance and kept fires burning for months. It vaporized enough steel to build 3 huge aircraft carriers and huge beams hundreds of yards away show more damage than anything in Hiroshima. This is the official opinion of DARPA and the US Army. This is highly classified but I am printing it anyway.
- Building 7 is said to have been destroyed with conventional explosives.
- No official secret finding has been reached on the Pentagon attack other than that wreckage from a Columbia crash in 1995 was dumped on the lawn and the site was altered during the day to simulate an air crash. I have not been given access to anything beyond this and choose not to make something up.
- The official finding as to rationale for the 9/11 attacks was to cheat insurance companies out of billions. Those who have examined US policy said that there were other simpler possibilities for bringing the US to war other than the 9/11 action against the US. (for those who don’t catch the connection, it has been accepted that 9/11 was an “inside job”)
- Many Israeli teams were involved in 9/11 and the twin tower attack was entirely an Israeli action with our military and intelligence services denying involvement. This is not my opinion, this is official.
- Several Israeli teams were arrested on 9/11, one after the George Washington Bridge explosion. There were other attacks on 9/11 thwarted by police, one on the Lincoln Tunnel. There is no evidence of an attack on the Verrazano Bridge or Brooklyn Bridge. Arrests were made of the Israeli’s at the GWB, hard proof exists but the arrests at the Lincoln Tunnel, two Israeli citizens, van of explosives and weapons is only backed by limited police testimony and they are scared to death. An authoritative source on the scene says the terrorists, Israelis, were turned over to Bernie Kerik, Police Commissioner and never heard from again.
Thousands of cancer victims, hundreds, maybe thousands dead of “radiation poisoning” already are attributed to use of fire hoses directly on the moulton nuclear “ground zero” which put radiated water vapor into the air which was unintended. These nuclear heat chambers below the twin towers put out massive heat for 64 days under a flood of continual cold water although there is no official attribution to their heat source. Perhaps it was burning asbestos and insurance policies?
An outrageously false cover story about a “toxic stew” involving “dry wall” was part of the “official record.” By that standard, every firefighter, drywaller or person who has lived in a building with drywall is actually dead but not yet informed.
Thousands of New Yorkers are dying of radiation poisoning from 9/11 and being “monitored” or being offered payments from a several billion dollar fund that mysterious appeared to buy their silence.
Other groups have evidence regarding the aircraft, crews, passengers, “theoretical phone calls and text messages” with much of it in FBI files. Some of that information is evidence worthy and some is not but there is much that can be introduced in court.
Many people who are potential witnesses have disappeared, thousands have been threatened. The numbers are so large that they in themselves have been used by some as proof there was a massive coverup conspiracy. “Why or how could so many people be controlled or killed and what kind of person would do this?”
Do you really want that question answered? You think the million plus dead on Rwanda was an accident? You never heard of the uncounted dead in Guatemala, Mexico and where you have heard, you have been lulled into immunity.
There technically was no “9/11″ and thus, any defense of American interests through military occupation, stimulation of insurrection, emplacement of puppet governments and theft of resources, no matter how profitable for the gang inside the Beltway, is not sustainable.
America has no vital interests in Central Asia nor is there any potential threat to oil supplies in a nation that has the choice of becoming oil independent in less than 3 years. (Can prove this is court).
more at link:
Good read!--BL