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Thread: Jim Willie - POW! - speaks truth to power!

  1. #1
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Cool Jim Willie - POW! - speaks truth to power!

    This latest Jim Willie article is hard hitting and riveting! Folks, we definitely in the endgame for the fiat money regime and US dollar hegemony. Willie predicted so much that is happening now years ago when less imaginative analysts scoffed. The highlights are:

    1. The US economy is imploding - the gasoline consumption stats prove it.
    2. US job growth has gone NEGATIVE - the BLS is lying
    3. The FED and it's minions are using every ploy and trick in a last desperate gambit to suppress gold in the face of exploding debt
    4. The US dollar reserve status is crumbling rapidly worldwide - the MSM is in black out mode.
    5. Negative interest rates in soveriegn short term debt have arrived - the central bankers are finished with their backs to the wall
    6. The LIBOR fixing scandal will mire central banks and their minions in hundreds of thousands of lawsuits.
    7. Coming massive scandal about to explode: systemic raiding of "segregated" private gold accounts by the corrupt bankers and 20,000 tons of missing gold bullion.

    Mamboni comments: Do not be fooled by the recent flat price action in gold and silver. These metals' price are being heavily suppressed as TPTB desperately try to keep the system together. They will fail. Soveriegn bond Negative Interest Rates have arrived - this is endgame for the paper money scam. Last call for buyers of physical - last call!

    Jim Willie: Extreme Danger Signposts
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to mamboni For This Useful Post:

    Celtic Rogue (12th July 2012),Gaillo (12th July 2012),Horn (12th July 2012),MAGNES (13th July 2012),Steal (12th July 2012)

  3. #2
    Iridium old steel's Avatar
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    Re: Jim Willie - POW! - speaks truth to power!

    I bought a few cases of metal today but it wasn't gold or silver.

  4. #3
    .999 Unobtanium Horn's Avatar
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    Re: Jim Willie - POW! - speaks truth to power!

    The effect on the GOLD price will be huge, but only after the blockades are removed that interfere with free markets.
    Piece of cake.

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